900字范文 > 决策树分类法 decision-tree classification method英语短句 例句大全

决策树分类法 decision-tree classification method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-15 05:08:57


决策树分类法 decision-tree classification method英语短句 例句大全

决策树分类法,decision-tree classification method

1)decision-tree classification method决策树分类法


1.The Application of Decisionmaking Tree Classification ID3 Algorithm in Customer Value Segmentation in Aviation Market;决策树分类法中ID3算法在航空市场客户价值细分中的应用

2.Study of CRM System Based on Decision Tree Classification Algorithms;基于决策树分类算法的CRM系统研究

3.CRM Research Based on the Decision Tree Classification Algorithm;基于决策树分类算法的企业CRM研究

4.The Decision Tree Classification and Its Application in Land Cover;基于决策树的遥感影像分类方法研究

5.Method for Decision-tree Classifier Using Multi-feature of Images基于影像多种特征的决策树分类方法

6.Method for P2P traffic classification based on decision-tree model基于决策树模型的P2P流量分类方法

7.Internet Traffic Classification Using C4.5 Decision Tree基于C4.5决策树的流量分类方法

8.Study of Land Use Classification Based on Decision Tree Method基于决策树的土地利用分类方法研究

9.A Study of Construction and Classification of Decision Tree Classifiers Based on SEE5.0 Algorithm基于See5.0算法的决策树构建与分类研究

10.The Application in Library Management System Which Based on ID3 Classifying Algorithm决策树ID3分类算法在文本分类中的应用研究

11.Classification Methods of Remote Sensing Image Based on Decision Tree Technologies基于决策树分类技术的遥感影像分类方法研究

12.Decision tree algorithm in the classification of machine learning methods基于分类的机器学习方法中的决策树算法

13.Study on GA-based SVM multi-class classification decision-tree optimization algorithm基于遗传算法的SVM多分类决策树优化算法研究

14.An Automatic Classification Model of Remote-Sensing Image Based on Pixel Information Decomposition Combined with Decision Tree;像元信息分解和决策树相结合的影像分类方法

15.Research on Images Classification Decision Tree Based on Multiple Figures;基于多特征的图像分类决策树生成方法研究

16.Research and Application on the Decision Tree Classification Algorithm of Data Mining;数据挖掘中决策树分类算法研究与应用

17.Study on Coronary Heart Disease Classification by Rough Set and Decision Tree Algorithm;粗糙集与决策树算法用于冠心病分类研究

18.Research and Application on Decision Tree in Data Mining;数据挖掘决策树分类算法的研究与应用


Decision tree classification algorithm决策树分类算法

1.There are some various algorithms in data mining, and decision tree classification algorithm is the most popular one.在数据挖掘中存在多种算法,决策树分类算法是应用比较多的一种。

3)decision tree classification决策树分类

1.In this paper,a set of optimized textures was chosen,which was used to classify the high spatial resolution remote sensing image based ondecision tree classification(DTC) combined with multiscale texture data.通过选择最佳纹理尺度组合,利用光谱数据结合多尺度纹理对高分辨率影像进行决策树分类。

2.In this research, three different typesdecision tree classification (UDT, MDT and HDT) are present.基于决策树分类算法在遥感影像分类方面的深厚潜力 ,探讨了 3种不同的决策树算法 (UDT、MDT和HDT)。

4)decision tree决策树分类

1.A method of classifying users usingdecision tree technique was presented in the paper, which realized users classification according to their access patterns through processing Web session file, signing class and classifying users usingdecision tree, so that personalized recommendation and guide can be done for different users, and E-Services quality was improved.提出了一种应用决策树分类技术进行用户分类的方法 ,通过对 Web会话文件的处理、赋予类标记及决策树分类过程 ,实现了根据访问模式对用户的分类 ,以便个性化推荐和指导能够针对不同类别的用户进行 ,从而提高 E- Ser-vices中个性化服务的质量 。

2.Then thedecision tree classification,the maximum likelihood method in the surveillance classification in practice and the precision comparison in the land.TM遥感影像能获取丰富的地面信息,适合于大面积的宏观监测,文章利用分层分类的方法提取南京江宁区土地利用信息,获得了土地利用变化图,并对土地利用分类方法中的决策树分类和监督分类方法中的最大似然法在实践中的应用和精度比较进行了探讨,最后结合GIS空间分析方法对分类的结果图进行比较分析,并分析其变化的原因。

5)classification decision tree分类决策树

6)decision classifying tree决策分类树

1.These binary classifiers are seen as the nodes of decision tree, and construct adecision classifying tree.根据手写体金融汉字的特点,利用核聚类方法将原始样本特征映射到高维特征进行聚类分组,对每一组使用一个支持向量机二值分类器进行分类,并用这些二值分类器组成决策树的结点,构成一个决策分类树。


