900字范文 > 抑制性ODN Inhibitory oligonucleotides英语短句 例句大全

抑制性ODN Inhibitory oligonucleotides英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-23 13:19:29


抑制性ODN Inhibitory oligonucleotides英语短句 例句大全

抑制性ODN,Inhibitory oligonucleotides

1)Inhibitory oligonucleotides抑制性ODN


1.Establishment of a screening method for mouse reactive suppressive oligodeoxynucleotide in vitro利用小鼠脾细胞上清抗病毒活性建立新型抑制性ODN的体外筛选方法

2.Targeted Blockage of STAT3 Signaling Pathway with Decoy ODN Suppresses Growth of Human Glioma Cells;Decoy ODN靶向性阻断STAT3信号通路抑制人脑胶质瘤细胞增殖研究

3.Inhibitory Effects of Decoy-ODN Targeting Activated STAT3 on Human Glioma Growth in VivoDecoy-ODN靶向性阻断STAT3信号通路抑制人脑胶质瘤生长的体内研究

4.Inhibitory Effect of CpG ODN on EBV Replication in VitroCpG ODN抑制EB病毒复制的体外研究

5.In vitro study on the inhibitory effects of a novel CpG ODN on HBV replication新型CpG ODN对乙型肝炎病毒复制的抑制作用

6.Inhibitory Effect of CpG ODN to Proliferation of Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell A549;CpG ODN对人肺腺癌细胞A549增生的抑制作用

7.Preparation of I-1-P Chitosan-antisense Nanoparticles and Their Inhibition against M.tuberculosis GrowthI-1-P反义ODN-壳聚糖纳米粒子的制备及对结核杆菌生长的抑制作用

8.The Study of the Depressant Effect of ODN-PSsXT-1 on Chondroitin Sulphate Proteoglycans and Its Affect on Repair of Spinal Cord Injury;ODN-PSsXT-1对硫酸软骨素蛋白多糖抑制作用和对脊髓损伤修复影响的研究

9.reactive inhibition反应性抑制 反应性抑制

10.Difference in Reactivities between Immature Dendritic Cells and Differentiated Dendritic Cells Induced by CpG ODN;未成熟树突状细胞和分化的树突状细胞对CpG ODN的不同反应性及相关机制研究

11.Study of the Immunological Enhancement Function and Safety of CpG-ODN;CpG-ODN的免疫增强功能和安全性研究

12.inhibitory conditioning抑制性条件作用 抑制性制约作用

13.The Specific Binding of CpG-oligodeoxynucleotides to TLR9 under Extracellular Acidic pH;CpG-ODN与受体TLR9在酸性条件下特异性结合的研究

14.The Functional Study on Immune Cells That Are Activated by CpG ODN in Chronic HBV InfectionsCpG ODN激活慢性HBV感染者免疫细胞功能的研究

15.Study on Selectivity of Inhibitor BD2 for PKA over PKC βⅡ抑制剂BD2对PKA与PKCβⅡ的抑制选择性研究

16.non-suppressible insulin-like activity非抑制性类胰岛素活性

17.Studies on Preparation of Antimicrobial Liquid and Antimicrobial Character of Pomegranate Peel;石榴皮抑菌液的制备及抑菌特性研究

18.Study on Anti-coking Performance of a New Mixed Coking Inhibitor LPA-Ⅰ新型结焦抑制剂LPA-Ⅰ抑焦性能研究


antisense olignucleotidesAS-ODN

3)inhibition of inhibition抑制性抑制

4)activity of inhibition抑制剂抑制活性

5)rejection capability抑制性

1.Based on optimizing of frequently used polymers,the orthogonal test method has been adopted to determine the recipe of solid free polymer drilling fluid with strongrejection capability,mainly polyvinyl alcohol(PVA) and compound of inorganic and organic polymers,which can be applied to practical production.无固相聚合物钻井液是一种抑制性、防塌性能力强的钻井液体系。

2.The results of soak test,shale expansion test and shale"s rolled recovery showed the goodrejection capability and anti-collapsing.结果表明:LG植物胶抑制性强,防塌效果好;4%的LG植物胶能使基浆的润滑系数降低57。

3.Associative item“Research on strongrejection capability of solid free polymeric drilling fluid system”of the Geology Reconnaissance Station (in short of“GRS”), Jilin province, the purpose of this paper is to triturate dril.论文结合吉林省地勘局委托项目“强抑制性无固相聚合物钻井液的研制”,研制了适用于吉林省油页岩勘探工作的强抑制无固相聚合物钻井液体系。

6)inhibitive capacity抑制性

1.The characteristics, bore hole stabilization mechanism, composition and the use of the mud additives, the evaluation of the shaleinhibitive capacity, and the field application of the HPWBM will be discussed in this .介绍了国外高性能水基钻井液的室内研究和工艺技术方面取得的重要进展,包括其性能特点、井壁稳定机理、组成及处理剂作用、抑制性评价方法和现场应用效果。

2.An evaluation procedure was required to understand theinhibitive capacity of the inhibitor used.预防气体水合物危害的通常方法是在深水钻井液中加入水合物抑制剂增强其水合物抑制能力,这就需要对深水钻井液的抑制性有一个合理的评价。


超速抑制超速抑制ultraspeed inhibition正常情况下,窦房结对于潜在起搏点的控制,通过两种方式实现:①抢先占领;②超速抑制。超速抑制即窦房结对于潜在起搏点所产生的一种直接抑制作用。
