900字范文 > 思维和语言 thinking and language英语短句 例句大全

思维和语言 thinking and language英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-27 22:15:33


思维和语言 thinking and language英语短句 例句大全

思维和语言,thinking and language

1)thinking and language思维和语言


1.Exploring the Mental Process and the Linguistic Skills in Simultaneous Interpretation Training;试论同声传译教学的思维和语言策略

2.Viewing the conventional thinking and language predicament from the ancient travel notes;从古代游记看传统思维和语言的困境

3.Principles of Error Correction in Language Study;语言学和语言教学中纠错思维法的原则

4.New Interpretation of the Relationship between Thinking and Sense and Its Implication for Language Acquisition (Language Learning);思维和意义的关系新解及其对语言习得(语言学习)的启示

5.The Difference in the Mode of Linguistic Thinking and the Second Language Teaching;语言思维方式的差异与第二语言教学

6.The synthetic thinking of the Chinese and the analytical thinking of the English people and their expressions in the Chinese and English languages;汉民族的综合性思维和英民族的分析性思维在汉英语言中的表现

7.Discussion about the culture of EFL writing"s thinking mode from the relationship between language and thought从语言和思维的关系出发,谈EFL写作思维方式的培养

8.You can"t divorce accurate thought from accurate speech精确的语言和精确的思维一定是相辅相成的。

9.The Embodiment of Eastern and Western Different Modes of Thinking in Language and Culture;东西方思维方式的差异在语言和文化上的体现

10.The characteristic of artistic language thinking: interior image thinking and image thinking;艺术语言产生时思维的心象性和意象性

11.The Function of Moral Language in Moral Thinking;论道德语言在道德思维中的地位和作用

12.The Teaching of Composition Should Lay Stress on Synchronous Training both in Language and Thinking;作文教学应加强语言和思维的同步训练

13.On the Discourse and Thought of Qian Zhong-shu on the Classical Style and the Vernacular;从文言、白话看钱学的话语方式和思维特征

14.An Exploration of the Relationship between Language and Thinking, Reality and Human Behavior;语言与思维、现实世界和人类行为关系的探讨

15.How to Cultivate Students Language Skills and Creative Thinking;如何培养学生的综合语言技能和创新思维能力

16.A Comparative Study of the Adjectives in the Lisu Language and in the English Language and the Interaction between Language and Thinking;傈僳语与英语的形容词用法比较及语言和思维的互动

17.New findings in scientific theories and new linguistic thoughts --A review of Goatly s Consonant Grammar;科学理论新发现与语言学新思维——兼评Goatly协和语法

18.As for the two development routes applying in human Abstract thought and image thought, human language also forms two languages: proposition language and image language.对应于人类抽象思维和形象思维两条发展路线,人类语言也形成了两大语类:命题语言和形象语言。


language and thought语言和思维

3)mathematic thought and language数学思维和语言


1.Two kinds of arguments Fodor developed for the existence ofmentalese are met with objections.福德(Fodor)为思维语言的存在提供的两类论证都受到了反驳,但这些反驳或者只是表明福德等人提供的一些经验证据是不恰当的,或者指示了思维语言拥护者的努力方向,也就是大致界定思维语言与自然语言在思考过程中各自的应用领域。

5)language thinking语言思维

1.Some scholars hold that different languages generate different thinking,for language decideslanguage thinking.语言思维是指借助语言完成对客观世界现象描述和探索的心理过程的总括。

6)verbal thinking言语思维


