900字范文 > 城市外来务工人员 Urban migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

城市外来务工人员 Urban migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-03 00:23:17


城市外来务工人员 Urban migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

城市外来务工人员,Urban migrant workers

1)Urban migrant workers城市外来务工人员

1.Urban migrant workers at the present stage of our social system change and social transformation during the special groups, but also in China\"s industrialization and urbanization, a rapid development stage of emerging new type of labor force, which is to promote institutional change in China\"s social and economic structural changes an important force.城市外来务工人员是我国现阶段社会制度变迁和社会转型期间出现的特殊群体,同时也是在我国工业化和城镇化快速发展阶段出现的一支新型劳动大军,它是推动我国社会体制转变和经济结构变革的重要力量。


1.Exploration and analysis on family moral education for city migrant works children;城市外来务工人员子女家庭德育探析

2.Analysis on Employment Discrimination to the Migrant-workers;城市外来务工人员就业歧视问题分析

3.Survey on Criminal Situation of Migrant Worker;城市外来务工人员犯罪情况的调查报告

4.The Survey on the Status of Scientific Literacy of Urban Migrant Workers城市外来务工人员科学素养状况调查研究

5.On the cultivation of external workers NGO--Aimed to solve the problem of external workers law-breaking and crime-committing;论城市外来务工人员NGO的培育——以解决外来务工人员违法犯罪问题为切入点

6.Migrant Workers" Sense of Community and Its Mediation Effect城市外来务工人员社区感结构探索及其中介作用检验

7.Psychological Analysis of the City Engagement of Exotic Employed Personnel s Children;外来务工人员子女融入城市的心理学研究

8.Study of Current Survive Situation and Management Countermeasure of Outside Countryside Work Personnel in Chongqing;重庆市主城区外来农村务工人员生存现状与管理对策分析

9.Health Services Survey for Migrant Worker in Cixi City;慈溪市外来务工人员卫生服务利用调查

10.A Research on the Housing Conditions and Inclinations of the Floating Population--a case study of the migrant workers in Hangzhou城市流动人口居住状况与安居意愿调查研究——以杭州市外来务工人员为例

11.A Survey of Migratory Workers in Baoshan City;保山城外来务工人员自主创业状况调查

12.Research on the Education of Migrant Workers" Children among the Margins between Urban and Rural Areas城乡结合部外来务工人员子女教育问题研究

13.A Study on community Education for Migrant Workers in Shanghai;上海市社区外来务工人员公共教育研究

14.Naturalization Management of the Guest Workers in Shanghai:Self-examination and Proposals;上海市外来务工人员的归化管理:反思与建议

15.Evaluation of the effect of AIDS prevention activity among migrant workers in Zhengzhou郑州市外来务工人员预防艾滋病活动效果评价

16.Research of Ningbo migrant workers training situation: Present Situation and Thinking宁波市外来务工人员培训情况研究:现状与思考

17.For their poor living conditions, parents of rural families who make living in cities have not yet realized that their young children need preschool education.由于隔绝于城市和艰难的生活状态,外来务工人员家庭尚未意识到其子女的学前教育需求。

18.Thoughts of Strengthen the Service and Security about Migrant Workers Based on Shanghai City in the Context of the Financial Crisis金融危机背景下加强对上海市外来务工人员的保障与服务思考


city migrant workers children城市外来务工人员子女

3)migrant workers外来务工人员

1.On the Rights of Social Security of Migrant Workers in Wenzhou;温州外来务工人员社会保障权的思考

2.Thoughts of Strengthen the Service and Security about Migrant Workers Based on Shanghai City in the Context of the Financial Crisis金融危机背景下加强对上海市外来务工人员的保障与服务思考

3.Research of Ningbomigrant workers training situation: Present Situation and Thinking宁波市外来务工人员培训情况研究:现状与思考

4)Out-of-town temporary worker in the construction site建筑工地外来务工人员

5)Immigrant employees and businessmen外来务工经商人员

6)Villages with Large Proportion of Migrant Worker Residents外来务工人员聚居村

1.On Interactive Participation Dynamics during the Community Development in theVillages with Large Proportion of Migrant Worker Residents;外来务工人员聚居村社区建设中互动参与模式的思考


