900字范文 > 混同契约 pooling contract英语短句 例句大全

混同契约 pooling contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-01 18:38:43


混同契约 pooling contract英语短句 例句大全

混同契约,pooling contract

1)pooling contract混同契约

2)Mixed Contract混合契约

1.Researches on the Relationship of Employer-Organization Fittness Regulated byMixed Contracts;混合契约规制下的企业员工——组织配适关系研究


1.Hybrid Contract Design Based on Retailer Promotional Effort;基于零售商促销努力的混合契约设计

2.Researches on the Relationship of Employer-Organization Fittness Regulated by Mixed Contracts;混合契约规制下的企业员工——组织配适关系研究

3.Contractus consensu合意契约,诺成契约

4.On Salt Industry Contract (V)--Law Observation of Partnership Contract of the Salt Industry;盐业契约论(五)——盐业合伙契约法学观察

5.On Salt Industry Contract (IV)--Law Analysis on the Partnership of the Salt Industry;盐业契约论(四)——盐业合伙契约例析

6.partnership agreement合伙契约,合伙协议

7.Revenue Mixed Partition Contract Research of Price and Response Time Sensible Supply Chain;价格、时间敏感性供应链收益混合分配契约模型研究

8.relating to or part of a binding legal agreement.与合同(契约)有关或是合同(契约)的一部分。

9.Covenant:a binding agreement; a compact." 盟约,契约:有约束力的协议;合同."

10.Analysis of the Contractual Relationship in Public Projects Based on the Integrative Social Contracts Theory;基于综合社会契约论的公共项目契约性分析

11.Qiyue and hetong:Forms of Contract in Qing Dynasty China;“契约”与“合同”之辨——以清代契约文书为出发点

12.Modern Affiliated Enterprise:the Integration of Relational Contract and Individual Contract近代联号企业:关系性契约与个别性契约的融合

13.A written instrument given as evidence of agreement, transfer, or contract; a deed.契据,证书作为合约、转让或合同的证明的书面文书;契约

14.A deed or legal contract executed between two or more parties.合同,契约两方或多方间签订的契约或具法律效力的合同

15.Contractus bonae fidei善意契约,诚信契约

16.A document sealed as an instrument of bond, contract, or conveyance, especially relating to property.契约,证书加封盖印的文件,尤指与地产有关的契约、合同或转让证书

17.Folk-Law Feature Analysis of Salt-Industry Partnership Agreement;浅析盐业合伙契约的民间法特色——以四川自贡盐业契约为例

18.Education Credit Asset-Backed Securitization:the Integration of Debts Contract and Shares Contract教育信贷资产证券化:债性契约和股性契约的融合


Mixed Contract混合契约

1.Researches on the Relationship of Employer-Organization Fittness Regulated byMixed Contracts;混合契约规制下的企业员工——组织配适关系研究

3)collaborative contract协同契约

1.Acollaborative contract model with quantity flexibility is thus developed to stimulate both parties,with an optimum decision provided for the retailer to determine the upper limit of ordering quantity or orderin.同时建立了激励双方的数量弹性协同契约模型,并为零售商的订货上限和订货弹性提供了最优决策,提出了供应双方利润分配的方法。


5)cont.,contr. contract契约、合同



