900字范文 > 债权让与通知 Notice of assignment of the creditors rights英语短句 例句大全

债权让与通知 Notice of assignment of the creditors rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-26 06:33:14


债权让与通知 Notice of assignment of the creditors rights英语短句 例句大全

债权让与通知,Notice of assignment of the creditor"s rights

1)Notice of assignment of the creditor"s rights债权让与通知


1.A Few Problems About the Transference Notification of Credit--A comment on the related judicial interpretations and judgment of the Supreme People s Court;关于债权让与通知的几个问题——兼评最高人民法院相关司法解释与判决

2.Article 80 Duty to Notify When Assigning Rights; Revocation of Assignment Subject to Assignee"s Consent Where the obligee assigns its rights, it shall notify the obligor.债权人转让权利的,应当通知债务人。

3.Where the obligee assigns a right, the assignee shall assume any incidental right associated with the obligee"s right, except where such incidental right is exclusively personal to the obligee.第八十二条债务人接到债权转让通知后,债务人对让与人的抗辩,可以向受让人主张。

4.Upon receipt of the notice of assignment of the obligee"s right, the obligor may, in respect of the assignee, avail itself of any defense it has against the assignor.债务人接到债权转让通知后,债务人对让与人的抗辩,可以向受让人主张。

5.On Performing Conveyance Obligations and Its Effectiveness When Transferring Creditor s Rights;论债权转让中通知义务的履行及效力

6.Where the obligee assigns its rights, it shall notify the obligor. Such assignment is not binding upon the obligor if notice was not given.第八十条债权人转让权利的,应当通知债务人。未经通知,该转让对债务人不发生效力。

7.A notice of assignment of rights given by the obligee may not be revoked, except with the consent of the assignee.债权人转让权利的通知不得撤销,但经受让人同意的除外。

8.Validity of the Agreements Concerning Transferability of the Obligatory Right and Its Prohibition;债权让与及禁止债权让与协议的效力

9.Article 80 of Contract Law of The People"s Republic of China Where the obligee assigns its rights, it shall notify the obligor.《中华人民共和国合同法》第八十条规定:“债权人转让权利的,应当通知债务人。

10.The Priority Rules and the Protection of Debtors in Assignment;债权让与中的优先规则与债务人保护

11.Analysis in Will-be Sold Commercial Houses from the Viewpoint of Conceding of Creditor s Rights;债权让与视角下商品房预售转让研究

12.Such assignment is not binding upon the obligor if notice was not given.未经通知,该转让对债务人不发生效力。

13.Such assignment will have no effect on the obligor without notice thereof.未经通知,该转让对债务人不发生效力。”

14.The Reasoning on the Abstractness of the Transfer of Creditor s Rights;关于债权(合同权利)让与无因性的思考

pare Study with the System of Cession--Discussion of perfecting the system of cession;债权让与制度比较研究——兼论对我国合同法中债权让与制度的完善

16.The boss assigned his car to his creditor.那工头把自己的小汽车让与了债权人。

17.Discussion of Perfecting the System of Twice Cession;我国民法体系中债权二重让与的完善

18.Counterplea and Countercharge of Debtor for Assignee in Pending Actions;诉讼系属中债权转让时的抗辩与反诉


On the Noticing of Assignment of Credit债权让与通知论

3)Study on the Notification of Creditor"s Right Transfer论债权让与通知

4)On the Notification of the Cession of Credit论债权让与的通知


pare Study with the System of Cession——Discussion of perfecting the system ofcession;债权让与制度比较研究——兼论对我国合同法中债权让与制度的完善

2.The system ofcession is an important system in civil law.债权让与制度是民法制度中的一项重要制度,对于加快债的流转,促进经济发展起着积极的作用。


1.Through long-term historical development, creditor s rights gradually lost the color of personification, which results in the birth ofassignment system.历经漫长的历史演进,债权逐渐失去人的色彩而实现独立的财产化,由此催生了债权让与制度。

2.Assignment system experience a lengthy process of development in the history.债权让与制度经历了漫长的历史发展,在古罗马法和早期普通法中,债权是不得转让的,之后由于贸易的需要,对债权让与的限制逐渐被打破,债权的转让逐渐获得认可。


