900字范文 > S-T-B法 S-T B method英语短句 例句大全

S-T-B法 S-T B method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-24 10:46:53


S-T-B法 S-T B method英语短句 例句大全

S-T-B法,S-T B method

1)S-T B methodS-T-B法

2)S-T methodS-T法

1.When the Yangtse River runoff is normal or less than normal,the depth calculated by theS-T method is almost equal to that calculated by the vertical grads method in shallo.长江径流量偏小和正常的年份,在东海的浅海海区(水深<200m)运用S-T法计算的跃层上界深度与垂向梯度法的结果比较一致,都与实际跃层深度符合较好。

3)S-T Analytical MethodS-T分析法

1.Using theS-T Analytical Method to Analysis the Classroom Instruction in Educational Technology Undergraduate Courses;以S-T分析法分析教育技术专业课课堂教学问题


1.Using the S-T Analytical Method to Analysis the Classroom Instruction in Educational Technology Undergraduate Courses;以S-T分析法分析教育技术专业课课堂教学问题

2.Control and Stability Analysis of Fuzzy Systems Based on T-S Model;基于T-S模糊模型的控制方法及稳定性分析

3.Analysis and Synthesis of T-S Fuzzy Control Systems Based on Piecewise Linear Systems Method;基于分段线性系统方法的T-S模糊控制系统分析与综合

4.Research on Fuzzy Fault Tree Analysis Method for Hydraulic System Based on T-S Model基于T-S模型的液压系统模糊故障树分析方法研究

5.Analysis and Control of a Class of Switched T-S Fuzzy Systems;一类切换T-S模糊系统的分析与控制

6.T-S Fault Tree Analysis of Gear Pump in Hydraulic System液压系统齿轮泵T-S模糊故障树分析

7.Stability Analysis and Controller Design of Some T-S Fuzzy Systems;几类T-S模糊系统稳定性分析及控制器设计

8.Analysis and Design of a Fuzzy PID Controller Based on T-S Mode;一种基于T-S模型的模糊PID控制器分析与设计

9.Analysis and Design of a Fuzzy PID Controller Based on T-S Model;一种基于T-S模型的模糊PID控制器分析和设计

10.Controllers Design and Stability Analysis for a Class T-S Fuzzy Systems;一类T-S模糊系统的控制器设计与稳定性分析

11.The Research on Analysis and Design of Fuzzy Control Systems Based on T-S Models;基于T-S模型的模糊控制系统分析与设计研究

12.Stability Analysis and Design for a Class of T-S Fuzzy Control Systems一类T-S模糊控制系统的稳定性分析及设计

13.Delay-Dependent Stability Analysis for T-S Fuzzy Systems with Time-DelayT-S模糊时滞系统时滞相关稳定性分析

14.Design of controller forT-S fuzzy descriptor systemsT-S模糊广义系统稳定性分析及控制器设计

15.A kind of identification for T-S model based on improved FCM partition algorithm一种基于改进FCM划分算法的T-S模型辨识

16.Analysis of Fuzzy Stochastic Systems and Control of Stochastic T-S Fuzzy Systems;模糊随机系统的分析和随机T-S模糊系统的控制

17.Study on Analysis and Control for Nonlinear Systems Based on T-S Fuzzy Model;基于T-S模糊模型的非线性系统的分析与控制研究

18.Stability Analysis and Controller Design for Discrete Fuzzy Time-Delay System离散T-S模糊时滞系统的稳定性分析和控制器设计


S-T methodS-T法

1.When the Yangtse River runoff is normal or less than normal,the depth calculated by theS-T method is almost equal to that calculated by the vertical grads method in shallo.长江径流量偏小和正常的年份,在东海的浅海海区(水深<200m)运用S-T法计算的跃层上界深度与垂向梯度法的结果比较一致,都与实际跃层深度符合较好。

3)S-T Analytical MethodS-T分析法

1.Using theS-T Analytical Method to Analysis the Classroom Instruction in Educational Technology Undergraduate Courses;以S-T分析法分析教育技术专业课课堂教学问题

4)R-T-S smoothingR-T-S平滑算法

1.This paper usesR-T-S smoothing technique to test and evaluate GPS/DR integrated navigation system via post processing of navigation data.文中应用R-T-S平滑算法通过事后处理导航参数来检测和评估GPS/DR组合导航系统的精度,利用GPS和DR提供的静态测试数据通过计算机进行了半物理仿真。

5)B-S-M model methodB-S-M模型法

1.In this paper,we useB-S-M model method to audit a single managerial option in marketing audit.尝试在营销审计中使用B-S-M模型法来审计单个管理期权,并通过实例与传统净现值方法相比较。

6)Stoer-Bulirsch (S-B) methodStoer-Bulirsch(S-B)算法


