900字范文 > 法制 legal system英语短句 例句大全

法制 legal system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-21 11:33:00


法制 legal system英语短句 例句大全

法制,legal system

1)legal system法制

1.Strengthen Railway Legal System Building,Promote Railway Leaping Development;加强铁路法制建设 促进铁路跨越式发展

2.On Construction of the Legal System versus the Mampulation of Power in a Market Economy;市场经济法制建设对权力运作的思考

3.On the transition fromlegal system to the legal management in China;论“法制”向“法治”的过渡


1.The Legality of Coming to " Rule by Law" --The New Explain of Mao Zhe - dong s Legality Idea;走向法治的法制——毛泽东法制思想探析

2.New Development of China s Legal System: From Unitary to Plural;中国法制的新发展:从单一法制到多元法制

3.Sixth, the question of the legal system.第六点,法制问题。

4.Research on the Judge Selection System of the Late QingDynasty during the Transformation of its Legal System;晚清法制变革中的法官考选制度研究

5.Perfecting Sci-tech Legal System through Doing Well Sci-tech Legal Construction;搞好科技法制建设 完善科技法律制度

6.stelmor process盘条轧制控制冷却法

7.Booth algorithm of binary multiplication二进制乘法的布斯算法

8.a law enacted by a legislative body.由立法机关制定的法规。

9.controlled extraction process控制提取法(溶剂防缩法)

10.The art or practice of making portraits.肖像绘制法,人像摄影法

11.The law has been formulated according to the Constitution根据宪法,制定本法

12.Those who break the law are subjected to justice.违法者要受到法律制裁。

13.Enacting and improving rules and regulations.37、制定、完善法律法规。

14.The state should make laws and regulations and establish a state property management system .国家要制定法律法规.

15.ungovernable rage(无法控制的) 愤怒

16.binary coded octa二——八进制编码法

17.Be restricted By time[law]受时间[法律]限制

18.braking [mountain rescue]制停法〔攀山抢救〕



1.Prospects on Thailand Democracy: Army,Law,Money and Party;泰国民主的前景:军权、法制、金钱与政党

2.Thelaw basics and ethic orientation of market behaviors;市场行为的法制基础与伦理导向

3.Deng Xiaoping s Thoughts onlaw;论邓小平法制思想与依法治国基本方略


1.The author deduces the procedure people pursing labor relation from historical cognition;by steps,elaborates the theory accordance and enforce channel of constructing harmonious enterprise labor relation in the view of legality;as well,raises the attempt of cons.目前我国的劳动关系处于较不和谐的状况,实现劳动关系和谐的切入点很多,本文主要从历史的认知演绎了人们对劳动关系的探求过程,并进而从法律规制的角度阐述了构建和谐企业劳动关系的理论依据和现实途径,提出了在现有法制框架下构建和谐劳动关系的尝试。


1.Four Highlights of Urban-rural Planning Law:Integration,Legislation, Economy,and Harmony;统筹、法制、节约、和谐是《城乡规划法》的四大亮点

2.To solve problems of duplicate publications by legislation;解决一稿两投重复发表问题要靠法制

3.Research to Perfect theLegislation of Our Banking Supervision;论我国银行监管法制体系的完善

5)law system法制

1.On the Right to Development and Reform and Greation of Present China s Law System;论发展权与当代中国法制改革和创新

2.Having undergone a fluctuating developmental process, China’s higher educationlaw system has gradually grown into a legal system with rich contents and clear effect structures.我国高等教育法制经历了一个曲折的发展历程,逐步形成了内容较为丰富、效力层次分明的高等教育法律体系。

3.In the sight of protection of sports right,there are many deficiencies in our country s sportslaw system,which include unsystematic prescription of sports right,insufficiency of protection of populace sports right and propa.从权利保护的角度看,我国的体育法制建设存在许多问题,包括权利规定不够系统,缺乏对大众体育权利的保护、权利宣传不足以及体育执法中侵权现象明显等等,所以必须以权利保护为核心,加强体育法制建设。

6)legal institution法制

1.On the Internationalization And Internalization of Modern Chinese Legal Institution;近代中国法制的国际化与本土化


