900字范文 > 内高压成形工艺 tube hydroforming technology英语短句 例句大全

内高压成形工艺 tube hydroforming technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-22 12:46:39


内高压成形工艺 tube hydroforming technology英语短句 例句大全

内高压成形工艺,tube hydroforming technology

1)tube hydroforming technology内高压成形工艺


1.Research on Hydroforming of Profiled Cross-section Hollow Component;异形截面空心结构件内高压成形工艺研究

2.Tube Hydroforming Technology and its Application to Vehicle Lightweighting内高压成形工艺及其在汽车轻量化中的应用

3.X-joint Tube Hydroforming Processing Analysis Based on FEA基于有限元仿真的四通管内高压成形工艺分析

4.Finite Element Simulation and Technique Analysis of X-joints Hydroforming Process;四通管内高压成形有限元模拟及工艺分析

5.Numerical Simulation and Optimization of Hydroforming of T-shaped Tube;T型管内高压成形数值模拟及工艺参数优化

6.Thin-walled Tube with Small Radius and Internal Medium Pressure Forming Technique薄壁小半径弯管与中压内胀成形工艺

7.Experimental research on spin-forming of cup-shaped thin-walled trapezoidal inner-gear杯形薄壁梯形内齿旋压成形工艺的试验研究

8.Research on Computer Simulation of Internal High Pressure Forming of Tubes and Its Optimization of Process Parameters;管材内高压成形的计算机模拟研究及其工艺参数优化

9.Study on Ball Spinning of Tubular Parts with Longitudinal Inner Rib纵向内筋筒形件滚珠旋压成形的工艺研究

10.Simulation and experimental study on cold extrusion forming technology of hole-through internal gear贯通内齿轮冷挤压成形工艺仿真与试验

11.Design optimization for warm forming process of engine shell of high strength steel高强度钢发动机壳体温挤压成形工艺优化设计

12.The Technology Analysis and Experimental Research on Round Extrusion Part with Intra-cavity Rib Forming of Aluminum Alloy;铝合金内腔带筋筒形挤压件成形工艺分析与实验研究

13.Forming Technology and Quality Assessment Investigation on Cup-shaped Thin-walled Inner Gear Formed by Spinning杯形薄壁内齿轮旋压成形工艺分析及质量评定研究

14.The Research on the Forming Process of Cup-shaped ZA27 Alloy Squeeze Casting with High Ratio of Height to Thickness;大高厚比ZA27合金杯形铸件挤压铸造成形工艺的研究

15.Technological Analysis and Cold Extrusion of Two-exit Components with Ring Shape两出口环形件的冷挤压成形工艺研究

16.Inner ratchet"s cold extrusion process design and numerical simulation飞壳内棘齿冷挤压成形工艺设计及数值模拟分析

17.Influence of backward extrusion punch shape to the extrusion process反挤压凸模形状对挤压成形工艺的影响

18.Study on Near-net-shape Hot-pressing of Mg Extruded Preform镁合金挤压预成形坯模压近终成型工艺研究


internal high pressure forming内高压成形

1.Application of combining uniform design, neural network and genetic algorithm to optimize process parameters ofinternal high pressure forming;均匀设计法、神经网络和遗传算法结合在内高压成形工艺参数优化中的应用

2.By means of modeling correspondinginternal high pressure forming finite element model and simulation with finite element analysis software MSC.通过建立相应的内高压成形有限元模拟模型,用M SC。

3.By means of modeling theinternal high pressure forming finite element model and simulation with finite element analysis software MSC Marc, the basic features of the shaped process and the fluence rules of forming parameters are analyzed.通过建立内高压成形有限元模拟模型,用MSCMarc有限元分析软件进行模拟分析,研究变径管成形过程的基本变形特征、成形参数的影响规律,探讨轴向进给与内压力的合理匹配关系。


1.Effects of loading paths onhydroforming X-joints;加载路径对等径四通管内高压成形的影响

2.Thickness distribution ofhydroforming Y-shape branch;Y型三通管内高压成形壁厚分布规律

3.Influence of internal pressure onhydroforming of Y-shaped tubes;内压对Y型三通管内高压成形影响研究

4)tube hydroforming内高压成形

1.Recent developments intube hydroforming technology in Japan;日本内高压成形技术进展(英文)

2.Stress and strain state oftube hydroforming and it"s influence on destabilization;内高压成形工艺的应力应变及工艺失稳分析

3.Pressure fortube hydroforming of lightweight parts is usually determined by the radii of bulgy corners because the pressure for forming a small corner is much higher than other positions.采用力学分析和有限元模拟对空心零件圆角部位在内高压成形过程中的应力分布和变形机理进行了分析,针对多边形截面空心件内高压成形,以矩形截面为例提出采用花瓣形预成形截面降低圆角成形压力的方法,分析了该方法降低圆角成形压力的机理,提出了花瓣形预成形截面形状关键参数计算公式,并通过试验进行了验证,为采用较低压力实现空心构件圆角内高压成形提供了理论指导。

5)elevated temperature forming process高温成形工艺

6)gas forming process气压成形工艺

1.Development and application of light alloy sheetgas forming processes;轻合金板材气压成形工艺的研究与应用


主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项■主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项品 名 注 意 事 项PVC聚氯乙烯 1. 产品种类范围非常广(硬质、软质、聚合物等),成型条件各有不同,从熔融至分解之温度范围很小,尤须注意加热温度。2. 附着水分少,但成型周期尽可能减少(50℃~60℃热风干燥)。3. 成型机方面,与材料直接接触的部位须电镀或采用不锈钢以防热分解所产生的盐酸侵蚀。射出压力2100kg/cm2程度。4. 所有塑料当中必须是细心注意温度调节。5. 浇口附近易产生流纹,故射出操作后,柱塞不要后退使浇口充分固化后再瞬间退后为宜。6. 加热之初温不宜高,特别注意熔融情形。第二级加热温度较高,且尽可能使成形周期缩短,比较安全。PA聚醯胺树脂 1. 成型温度比其它材料高,故采用油加热的成形机较适当。2. 吸湿性大,必须充分干燥。水分对成型品的品质影响甚大(80℃热风干燥约5~6小时)。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜。PP聚丙烯 1. 同PE,但成形温度必须较高。熔融温度170℃,超过190℃则流动性大增,则毛边增加,易产生接缝及凹入情形。PC聚碳酸脂 1. 吸湿性比尼龙小,但若有些微之水分存在则成型品产生其它色泽或气泡,故必须密封干燥同时成形时也须预备干燥(120℃之温度4小时)。2. 加热温度超过320℃时则产生热分解,成品变色,故特别注意温度调节,又成型时的温度调节也非常重要,须特别注意其最低温度、最低时间。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜(130℃~135℃,1小时程度为准)。
