900字范文 > 流动性支持 liquidity assistance英语短句 例句大全

流动性支持 liquidity assistance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-31 23:29:00


流动性支持 liquidity assistance英语短句 例句大全

流动性支持,liquidity assistance

1)liquidity assistance流动性支持

1.The basic elements of East Asian financial and monetary cooperation areliquidity assistance, regional supervision and monitoring, exchange rate coordination.东亚金融货币合作的三大基本元素分别是流动性支持、区域监测监控以及汇率协调。


1.Study on Information Disclosure of Central Bank"s Emergency Liquidity Assistance中央银行紧急流动性支持信息披露问题研究

2.Out-migration of Young Adults and Gender Division of Intergenerational Support in Rural China;劳动力外流下农村家庭代际支持性别分工研究

3.Research on Flexibility and Adaptation to Make Workflow System Support Dynamic Change支持工作流系统动态变化的柔性及适应性技术研究

4.The first is a Backing Portfolio to ensure that the monetary base related to the currency board operations is fully backed by highly liquid, short-term US dollar denominated interest-bearing securities.其一是支持组合,确保货币基础获得高流动性的短期美元有息证券作十足支持;

5.The first is a Backing Portfolio to ensure that the monetary base related to the currency board operations is fully backed by highly liquid, primarily short-term, US dollar denominated debt securities.其一是支持组合,确保货币基础获得高流动性及主要属短期的美元债务证券提供十足支持;

6.Research of Supporting Dynamic BPR and ERP System Adaptive Workflow Management System支持动态BPR与ERP系统的适应性工作流管理系统研究

7.The Research of Workflow Dynamic Modification Supporting Exception Handling;支持异常处理的工作流动态修改研究

8.The Flexible Workflow Model Supporting BPR;支持企业过程再造的柔性工作流模型

9.Printer driver does not support specified property打印机驱动程序不支持所指定的属性

10.We will not countenance any aggressive violence.我们不会支持任何挑衅性暴力行动。

11.Research on Handover Performance of MIPv6 with AAA;支持AAA的移动IPv6网络切换性能研究

12.Mobility Study and Implementation of SIP;SIP协议支持移动性的研究与实现

13.About Tchnology Eanhanced Mathematics Instructions;论现代教育技术支持下的探究性活动

14.Mobile Support Scheme Based on Multiple Interfaces NEMO基于多接口NEMO的移动性支持方案

15.Research and Application on Workflow Engine Supporting Dynamic Modification;支持动态修改的工作流引擎研究及实现

16.Design and Implementation of OA System Supporting Process Regeneration;支持流程再造的办公自动化系统的设计与实现

17.The Research and Realization of Mobile Agent System Supporting Workflow Management;支持工作流管理的移动Agent系统的研究与实现

18.Research on Workflow System Supporting Dynamic Virtual Enterprise;支持动态联盟的工作流管理系统技术研究


Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA)紧急流动性支持

1.In this paper, we study information disclosure of central bank\"s Emergency Liquidity Assistance (ELA) from both theoretic and practical prospects.本文从理论和实证的双重视角对中央银行紧急流动性支持信息披露问题进行研究。

3)mobility support移动性支持

1.A cross-layer optimization scheme formobility support in wireless environment;一种移动计算中移动性支持跨层优化方案

2.The existedmobility support scheme in HIP does not support micro-mobility.针对现有HIP机制不支持节点微移动的问题,提出了基于层次位置管理的HIP移动性支持机制。

4)IP mobility supportIP移动性支持

5)supporting process支持流程

1.It is standardized to sort business processes into three :strategic,operating andsupporting process.论文在比较分析的基础上,规范了流程分类方法,将企业流程分为三类:战略流程、经营流程和支持流程。

6)logistics supporting物流支持

1.The paper analyzes the relationship between Hunan economic growth and itslogistics supporting from 1982 to ,choosing four elements that is of great influence on Regional economic growth.根据1982—的湖南年度数据对区域经济增长的物流支持进行研究,选取影响区域物流发展水平的四个重要因素作为指标,对湖南经济增长与物流发展之间的关系进行协整检验并建立向量误差修正模型,验证了它们的长期均衡关系和短期修正效应。


