900字范文 > 应力分类法 stress classification method英语短句 例句大全

应力分类法 stress classification method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-21 03:02:34


应力分类法 stress classification method英语短句 例句大全

应力分类法,stress classification method

1)stress classification method应力分类法

1.In this paper, thestress classification method and plasticity analysis method used in analytical design of pressure vessel were stated.对压力容器分析设计的应力分类法与塑性分析法做了概述,并对它们各自存在的问题进行了扼要的介绍。

2.The intensity evaluation was completed by thestress classification method.应用ANSYS软件分别建立了某裂解老区第二急冷锅炉的轴对称温度分析模型和空间非线性结构分析模型,对其进行温度分析和应力分析,并采用应力分类法完成强度评定。

3.Recent advances of thestress classification method are introduced in this paper.以ASMEⅧ-2 版为主线介绍应力分类法的最新进展,并结合我国JB 4732标准和欧盟标准EN 13445 2002来进行讨论和评述。

2)stress elassification method应力分类方法

3)stress classification应力分类

parison Between the Stress Classification and the Reinforcement Design Methods at the Opening Nozzles of a Pressure Vessel;压力容器开孔接管处的应力分类及补强设计方法的比较

2.The state of complicated stress was analyzed and suggestions for assessing thestress classification of the finite element analysis result of the large openings were put forward.针对内压容器壳体在开孔部位尤其大开孔接管部位有很大的应力集中现象,从应力分类的基本原理出发,分析了开孔边缘的复杂应力状态,并对大开孔有限元应力分析结果的应力分类评定提出建议。

3.The elastic "Design by Analysis" methods focus onstress classification approaches,such as the Stress Equivalent Linearization,the Two-Step Approach,the Primary Structure method,the Elastic Compensation method,and the GLOSS R-Node method.基于弹塑性理论的分析设计方法回避了弹性方法中应力分类法的实现难点等局限性,并已被编入欧盟的设计标准和美国的A SM E规范。


1.Stress Classifications for Design by the Finite Element Analysis有限元数值分析方法在应力分类中的应用研究

2.A method based on stress classification on design of united plate flange with convex head is presented.基于应力分类思想,建立了带凸形封头非标平焊法兰的设计方法.

3.The Application of Fuzzy Clustering Method in the Classification of Urban Comprehensive Competitiveness;模糊聚类在城市综合竞争力分类中的应用

4.This type of gauge has a strain resolution of approximately 40 micro-inches per inch.这类应辨计的应度分辨能力约为40微英寸/英寸。

5.Direct Design of Partially Prestressed Concrete Members according to Two Kinds of Limit State部分预应力砼构件按两类极限状态的直接设计

6.Stability Analysis for Some Classes of Dynamics under Uncertainty with Applications;几类不确定动力系统的稳定性分析及应用

7.Mechanical Analysis and Application of New Technology of Heavy Plank Forgeings-Making;大型板类锻件制造新工艺的力学分析与应用

8.Applications of SVM in the Classification of Kidney Stones and Calculating Thermodynamics Parameter;SVM在肾结石分类和计算热力学参数中的应用

9.The Three-dimension Finite Element Method Stress Analysis of Class Ⅱ Cavities with Different Inter-proximal Wall Height;不同邻面高度的Ⅱ类洞型三维有限元应力分析

10.Bayesian Reliability Analysis for Stress-Strength Models;一类应力—强度干涉模型的Bayes可靠性分析

11.Analysis of ‘Story Category’ of HSK Listening Comprehension and the Way to Dealing with It;HSK听力理解“故事类”文体题型分析及应对策略

12.Tent analysis in teaching listening comprehension of short passages;语篇分析在英语短文类语篇听力教学中的应用

13.The Feature of Classification and Application in EPS System汽车电动助力转向系统的分类及应用特点

14.Stiffness and Stress Analysis of a Class of Bridge-Type Direct CouplingCompliant Mechanism一类桥式直接耦合柔性机构的刚度与应力分析

15.Application of Cluster analysis in the land engineering capacity evaluation聚类分析在土地工程能力评价中的应用

parative analysis of mechanical response of three typical asphalt pavement structures三类沥青路面结构力学响应的对比分析

17.Gray Clustering Analysis in Comfortability of Clothing Pressure应用灰色聚类分析评价服装压力的舒适性

18.Resin composite shrinkage stress distribution in classⅠcavity of mandibular molar using 3D finite element analysis磨牙Ⅰ类洞复合树脂收缩应力的有限元分析


stress elassification method应力分类方法

3)stress classification应力分类

parison Between the Stress Classification and the Reinforcement Design Methods at the Opening Nozzles of a Pressure Vessel;压力容器开孔接管处的应力分类及补强设计方法的比较

2.The state of complicated stress was analyzed and suggestions for assessing thestress classification of the finite element analysis result of the large openings were put forward.针对内压容器壳体在开孔部位尤其大开孔接管部位有很大的应力集中现象,从应力分类的基本原理出发,分析了开孔边缘的复杂应力状态,并对大开孔有限元应力分析结果的应力分类评定提出建议。

3.The elastic "Design by Analysis" methods focus onstress classification approaches,such as the Stress Equivalent Linearization,the Two-Step Approach,the Primary Structure method,the Elastic Compensation method,and the GLOSS R-Node method.基于弹塑性理论的分析设计方法回避了弹性方法中应力分类法的实现难点等局限性,并已被编入欧盟的设计标准和美国的A SM E规范。

4)gravitation classification引力分类法

1.This paper is inspired by the mind of universal gravitation and the method of "gravitation classification" is introduced here.本文从物理学中的万有引力得到启发 ,提出了“引力分类法”。

5)stress calculus of variations应力变分法

1.Analysis of stress distribution near borehole in orthotropic rockmass withstress calculus of variations;正交各向异性岩体钻孔周围应力分布的应力变分法分析

6)stress analysis method应力分析法

1.Modeled the reliability of the controller of self-rescue system for AUV,predicted the failure rate λ_s and mean time between failure MTBF by using partstress analysis method,and finally raised several ways to improve the reliability of system.针对智能水下机器人自救系统的控制器部分建立了其可靠性数学模型,应用元件应力分析法,预计出了自救系统控制器部分的故障率λs及平均故障间隔时间MTBF,并总结了若干提高系统可靠性的途径。

2.According to the practical issues encountered in boiler inspection thestress analysis method is applied in analytic error calculation of small end of conical head with half top angle>60°.针对在锅炉检验中常遇到的实际问题 ,应用应力分析法 ,对半顶角大于 60°锥形封头的小端解析误差进行了计算分析 ,并经解析式验算 ,指出其误差在工程允许范围内。

3.In the paper, the reliability of a module was predicted with device counting method and devicestress analysis method repectively.该文以一个模块为例,分别用元器件计数法和应力分析法进行可靠性预计,从中比较出两种算法的特点,以便更好的适应设计。


轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)轧辊残余应力(见轧辊应力)residual stresses in rollzhagun eanyu yingli轧辊残余应力(residual stresses in roll)见礼辐应力。
