900字范文 > 流动性资产 Assets Liquidity英语短句 例句大全

流动性资产 Assets Liquidity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-25 11:52:29


流动性资产 Assets Liquidity英语短句 例句大全

流动性资产,Assets Liquidity

1)Assets Liquidity流动性资产

1.Liquidity,Assets Liquidity and Excess Liquidity流动性、流动性资产和流动性过剩


1.The influence of marketability of illiquid assets on asset prices;不流动性资产流通对资产价格的影响研究

2.Dynamic Portfolio Choice with Personal Illiquid Assets;存在个人非流动性资产的动态金融资产选择

3.Liquidity Asset Pricing: Empirical Researches on SHSE;流动性资产定价:基于沪市的实证研究

4.The company has good liquidity.该公司的资产流动性好.

5.Liquidity risk,liquidity demand of investors and asset pricing流动性风险、投资者流动性需求与资产定价

6.sets to total assets流动资产与总资产比率

7.The Study of the Relationship between Chinese Excessive Liquidity and Asset Price;我国流动性过剩与资产价格关系研究

8.Study on the Countermeasure of Monetary Assets Excess Liquidity of Our Country;我国货币资产流动性过剩的对策研究

9.Optimistic Expectation,Liquidity and Asset Prices;“繁华预期”、流动性变化和资产价格

10.The Research of Financial Distress Restructuring Under Asset Liquidity Loss;资产流动性损失下财务危机重组研究

11.investments classifiable as current assets归属流动资产类的投资

12.A ets can be cla ified into current a ets and non-current a ets.资产可以划分为流动资产和非流动资产。

13.The Provision and Safeguard Institution of Liquidity in ABS Products;资产证券化产品流动性的制度设计与保障

14.Cash is listed first in the balance sheet, because it is the most liquid of all current assets.在所有的资产中,现金最具有流动性,因此,它作为流动资产的第一项列示于资产负债表上。

15.A new vision on the innovation of the public debt"s mobility: strengthen commercial banks" asset mobility management国债流动性创新新视野:增强商业银行资产流动性管理

16.Liquidity and Asset Pricing: A New Measure of Liquidity and Empirical Study;流动性与资产定价:一种新的流动性指标及实证研究

17.LAPM:An Explanation of the "Liquidity Puzzle" in China s Stock Market;基于流动性的资产定价模型——中国股市“流动性之谜”的一个理论解释

18.Acid-test ratio酸性试验比率,企业流动资产与流动负债的比率,又称quick ratio


assets liquidity资产流动性

1.Early—warning system ofassets liquidity and financial failnre;资产流动性与财务失败预警系统

2.In order to reflect theassets liquidity of listed corporations,using 12 variable indexes reflect separately short-term and long-term ability of a purchaser to pay,ability of capacity rapidity,and operation of cash flow.上市公司的资产流动性可通过12个变量指标,分别反映短期偿债能力、长期偿债能力、资产周转能力和现金流量运行情况。

3)Asset Liquidity资产流动性

1.Oligopoly, Capital Structure andAsset Liquidity;寡占、资本结构与资产流动性

2.Research on the Performance of Commercial Bank andAsset Liquidity;商业银行绩效和资产流动性的研究

3.The limitation of enterprises liability is affected by operational income,asset liquidity and equity capital.企业负债承受能力的大小受企业经营收益、资产流动性和股权资本状况制约。

4)liquidity of capital asset资本资产流动性

5)liquid assets流动性资产,易变现资产

6)analysis asset liquidity资产流动性分析


