900字范文 > 医疗保障 medical Security英语短句 例句大全

医疗保障 medical Security英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-17 05:15:40


医疗保障 medical Security英语短句 例句大全

医疗保障,medical Security

1)medical Security医疗保障

1.The construction of harmonious society and medical security system-including perfection of the social medical security system;社会和谐与医疗保障制度建设——兼论社会医疗保障制度的完善

2.On transforming governmental functions in the system of basic medical security and the harmonious society;和谐社会与基本医疗保障制度中的政府职能转变

3.Rupture and Remedy:the medical security for the migrant worker;断裂与弥补:农民工医疗保障的理性思考


1.Deepening the Reform of Medical Insurance and Improving Medical Security System深化医疗保险改革 完善医疗保障体系

2.New Rural Cooperative Medical System and Rural Residents Medical Security;农村新型合作医疗与农民的医疗保障

3.Deepening reforms of the medical support system and logistics outsourcing.深化医疗保障制度和社会化保障改革。

4.Significance of Commercial Medical Insurance in Social Medical Security System;商业医疗保险在医疗保障体系中的作用研究

5.The Position of Business Medical Insurance in the Multi-pillar Medical Insurance System;多层次医疗保障体系中的商业医疗保险的定位

6.Thought of the Medical Security System on Account of the Specialty of Drugs and Medical Services基于医药特殊性的医疗保障制度思考

7.The Best Choice for the Rural Medical Security System Pattern:The Multi-level Rural Medical Security System;农村医疗保障体制构建模式的选择——多层次农村医疗保障制度体系

8.The construction of harmonious society and medical security system-including perfection of the social medical security system;社会和谐与医疗保障制度建设——兼论社会医疗保障制度的完善

9.A Research of the Government Responsibility in Medical Security--A Concurrent Discussion of the Lack of Government Responsibility in the Medical Security of Our Country;医疗保障中的政府责任研究——兼论我国医疗保障中的政府责任缺失

10.On the improvement of medical security system to construct medical service and medical security system;完善医疗保障体系 构造农村医疗服务和保障制度

11.An Analysis on the Status of Rural Medical & Health Care and the Peasants Medical Wish in Guangzhou;广州市农村医疗保障现状及农民医疗保障意愿分析

12.Discussion of rural medical insurance system;农村医疗保障浅析——崇仁县礼陂镇农村医疗保障执行困难之博弈论

13.Inspiration from International Experiences of Medical Insurance System to New Rural Cooperative Medical Service System;医疗保障制度国际经验对新型合作医疗的启示

14.Study of the Medical Security System on the Particularity of Drugs and Medicine基于药品和医疗特殊性的医疗保障制度研究

15.Configuring Anti-earthquake Medical Resource and Improving Medical Insurance合理配置抗震医疗资源 全面提升医疗保障力度

16.Differences in Chinese and Western Culture:Medical System,Ethics and Security of Medical Care中西文化差异:医学体系、医学伦理及医疗保障

17.The Healthcare Guarantee System of the City People with the Allowance for the Lowest Living standard;城市最低生活保障人口的医疗保障体制

18.Focusing on the Severe Diseases: A New Medical Security System Framework;论构建以大病保障为核心的医疗保障制度


Medical insurance医疗保障

1.Consummating medical insurance for health of farmers;完善医疗保障 关注农民工健康

2.On the reform of Chinese medical insurance system;我国医疗保障体系发展研究

3.Situation analysis on rural medical insurance in our country;我国农村医疗保障现状分析

3)medical guarantee医疗保障

1.Electricity charge theory and level classification ofmedical guarantee system;“电费付费原理”与医疗保障体系层次的划分

2.The basicmedical guarantee question of the peasants that account for more than 70% of population in China,can be said to be one of the greatest people s livelihood questions.占中国人口70%以上的农民的基本医疗保障问题,可以说是最大的民生问题之一。

3.In the market economy society,long?-standing conflicts exist between doctors behaviors and the level of residentsmedical guarantee and efficiency of medical insurance system.在市场经济社会,医生行为与居民医疗保障水平和医疗保险制度效果存在原发性矛盾。

4)Health insurance医疗保障

1.Being as a type of public policy,health insurance system should be improved and reformed according to the requirement of the policy sciences.作为一项公共政策 ,医疗保障制度在改革与完善的过程中应根据科学行政的要求对政策的价值取向进行深入分析 ,以便顺利实施改革的各项方案。

2.The differences in the cultural back ground, nature, psychology and social effects of the health insurance system in the orient and western countries and the true meaning of the culture of Medisave Scheme in Singapore and the culture of health insurance system in Germany were investigated.本文分析了东西方价值取向、思维方式、行为准则和消费观念等文化差异,及东西方医疗保障制度文化背景、性质、心理和效果差异,探索了新加坡家庭住院储蓄账户制度文化和德国医疗保险制度文化的真谛,对中国城镇所有劳动者“社会统筹与个人账户相结合”基本医疗保险制度作了文化寻根。

3.The government`s policy should be based on the cost efficiency rule,stress medical infrastructure,human resource,capital,system and other basic factors,and establish a great diversity and multi-layers of health insurance system in rural areas.这一问题的解决不能脱离我国农村实际情况,政府应本着成本效益原则,从设施、人员、资金、制度等要素抓起,构建多元化、多层次的农村医疗保障体系。

5)health security医疗保障

1.Study on harmonious development ofhealth security system in context of population floating to prompt the employment;人口流动、促进就业和医疗保障协调发展研究

2.Ruralhealth security system is dependent on the property right system in rural areas.农村医疗保障制度的发展与农村产权制度间存在密切的相关性。

3.For ahealth security system, the key factor is how to fund it.而长期以来,广大儿童却被排斥在现有的医疗保障体系之外。

6)Health care医疗保障

1.Discuss on a Fair Degree of China"s Health Care Resource Allocation我国医疗保障资源配置的公平度探讨

2.Health care has its particularity,due to influences from information asymmetry, adverse selection,moral hazard and so on.健康是人类生存发展的第一基础,医疗保障体制是人类社会不可或缺的基本社会体制之一。

3.Problems affect Chongqing\"s economic development, social stability, health care and health protection and many other aspects.本文尝试将重庆市人口老龄化、卫生服务需求、卫生服务利用、医疗保障制度联系起来进行综合研究,以重庆市人口老龄化的现状、特点、趋势为背景,了解重庆市老年人群的健康状况,分析人口老龄化对卫生服务需求、卫生服务利用、医疗保障制度等方面的影响,总结目前老年卫生服务中出现的新的卫生服务需求,如:家庭病床、等,提出适合重庆市老年人的卫生服务政策,以期为有关部门决策提供参考依据。


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