900字范文 > 分离契约 separating contract英语短句 例句大全

分离契约 separating contract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-22 17:43:00


分离契约 separating contract英语短句 例句大全

分离契约,separating contract

1)separating contract分离契约

2)Contract of divorce离婚契约

3)separate balanced contract design分离均衡式契约安排

1.In order to eliminate this kind of adverse selection, venture capitalist can takeseparate balanced contract design in the light of the entrepreneurs of various ability to attract excellent entrepreneurs.为了消除这种逆向选择风险 ,VCs可以针对不同能力的创业家采用分离均衡式契约安排 ,从而吸引更多优秀的创业家 。


1.Study on adverse selection in venture capital: Separate balanced contract design风险投资中的逆向选择:分离均衡式契约安排

2.Benefit Equilibrium in Shareholding Separation Revolution:Looking for Contract Base for Benefit Equilibrium;论股权分置改革中的利益均衡——寻找利益均衡的契约基础

3.An Analysis on the Possible Equilibrium of Individual Property Rights and National Financial Rights from the Viewpoint of Contract;个人财产权与国家财政权均衡的契约分析

4.enter into a contractual arrangement.参加承担契约的安排。

5.Contract Forms,Arrangement of Financial Powers and The Evolution of Financial Governance in Enterprise;企业契约形式、财权安排与财务治理演进

6.Equilibrium Analysis on the Strategy of Interest Subjects" Behaviors for Contract Hire System of Agricultural Machines Based on Contract Mechanism契约机制下农机作业委托利益主体行为的策略均衡分析

7.An Analysis of Rural Contractual Insurance of Joint Defense for Public Security from the Perspective of Neoinstitutional Economics农村“契约式治安联防保险”的新制度经济学分析

8.Study on Dynamic Supply Chain Network Equilibrium Model with Contracts;基于契约的动态供应链网络均衡模型研究

9.Theory of Venture Capital Contract Price and Venture Capital Market Equilibrium;风险资本契约价格与市场均衡理论研究

10.Equilibrium Behavior and Optimal Contract of Both-Sides Moral Hazard with Risk Averse风险规避下双方道德风险均衡行为与最优契约

11.advance notification of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement or contract.退出安排或契约的提前通知。

12.Research on Financial Contract Arrangement Based on Double Principal-agent Theory;双重委托代理下的财务契约安排研究

13.The Auditing Contracts and the Independent Institution Arrangement;审计的契约安排与独立性的互动机制

14.The Vestment Tools Selection in the Vestment Contract Management;创业投资契约安排中投资工具的选择

15.Contract Design of Screening to Abstract Excellent Entrepreneur;吸引优秀创业家的信息甄别契约安排

16.Wealth,Entrepreneurship and the Optimal Financial Contracting;财富、企业家才能与最优融资契约安排

17.Optimal Contract Design in Venture Capital风险投资最优融资契约安排模型研究

18.Financing Contract Arrangements and Financial Governance--From the Perspective of Theoretical and Empirical Analysis融资契约安排与财务治理——基于规范和实证视角的分析


Contract of divorce离婚契约

3)separate balanced contract design分离均衡式契约安排

1.In order to eliminate this kind of adverse selection, venture capitalist can takeseparate balanced contract design in the light of the entrepreneurs of various ability to attract excellent entrepreneurs.为了消除这种逆向选择风险 ,VCs可以针对不同能力的创业家采用分离均衡式契约安排 ,从而吸引更多优秀的创业家 。

4)contract analysis契约分析

1.Based on thecontract analysis of firm,the paper investigates Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)through case study of Mengniu and Yili in Melamine Events.以企业的契约分析为起点,通过三聚氰胺事件中的蒙牛和伊利两家公司的案例,首先对社会责任的性质进行解读,指出企业组织、市场和政府管制作为社会责任契约的履行机制存在互补性,并探讨了社会责任缺失的不利经济后果。

5)Partial contracting部分契约

6)Agreement on Share of Management分管契约


