900字范文 > 海洋法制 ocean legal system英语短句 例句大全

海洋法制 ocean legal system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-22 19:50:40


海洋法制 ocean legal system英语短句 例句大全

海洋法制,ocean legal system

1)ocean legal system海洋法制


1.The Success and Contribution of New China in the Area of Ocean Law and Policy新中国在海洋法制与政策上的成就和贡献

2.Pefect marine-related laws to explore marine resources;健全海洋法律制度 依法开发海洋资源

3.international Law of the Sea国际海洋法《国际海洋法》

4.The Study of the Legal System about the Prevention and Control of Ocean Engineering Pollution;海洋工程污染海洋环境防治法律制度研究

5.Oil Pollution at Sea and Chinese Legal System for Sea Environmental Protection;论海上石油污染与中国海洋环保法制

6.Office for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea海洋事务和海洋法厅(海事海法厅)

7.China has also improved its legislation work concerning maritime matters.中国加强了有关海洋领域的法制建设。

8.Conference on the law of the Sea adopted four conventions.联合国海洋法会议制定了四项公约。

9.Analysis on Island System in the Law of the Sea Stipulates of United Nations;试析联合国海洋法公约中的岛屿制度

parative Study on the Marine Practice of China, Japan and South Korea under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;《联合国海洋法公约》体制下中国与日本韩国海洋实践比较研究

11.Study on the Legal System of Prevention and Treatment of the Pollution to the Marine Environment by Coastal Construction in China;我国防治海岸工程污染海洋环境法律制度研究

12.On the Basic Principles and Legal System of Revised Law of Ocean Environmental Protection;论新《海洋环境保护法》的基本原则和法律制度

13.Institut Francais de Recherche pour l"Exploitation de la Mer法国海洋开发研究所(法国海洋所)

14.Declaration of the Law of the Sea(Montevideo Declaration of the Law of the Sea)海洋法宣言 (蒙得维的亚海洋法宣言)

15.Law of the Sea-Status of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea海洋法 -联合国海洋法公约的状况

16.Senior Law of the Sea/Ocean Affairs Officer高级海洋法/海洋事务干事

17.Environment Assessment and Study on the Total Quantity Control of Pollution in the Laizhou Bay;莱州湾海洋环境评价与污染总量控制方法研究

18.Research on the Automatic Plotting of Marine Environment Isoline;海洋环境信息等值线自动绘制方法研究


mechanism of enforcing marine law海洋执法体制

1.This paper analyzes current situation and flaws of China s currentmechanism of enforcing marine law.对于我国现行海洋执法体制的现状及其弊端进行了深刻剖析,并对我国海洋执法体制改革得出了切实可行的对策与建议。

3)marine mapping海洋制图

4)sea law and regulation海洋法规

5)the sea legislations海洋立法

6)law of the sea海洋法

1.Observations and Considerations of the Practice of International Law of the Sea;国际海洋法实践的若干观察与思考

2.Studies on the Interactive Relations between the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and Contemporary International Relations;《联合国海洋法公约》与当代国际关系的互动关系研究


