900字范文 > 债权让与登记 Registering of Assignment英语短句 例句大全

债权让与登记 Registering of Assignment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-29 05:22:24


债权让与登记 Registering of Assignment英语短句 例句大全

债权让与登记,Registering of Assignment

1)Registering of Assignment债权让与登记

2)creditor"s registered rights登记债权


1.Several issues about procedures for affirming creditors registered rights under maritime procedure law;海事诉讼法登记债权的确权程序中的几个问题

2.register of debenture holders债权证持有人登记册

3.The liquidation group shall carry out registration of creditor"s rights.清算组应当对债权进行登记。

4.bond registered登记注册的记名债券

5.Hindrance of Register of the Property Right to Creditor`s Right and its Remediation;物权登记对债权的妨碍及其补救——以房产买卖和抵押为例

6.register of assignment of book debt帐面债项转让登记册

7.register of debenture holder公司债券持有人登记簿

8.A cashier shall not be concurrently in charge of auditing, taking custody of accounting archives or entering the receipts, expenditure, expense or claims and debts accounts.出纳人员不得兼任稽核、会计档案保管和收入、支出、费用、债权债务帐目的登记工作。

9.register of interests in shares and short positions股份权益及淡仓登记册

10.Change of ownership or registration所有权或登记的变更

11.Original Registration of Ownership of Ships船舶所有权的原始登记

12.Deletion Registration of Ownership of Ship船舶所有权注销登记

13.the vessel ownership registration certificate, the vessel mortgage registration certificate, and the bareboat charter registration.船舶所有权登记证书、船舶抵押权登记证书、光船租赁登记证书。

14.Cashiers may not concurrently hold responsibility for checking accounts, keeping accounting files and casting accounts of revenue, expenditure, credits or debits.出纳人员不得兼管稽核、计档案保管和收入、用、权债务帐目的登记工作。

15.The State institutes the policy of managing external debts by registration.国家对外债实行登记管理制度。

16.The government practices a registration system for external debt.国家对外债实行登记制度。

17.Article 25 The government adopts a registration system for external debt.第二十五条国家对外债实行登记制度。

18.Creditors have better memories than debtors. --Ben jamin Franklin债权人比债务人记性好。——富兰克林


creditor"s registered rights登记债权

3)Registration of the claims债权登记


pare Study with the System of Cession——Discussion of perfecting the system ofcession;债权让与制度比较研究——兼论对我国合同法中债权让与制度的完善

2.The system ofcession is an important system in civil law.债权让与制度是民法制度中的一项重要制度,对于加快债的流转,促进经济发展起着积极的作用。


1.Through long-term historical development, creditor s rights gradually lost the color of personification, which results in the birth ofassignment system.历经漫长的历史演进,债权逐渐失去人的色彩而实现独立的财产化,由此催生了债权让与制度。

2.Assignment system experience a lengthy process of development in the history.债权让与制度经历了漫长的历史发展,在古罗马法和早期普通法中,债权是不得转让的,之后由于贸易的需要,对债权让与的限制逐渐被打破,债权的转让逐渐获得认可。

6)assignment of credit债权让与

1.This article holds that the effect of Article 83 provisions ofassignment of credit in The Contract Law of the People s Republic of China ( hereinafter referred to as Contract Law ) on speeding up economic circulation is to be recognized.本文认为 ,《中华人民共和国合同法》第 83条关于债权让与的规定对加速经济流转的意义是应当充分肯定的。

2.The system ofassignment of creditors rights has a long history which can trace back the ancient Roman law.债权让与是指不改变债的关系的内容,债权人将其债权移转于第三人享有的法律事实。


