900字范文 > 美国337条款 Section 337英语短句 例句大全

美国337条款 Section 337英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-17 07:03:54


美国337条款 Section 337英语短句 例句大全

美国337条款,Section 337

1)Section 337美国337条款

1.Section 337 is the short form of section 1337 of the U.美国337条款原指美国《1930年关税法》第337条,它最初主要管制对美倾销产品和垄断商业等不公平贸易行为,以后经过多次修改补充,形成系统的主要管制外国厂商侵犯美国知识产权的法律规则。


1.Positive Study on the Tactics How to Tackle Section 337 Investigation in USA;美国337条款调查应对策略之实证研究

2.Analysis on the Impact of the Article 337 of America on China s Ventures and the Countermeasures of China;美国337条款对中国企业的影响及对策研究

3.Implementing IP Strategy: the Effective Way for Chinese Enterprises to Cope With the Clause No.337 of American Tariff Law;实施知识产权战略——我国企业应对美国337条款的有效途径

4.The United States Section 337 of the Tariff Act and the Corresponding Strategy of China;美国关税法“337条款”及我国的应对策略

5.Research of U.S. Section 337 and Countermeasure of Chinese Enterprises;美国“337条款”及中国企业对策的研究

6."Section 337" of US Tariff Act and Countermeasure of Chinese Enterprises美国“337”条款与我国企业对策研究

7.Study on the Legitimacy of Section 337 of the Tariff Act of the US;美国关税法337条款合法性问题研究

8.On the Research of the 337~(th) Section of the American Tarrif Law and Its Significance on China;美国关税法第337条款研究及其对中国的意义

9.Analysis of Chinese Mechanical and Electronic Products Exports to America Encountered Section 337 Investigation;中国机电产品出口美国遭遇337条款调查分析

10.How to Deal with the Investigation of Provision 337 of the U.S.A. Tariff Law for Chinese Business;中国企业应如何应对美国关税法337条款调查

11.Research on TRIPS Agreement and Section 337 of the US Tariff Act and the Relationship between Them;TRIPS协议、美国关税法337条款及其关系研究

12.Research on validity of "Section 337" of US Tariff Act and coping strategy;美国关税法“337条款”之合法性解析及应对策略

13.A Comparative Study Between Anti-Dumping investigations and Section 337 Investigations of the United States ;美国的反倾销调查与337条款调查之比较研究

14.Chinese Enterprises Litigation Strategy of 337 Articles in the USITC;中国企业就337条款在美国国际贸易委员会的应诉策略

15.Section 337 on the U.S. Trade Law and the Countermeasures of China;美国贸易法上的337调查及中国的应对

16.Section 337 Investigations and the Counter-strategies of Chinese Chemical Enterprises美国337调查与中国化工企业应对策略

17.The Amalysis and Countermeasures of 337 Rogatory Case America towards China--counstruction of Chinses 337 system;美国对华337调查案件分析及应对策略——兼论中国式337制度的建构

18.Reasons and Countermeasures Analysis on US 337 Investigation on China;美国对华337调查的原因与我方对策


Section 337 of Tariff Act美国关税法337条款

3)Section 337337条款

1.A Comparative Study Between Anti-Dumping investigations andSection 337 Investigations of the United States ;美国的反倾销调查与337条款调查之比较研究

2.Research on TRIPS Agreement andSection 337 of the US Tariff Act and the Relationship between Them;TRIPS协议、美国关税法337条款及其关系研究

3.Section 337 and Chinese Export Enterprises;337条款与中国出口企业

4)Section 337 Investigation337条款调查

1.Positive Study on the Tactics How to TackleSection 337 Investigation in USA;美国337条款调查应对策略之实证研究

5)American terms美国条款

6)Section 337贸易法337条款

1.Study onSection 337 of American Trade Law;美国贸易法337条款研究


