900字范文 > 儿童医疗保障体系 Childrens Medical Security System英语短句 例句大全

儿童医疗保障体系 Childrens Medical Security System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-19 08:25:43


儿童医疗保障体系 Childrens Medical Security System英语短句 例句大全

儿童医疗保障体系,Children"s Medical Security System

1)Children"s Medical Security System儿童医疗保障体系

2)medical security system医疗保障体系

1.Analyzing two-layermedical security system for internal rural transmigrant;农村移民双层医疗保障体系的结构分析

2.Studying the Six Influencing Factors to Develop the Medical Security System;建立我国医疗保障体系六个影响因素的研究

3.Establishing the countyside social security system has already become the urgent task for the goal that our country comprehensively realizes well-off,and themedical security system which is one of the social security system s contents,is a weak link.建立农村社会保障制度已经成为我国实现"全面小康"社会奋斗目标的一项十分现实而紧迫的任务,而作为社会保障体系内容之一的医疗保障体系更是一个薄弱的环节。


1.Deepening the Reform of Medical Insurance and Improving Medical Security System深化医疗保险改革 完善医疗保障体系

2.Significance of Commercial Medical Insurance in Social Medical Security System;商业医疗保险在医疗保障体系中的作用研究

3.The Position of Business Medical Insurance in the Multi-pillar Medical Insurance System;多层次医疗保障体系中的商业医疗保险的定位

4.On the improvement of medical security system to construct medical service and medical security system;完善医疗保障体系 构造农村医疗服务和保障制度

5.An Economics Analysis on the Rural Medical System in Rural China;中国农村医疗保障体系的经济学分析

6.Research on the establishment and improvement of the multi-level medical security system in colleges and universities;建立和完善高校多层次医疗保障体系

7.Medical Security System Construction of Rural Birth Control Family农村计生家庭医疗保障体系构建探析

8.On the role of commercial health insurance in the new medical care system论商业健康保险在新医疗保障体系中的地位

9.The Study on the Selection of the Main System of Medical Security System in China;我国医疗保障体系主体制度模式选择研究

10.The Development Strategy of Integrated Health Social Security System in Pudong New Area,Shanghai;上海浦东城乡医疗保障体系一体化的发展策略——城乡阶梯式医疗保障体系的构建

11.Currently it"s imperative to construct and perfect rural medical security system.建立和完善农村医疗保障体系势在必行。

12.A Tentative Idea of a Three-Step Plan for the Building-Up of the Medical Security System in the Chinese Countryside;我国农村医疗保障体系建设三步走的初步构想

13.On Proposal of Re-establishment of Cooperative Medicare Assurance System;关于重建我国农村合作医疗保障体系的构想

14.The Comparison and Evaluation of International Medical Security Schemes;关于国内外医疗保障体系的比较与评价

15.Analysis of building and improving multi-level health security system;浅析我国多层次医疗保障体系的建立与完善

16.Social welfare system and health care mode in Canada;浅谈加拿大社会福利制度与医疗保障体系

17.The Construction and the Route Choice of Urban Residents Medical Security System in Our Country;我国城镇居民医疗保障体系的构建及路径选择

18.The Characteristics and Enlightenments of Singapore s Medical Health Insurance System;新加坡医疗保障体系的特点及对我国的启示


medical security system医疗保障体系

1.Analyzing two-layermedical security system for internal rural transmigrant;农村移民双层医疗保障体系的结构分析

2.Studying the Six Influencing Factors to Develop the Medical Security System;建立我国医疗保障体系六个影响因素的研究

3.Establishing the countyside social security system has already become the urgent task for the goal that our country comprehensively realizes well-off,and themedical security system which is one of the social security system s contents,is a weak link.建立农村社会保障制度已经成为我国实现"全面小康"社会奋斗目标的一项十分现实而紧迫的任务,而作为社会保障体系内容之一的医疗保障体系更是一个薄弱的环节。

3)health security system医疗保障体系

1.Discussion abouthealth security system of primary stage of socialism;浅论构建社会主义初级阶段医疗保障体系

4)Childrens health insurance儿童医疗保险

5)children"s medical insurance少儿医疗保障

6)multi-level health security system多层次医疗保障体系

1.Analysis of building and improvingmulti-level health security system;浅析我国多层次医疗保障体系的建立与完善


