900字范文 > 城市农民工子女 the children of urban migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

城市农民工子女 the children of urban migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-19 11:26:23


城市农民工子女 the children of urban migrant workers英语短句 例句大全

城市农民工子女,the children of urban migrant workers

1)the children of urban migrant workers城市农民工子女


1.The Research into Situations about Compulsory Education Policy Implementation for Migrant Workers Children;城市农民工子女基础教育政策执行现状研究

2.Study on the Psychological Status and the Countermeasure of the Farm-workers Children in City;城市农民工子女的心理状况调查与对策研究

3.Research on Equal Opportunity of Education of Rural Laborers Compulsory Education;城市农民工子女义务教育公平问题研究

4.Analysis of the Common Features of the Educational Problems for the Children of Urban Migrant Workers in the Social Transformation Period社会转型期城市农民工子女教育问题的公共性研究

5.Review of the Subsistence and Health Status of Migrant Workers" Children from Rural Areas in Chinese Cities关于我国城市农民工子女生存和健康状况研究综述

6.Re-Urbanization: A Study in the Education of the Children of Migrant Workers;再城市化:农民工子女教育问题研究

7.How Should the Children of the Rural Workers Be Assimilated into the City Life;进城农民工子女融入城市生活研究综述

8.A Research on the "Survival" Problem of the Children of the Migrant Rustic-Workers in Civic Public Schools;农民工子女在城市公办学校“生存”问题研究

9.Education for the Children of Migrated Rural Workers: Current Situation and Its Solutions;农民工适龄子女在城市就学现状及其对策研究

10.The Compensation Research of Learning Right for the Children of Rustic-Worker in the City;农民工子女在城市就学的学习权补偿机制研究

11.Analysis of Logic, Function and Policy on Peasant-workers’ Children’s City Inclusion;农民工子女城市融入的逻辑、功能与政策分析

12.A tentative study of the education of the children of migrant workers in process of urbanization;城市化过程中农民工及其子女教育问题探析

13.Necessity and Approach of the Children of Migrant Workers in Urbanization Process城市化进程中农民工子女融入城市的必要性与途径

14.The Children of Urbanization: The Rural-urban Awareness and Self-identity of Migrant Workers’ Children in Contemporary China城市化的孩子:农民工子女的城乡认知与身份意识

15.Proactive Mechanisms of Young Female Peasant Workers Merged into the Urban Community青年女性农民工城市融入的主动策略

16.Many cities deny migrant children access to public schools.很多城市拒绝接受农民工子女进入公立学校读书。

17.A Research on the Compulsory Education Problems of Migrant Workers Children in the Process of China s Urbanization;我国城市化进程中农民工子女义务教育问题研究

18.On the Compulsory Education of the Children of Farmers Emigrating to Cities--case study of Quangang District in Quanzhou city;农民工城居子女的义务教育问题浅析——以泉州市泉港区为例


migrant workers city habitat children农民工城居子女

1.And it s also the region where the compulsory education problems ofmigrant workers city habitat children appeared earlier.苏南是我国经济社会发展较快之地,也是农民工城居子女义务教育问题出现较早、情况较突出的地区。

3)unofficial rural labor sellers children进城农民工子女

1.The statisticanalysis of the situations ofunofficial rural labor sellers children s learning adaptability shows that their learningadaptability development is in a relatively unfavorable situation,co.进城农民子女学习适应性相对处境地位的数理分析表明,与城市居民子女相比,进城农民工子女学习适应性发展处于一种相对不利地位。

4)The peasent-workers"children城市民工子女

5)children of peasants newly migrating into the city城市农转非新移民子女

6)children of migrant rural labourers进城务工就业农民子女

1.The article discusses the questions of compulsory education forchildren of migrant rural labourers in urban areas regarding to the implementation process of this policy.本文从政策执行过程分析入手,针对进城务工就业农民子女义务教育问题,循着政策执行问题察觉、政策执行问题界定、政策执行问题陈述的逻辑顺序和分析框架进行研究。


江城子 村居【诗文】:长堤细柳隐虹桥,弄笙箫,伴渔樵。醉倚枫林,仰面挂诗飘。释卷正逢秋水涨,临古渡,放轻舠。 夕阳西下暗窗绡,雁声高,笛声遥。碧簟凉生,细雨燕辞巢。隔岸篝灯孤艇泊,沽浊酒,短扉敲。【注释】:【出处】:
