900字范文 > 语言与思维 language and thought英语短句 例句大全

语言与思维 language and thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-04 19:33:28


语言与思维 language and thought英语短句 例句大全

语言与思维,language and thought

1)language and thought语言与思维

1.On the Nature and Cognitive Function of Metaphor──a study of relationship betweenlanguage and thought as reflected in metaphor;隐喻的思维本质与认知功能——由隐喻与隐喻思维看语言与思维的关系

2.From the perspective of bothlanguage and thought,this article analyses the negative and positive transfer in native language transfer phenomenon and points out their guidance in second language acquisition.本文从语言与思维关系角度出发,分析了母语迁移现象中的负向迁移和正向迁移,并指出了这两种迁移现象在二语习得中的指导作用。

3.The present study concerns itself with the investigation of the relationship betweenlanguage and thought by looking at the conflict between rationalism and conventionalism in a philosophic sense.本文是关于语言与思维关系的研究。


1.A Comparative Study of the Speech Sounds between English and Lahu and the Interaction between Language and Thinking;从英语、拉祜语语音比较看语言与思维的互动

2.English-Chinese Bilingual Multidimensional Spreading Activation Model of Language and Thinking英—汉双语语言与思维多维激活扩散模型的研究

3.Perspectives and Means: Study of the Relationship between Language and Thinking论语言与思维关系研究的视觉与手段

4.Disagreement on the Traditional View about the Relation between Language and Thinking;关于语言与思维关系传统论断的异议

5.Language and the Ferryman to thought--Discussing Wittgenstein’s type of stride;语言与思维的摆渡者——论维特根斯坦式的跨越

6.Look at the Impact of Chinese Traditional Thinking Mode over Chinese Vocabulary from Relations of Language and Though;从语言与思维的关系看中国传统思维方式对汉语词汇的影响

7.Relationship between Language and Thinking of ML and FL in Adults" Foreign Language Reading论成年人外语阅读过程中母语与外语的语言与思维的关系

8.The Conflict Between Rationalism & Conventionalism-A Study of the Relationship of Language & Thought;唯理论与规约论之争——语言与思维关系研究

9.Some Issues in SLA from the Perspective of Language and Thought Relation;从语言与思维的关系看第二语言习得中的几个问题

10.The Difference in the Mode of Linguistic Thinking and the Second Language Teaching;语言思维方式的差异与第二语言教学

11.L1 Thinking and L2 Production Quality;母语思维与第二语言输出质量的关系

12.Poems, Remarks, Thinking On the Poetic Nature of the Language and Thinking in Ancient Chinese Philosophy;诗·言·思──试论中国古代哲学言语与思维的诗化

13.Ideas of Developing Communicative Thought Competence and Linguistic Thought Competence in English Teaching;英语教学中培养交际与语言思维能力的思考

14.The Eastern and Western Ways of Thinking and Their Influences on Chinese and English Languages;东西方传统思维方式与英汉语言差异

15.A Brief Analysis of Thought, Cultural Difference and the Difference of Chinese and English;思维、文化差异与中英语言差异浅析

16.Thought Discrepancies --On Language and Culture between Chinese and Westerners;思维差异——中西方语言与文化的比较

17.On “new findings in scientific theories and new linguistic thoughts”;评述“科学理论新发现与语言学新思维”

18.On the Two - way Choice of Language Expression and Thought;论语言表达“流”与思维“源”的双向选择


language and thinking语言与思维

1.The writers, after analyzing the relationship betweenlanguage and thinking in foreign language teaching, believe that teaching foreign language corresponds with training of the thinking ability, and explore the ways of how to cultivate the thinking ability , which has important significance to improve our foreign language teachin就语言与思维在外语教学中的关系加以探讨 ,认为外语教学与培养外语思维能力是一致的 ,并通过分析外语教学中培养学生思维能力的重要性 ,提出培养学生用外语思维的方法和途径。

2.CKBDS mainly concerns the correlations betweenlanguage and thinking, and the mental learning mechanism of adult EFL learners.第四章为实验研究,鉴于“双元结构”主要涉及双语者语言与思维的关系,本章通过对非英语专业大一新生和英语专业研究生的听力理解实验,证明了中国成年人的英语学习不仅无法避免母语的参与,如果指导得当,母语的参与还能够促进学习者英语听力的理解并提高学习者的听力技能。

3)think and language思维与语言

1.This article begins with the study the connection between English cognizance process of students,think and language, sentence structure and think model, to the inference that the think model of the students during english cognizance influences the success of their English study.本文从大学生英语认知,思维与语言以及句法结构与思维模式的关系入手,探讨大学生英语认知过程和英语思维能力,得出大学生英语认知是在其已有知识和语言能力及其环境经验的基础上的主动认知过程,是富有创新思维理解的过程以及大学生的英语思维模式直接影响其英语学习成效的结论。

4)the language and thought of the child儿童语言与思维

5)Metaphorical Thought and Language隐喻思维与语言

6)Language, Thought and Culture语言、思维与文化


《儿童的语言和思维》J.皮亚杰著。瑞士的讷沙泰尔市的德拉肖-涅斯特莱出版社19出法文版,共5章;在后来的第3版中又增加了6章。1980年文化教育出版社出版傅统先根据M.加本和L.加本的英译本翻译的中译本。在本书中,皮亚杰为了探讨儿童的语言和思维与成人的区别,以及儿童语言和思维的特点及两者间的关系,运用他所独创的"临床法"进行观察和研究,发现儿童的语言和思维与成人的有着质的区别,而不是像以前人们所认为的那样仅仅是在知识和见识方面存在量的差别。他认为,把儿童看成是"小大人"的观点是错误的。第1章记录了两个6岁儿童在一个月内的自发语言,发现儿童的谈话可以分为两大类,即自我中心的和社会化的。自我中心的语言又可分为重复、独自、双人或集体独自3种;社会化的言语可分为适应性先知、批评、命令和请求或威胁、提问、答复等5种。与此相关的儿童思维也是自我中心的。第 2章研究4~7岁儿童在同伴中的交谈类型和发展阶段,认为儿童在7岁以前仍是自我中心的,很少有真正的辨析和抽象思维方面的合作,也感觉不到自相矛盾的意见。第3章是用孩子们彼此讲故事的方法,研究儿童在交谈时是否彼此理解,结果发现儿童从7、8岁起才有真正理解的谈话。第4章研究9~11岁儿童言语理解的一些特点,即7、8岁以后到成为纯言语思维之前的言语方面的混沌状态。第5章记录了一个6岁儿童在10个月内自发提出的1000多个问题,探讨儿童所提出的问题具有什么样的逻辑的功能,发现3~8岁儿童思维的主要范畴可以表示为解释的功能、混合的功能和推理的功能。第6 章对成人与儿童之间和儿童与儿童之间谈话的语言进行了比较,阐述了"理智的自我中心状态"的特征。 本书所运用的临床法及关于儿童语言和思维特点的研究结果,成为皮亚杰以后研究工作的基础,并对后来儿童心理学界对儿童语言和思维的研究产生了广泛深远的影响。
