900字范文 > 氢气湿度 hydrogen humidity英语短句 例句大全

氢气湿度 hydrogen humidity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-31 22:13:09


氢气湿度 hydrogen humidity英语短句 例句大全

氢气湿度,hydrogen humidity

1)hydrogen humidity氢气湿度

1.The hydrogen generator station in Shajiao A Power Station was equipped with condensation type hydrogen dryers, but its outlethydrogen humidity could not satisfy Standard DL/T 651-1998.沙角A电厂在1995年装有冷凝式氢气干燥器的制氢设备原出口氢气湿度不能满足DL/T651—1998标准要求,因此,2000年采取了加装分子筛干燥器除湿的技术改进措施。

2.Aiming at the deficiency of currently used ways and instruments for measuring thehydrogen humidity in generators,a new method based on resonant cavity perturbation principle is being put forward,while the relationship betweenhydrogen humidity and resonance frequency offset deduced,and therefore an on-line way forhydrogen humidity measurement proposed.针对目前测量发电机氢气湿度方法和仪器的不足,提出了采用谐振腔微扰测量氢气湿度的新方法。

3.The cause and damage ofhydrogen humidity in generator is analyzed,the measuring mechanism ofhydrogen humidity is expounded,a personal stand point for conversion of standard is introduced.对发电机内氢气湿度大的原因及危害作了简要的分析 ,论述了氢气湿度的测量机理 ,对测量过程中湿度值的换算提出了个人的看


1.The cause analysis and treatment of larger hydrogen humidity of generator发电机氢气湿度大的原因分析及处理

2.The cause analysis of hydric humidity superscale and its control for Steam-turbine generator汽轮发电机氢气湿度超标的原因分析及控制

3.Experimental Research of On-line Measuring the Hydrogen Humidity in Generator Based on Resonant Cavity Perturbation Method;发电机氢气湿度的谐振腔微扰法在线测量实验研究

4.Dampness, especially of the air.湿度湿度,尤指空气湿度

5.Energy svaing measures of process of electrolytic chlorine gas and hydrogen gas dehumidification电解氯气和氢气除湿过程的节能措施

6.Hygrometer: An instrument for the measurement of the humidity of the atmosphere.湿度计:量度大气湿度的仪器。

7.warmth, oxygen from sunlight and wetness.温度、氧气、闭光和湿度。

8.The low-humidity atmosphere keeps the sugar from lumping.低湿度空气防止糖结块。

9.Test run of wet gas sulfuric acid(WSA) plant炼厂酸性气WSA硫化氢湿法制硫酸装置试生产

10.High environment humidity increases the susceptibility to hy-drogen induced cracking and stress corrosion cracking.高湿度能增大氢致裂纹和应力腐蚀开裂倾向。

11.The most familiar measure of the moisture content of air is relative humidity.最为人熟悉的空气湿度指针是相对湿度。

12.Any of several instruments that measure atmospheric humidity.湿度计测量大气湿度的几种器具的任何一种

13.The Influence of Hydrogen Concentration on the Chromaticity of MPCVD Diamond Films氢气浓度对MPCVD金刚石膜色度的影响

14.Humidity is a measure of moisture in the atmosphere.湿度是空气内含水分多少的量度.

15.Before reuse, the moisture in the recycled air is removed by desiccant.在循环再用前,用除湿剂除去空气中的湿度。

16.Experimental Study on Temperature and Humidity Field during the Process of Flue Gas Humidification in CFB-FGD;CFB-FGD工艺烟气增湿过程温湿度场的试验研究

17.Research on integrated scheduling of refinery hydrogen network with hydrogen inventory带氢气库存的炼油厂氢气网络生产集成调度方法研究

18.Effect of 3 Percent Hydrogen Peroxide Solution As Oxygen Humidification Fluid in Clinical Application过氧化氢溶液作为氧气湿化液在临床应用中的效应


hydrogen mositure removal氢气去湿

1.Since the use of CFCS is prohibited refrigerant R12 used in the Refrigeratinghydrogen mositure removal system for power station must be replaced.CFCs的禁用 ,迫使电站制冷式氢气去湿系统的原制冷剂R12必须替换。

3)wet hydrogen atmosphere湿氢气氛

4)moist hydrogen gas潮湿氢气




凝结湿度表(见露点湿度表)凝结湿度表(见露点湿度表)川呀j一e sh,d日biao凝结湿度表见露点湿度表。
