900字范文 > 抑制性受体 inhibitory receptor英语短句 例句大全

抑制性受体 inhibitory receptor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-14 05:28:43


抑制性受体 inhibitory receptor英语短句 例句大全

抑制性受体,inhibitory receptor

1)inhibitory receptor抑制性受体


1.Role of a Novel C-type Lectin-like Inhibitory Receptor KLRL1 in Immune Tolerance and Its Related Mechanisms新型免疫抑制性受体KLRL1在免疫耐受中的作用及其相关机制研究

2.The Role of Inhibitory Receptors with ITIM in Immunoregulation of Organ Transplantation;含ITIM模体的抑制性受体在器官移植免疫调节中的作用

3.Experimental Study of Selected Modification of NK Cells Function by Blockade of Killer-cells Inhibitory Receptors;选择性阻断KIRs抑制性受体调节NK细胞杀伤功能的实验研究

4.The Distribution and Function Research on Mouse Inhibitory Receptor LAIR-1 Molecule;小鼠免疫抑制性受体LAIR-1分子的分布及功能的研究

5.Functional Studies of DIgR2, a Novel Immune Inhibitory Receptor Expressed on Mouse Dendritic Cells;小鼠树突状细胞表面新型免疫抑制性受体DIgR2的功能研究

6.Soluble Immune Inhibitory Receptor 9.1C3/LAIR-1 and Its Significance in Pathogenesis of Some Diseases;可溶型免疫抑制性受体9.1C3/LAIR-1分子及其与疾病关系的研究

7.Biological Functions of mKLRL1, a C-type Lectin-like Inhibitory Receptor of Mouse and Its Gene Therapy for Cancer;小鼠免疫抑制性受体mKLRL1的生物学功能及其基因治疗肿瘤的研究

8.Effect of Demethylation Treatment on the Expression of Inhibitory Receptor KIR Gene in NK-92MI Cell Line去甲基化处理对NK-92MI细胞系抑制性受体KIR表达的影响

9.Orphan Nuclear Receptor, NR4A1 Restrains the Transcription Activation of STAT3核孤儿受体NR4A1抑制STAT3的转录活性

10.The immunoregulation of inhibitory IgG receptor (FcγRIIB)抑制性IgG受体(FcγRIIB)的免疫调节作用及意义

11.Study on the β-adrenergic receptor methanism of antidepressant drugs in rat brain with chronic stress induced depression.抗抑郁剂对慢性应激抑郁大鼠脑内β肾上腺素受体作用机制研究

12.The Role of Activin Receptor-Like Kinase 5 Inhibition in Inflammatory Lung Injury;活化素受体样激酶5活性抑制在炎性肺损伤发病机制中意义

13.These neutralizing antibodies ( would immunize the body against HI oer a person"s lifetime.这些抑制性的抗体将终生保护机体免受艾滋病毒的攻击。

14.Effects on activity of mouse NK cells by inhibitory Ly49 receptors blockade抗体修饰抑制性Ly49受体对小鼠NK细胞功能的影响

15.The GABA_A receptor-mediated inhibitory pathway increases the correlated activities in retinal ganglion cellsGABA_A受体抑制性通路增强视网膜神经节细胞活动的相关性(英文)

16.A Study on the Expression of the Excitatory Amino Acid Receptor, Inhibitory Amino Acid and Its Receptor in the Marginal Division;纹状体边缘区内兴奋性氨基酸受体、抑制性氨基酸及其受体表达的研究

17.Different sensitivity to inhibitions were existed in 9 acceptor plants.马唐等9种参试受体植物对柠檬桉中的抑制物质有不同的敏感性;

18.Inhibition of Activin Receptor Like Kinase Activation Affects Extracellular Matrix Metabolism after Inflammatory Lung Injury;抑制活化素受体样激酶5对炎性肺损伤后细胞外基质代谢的影响


immuno-inhibitory receptor免疫抑制性受体

3)inhibitory IgG receptor抑制性IgG受体

1.The immunoregulation ofinhibitory IgG receptor (FcγRIIB)抑制性IgG受体(FcγRIIB)的免疫调节作用及意义

4)Killer inhibitory receptors杀伤细胞抑制性受体(KIR)

5)inhibitory neurotransmitter抑制性神经递质受体

6)killer cell inhibitory receptor杀伤细胞抑制性受体


