900字范文 > 作法 method英语短句 例句大全

作法 method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-29 20:33:30


作法 method英语短句 例句大全



1.Themethod to prevent roof from leakage;防止屋面渗漏的几项具体作法

2.Local makingmethod and characteristics of wood archway in southwest Shanxi;晋西南木牌楼的地方作法和特征

bined with practice of design and construction supervision of Taiyuan to Jiuguan and Yuanping to Taiyuan expressway,the paper introduced basicmethods of supervision work,main experiences of construction supervision,proposed problem and advice for engineers′ reference.结合太旧高速公路和原太高速公路等60 余条高等级公路设计监理和施工监理的工作实践,介绍了监理工作的基本作法、施工监理的主要体会和监理工作中目前存在的问题和建议,可供工程技术人员参


1.UPC [Uniform Practice Code]《统一作法法典》[

2.batch method of operation分批作业法, 间歇操作法

3.double cropping; sequential cropping: Planting one crop after harvesting another.两熟耕作法;连续耕作法: 在收获一种作物之后再种植另一种作物的耕作方法。

4.It was a thoughtful gesture.这个作法考虑得很周到。

5.His attitude was obviously the right one.他的作法显然是正确的。

6.use surprise tactics采取出人意料的作法

7.and this is a practice which the present book will also follow.本书也将遵循这一作法。

8.dryland(s) farming"旱地耕作法,见 dry farming"

9.give evidence about sth in a lawcourt,etc(在法庭等上)作证

10."ten words"method for service保养“十字”作业法

11.Several methods were used for multiplication.作乘法有几种方法。

12.A discussion on the Legislation Law and the amelioration of our country government legislation task;立法法与改进我国政府立法工作论要

13.A law clerk, as for a judge.法官秘书,法务助理法律职员,如为一法官工作

14.method of operation操作方法;经营方法;经营方法;运行方式;运转方法;工作规范

15.Could not start print job.无法启动打印作业。

16."Nevertheless, I cannot answer for her.“不过我无法为她作答。

17.I can"t keep my mind on work.我无法集中精神工作

18.Feel one"s way in a new job.在新工作中寻找方法



1.2 Give the trainees strict requirements to avoid the perfunctory manner in theirpractice.其基本作法是 :一、统一调配 ,尽量避免岗位安排的随心所欲 ;二、从严要求 ,尽量避免实习行为的马虎敷衍 ;三、多方关心 ,尽量避免外部条件的反向制弱。

3)maneuver[英][m?"nu:v?][美][m?"nuv?, -"nju-]手法,操作法

4)operational method操作方法

1.The text analyzed the reasons of the low quality and efficiency,and took scientific measures according to the concrete case in the process of production,set about improving it from technological equipment andoperational methods,and thus not only improved the quality but also raised the efficiency substantially.对树脂铸件质量差、生产效率低的原因进行了分析;并提出了在生产过程中根据铸件具体情况,采取科学措施,从工装及操作方法着手进行改进的方法。

5)operating method操作方法

1.Study on theoperating method of preparative experiment of acetidin;乙酸乙酯制备实验的操作方法研评

2.The present paper discusses the dry cake quenching process,material flow of the coke,gas circulation and certain problems easy to be neglected in the boiler system in connection with the practical operating process for dry coke quenching,analyzes the harmfulness of the abnormaloperating method and puts forward the improvement measures.结合干熄焦的实际生产操作,对干熄焦工艺中焦炭物流、气体循环及锅炉系统中一些容易忽视的问题进行探讨,对一些不规范的操作方法的危害性进行分析,并提出改进的措施。

3.On the basis of improving cutting-tool angle andoperating method,the machining efficiency is raised,the difficulties in processing inside whorl are also solved.通过改进刀具角度及操作方法,提高了加工效率,解决了内螺纹加工的难点。

6)making method制作方法

1.The research of protein- based fat replacer,the type of protein,cooking and microparticulationmaking methods were reviewed.介绍了蛋白质为基质的脂肪替代品的国内外研究现状,基质蛋白的种类和湿热处理、微粒化处理制作方法,并介绍了蛋白质为基质的脂肪替代品在酸奶、奶酪、冰淇淋、曲奇食品中的应用。

2.It discussesmaking method of the vector electronic maps used in ITS and,briefly introduces their application instances.本文侧重讨论了适用于智能交通系统中的电子地图的制作方法,并简单介绍了其应用实例。


