900字范文 > 湿度效应 humidity effect英语短句 例句大全

湿度效应 humidity effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-20 20:51:14


湿度效应 humidity effect英语短句 例句大全

湿度效应,humidity effect

1)humidity effect湿度效应

1.Thehumidity effect in the radon exhalation rate measurement by the method of the activated charcoal absorption—γspectrometry;活性炭-γ谱法测量氡析出率的湿度效应研究

2.Aging andhumidity effects of optical surface deformation after deposition镀膜元件面形变化的时间效应和湿度效应

3.Thehumidity effect, namely the markedly positive correlation between stable isotopic ratio in precipitation and dew-point deficit in atmosphere %ΔT%-d, is put forward firstly and the relationship between {δ~{18}O} in precipitation and %ΔT%-d is analyzed in this paper for the Urumqi and Kunming Stations, which climatic characteristics are completely different.提出了湿度效应的概念,即降水中稳定同位素比率与大气的温度露点差ΔTd存在显著的正相关关系。


1.Aging and humidity effects of optical surface deformation after deposition镀膜元件面形变化的时间效应和湿度效应

2.FET gas transducer[sensor]场效应(管)湿度传感器

3.Studies on Characteristics of Atmospheric Humidity Changes and Effects of Various Dehumidified Treatments Inside Plastic-made Greenhouses;塑料温室内空气湿度变化规律与不同降湿处理效应研究

4.Indoor relative humidity has a low value in cold weather and is than a better measure of the drying effect on skin than is outdoor relative humidity.冬季室内相对湿度值很低,所以它在量度(度)皮肤的致干效应方面比室外相对湿度更好些。

5.The Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Humidity of Urban Heat Island Effect in City Green Island of Yantai City基于湿度的城市绿岛的热岛效应垂直分布特点——以烟台市为例

6.Dampness, especially of the air.湿度湿度,尤指空气湿度

7.Application analysis of independent temperature-humidity control air conditioning systems in high humidity area高湿地区温湿度独立控制系统应用分析

8.Effects of high-humidity refrigerator on quality of fresh Tai-tsai and celery高湿度冰箱对青菜和西芹的保鲜效果

9.Design of Temperature & Humidity Control System of Temperature-Stress Test Machine;温度—应力试验机温湿度控制系统设计

10.By deriving an equation for relative humidity. the effects of advection. turbulence and radiation on the formation of seafog are analysed.推导出一个相对湿度方程,分析了在海雾生成过程中平流、流和辐射的效应。

11.Urban dew is a non-negligible condensed water resource and humidity origin. To research its ecological effect is of great significance.城市露水是一种不可忽视的凝结水资源和湿度来源,其生态效应研究具有重要意义。

12.Sulphasalazine in the Treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis: Relationship of Dose and Plasm Levels to Efficacy;柳氮磺胺吡啶治疗强直性脊柱炎和类风湿关节炎的剂量和血药浓度与效应的关系

13.Researching Ecological Effect of Wetland Change in Beijing Region-Take Yeyahu Wetland Example;野鸭湖湿地变化的生态环境效应研究

14.Studies on the Heat (Dry, Wet and Green) Island Effects and Their Countermeasures in Zhengzhou City;郑州市热(干、湿、绿)岛效应研究与对策

15.Research on the Wetting-Drying Effect and Micro-Mechanism of Expansive Soil;膨胀土干湿循环效应与微观机制研究

16.Research on Equivalent Stress Properties of Water-Sensitive Loess during Moistening;水敏性黄土增湿的应力等效特性研究

17.Study on the damp-heat effects of composite material’s interface between CFRP and woodCFRP-木材复合材界面的湿热效应研究

18.Effect of Plant Community on Temperature Lowering and Humidity Increasing in Residential Areas of Shanghai上海居住区植物群落的降温增湿效应


Effect upon temperature and humidity温湿度效应

3)cold-humid effect冷湿效应

1.The study oncold-humid effect of wetland will help expose their eco-environmental effects from the angle of water and heat,and provide scientific bases for preservation and rational utilization of wetland.对湿地周围不同距离农田的近地面气温、湿度、地温以及典型湿地地温的测定表明 ,湿地冷湿效应与湿地植被及其积水深度有关。

4)hygrothermal effect湿热效应


1.Analysis on properties of the double-liquid zoom lens based onelectrowetting;电湿效应双液体变焦透镜性能的分析

2.Double liquid lens based onelectrowetting;基于电湿效应的双液体透镜

6)Raising Humidity Effect增湿效应


凝结湿度表(见露点湿度表)凝结湿度表(见露点湿度表)川呀j一e sh,d日biao凝结湿度表见露点湿度表。
