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缺席判决 judgment by default英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-18 17:56:50


缺席判决 judgment by default英语短句 例句大全

缺席判决,judgment by default

1)judgment by default缺席判决

1.It is proved by practice thatjudgment by default is an important, practicable legal system in the process of trial in civil and administrative judgment practice.实践证明,在民事和行政审判实践中,缺席判决是审判程序中一项重要的、切实可行的法律制度。

2.Judgment by default is conducted while one of the parties has been absent, which has gradually come into being in the long run and formed two judgment modes of default system ism and one party debating ism.缺席判决制度是在一方当事人缺席情况下产生的,经过长期的演变,形成了缺席判决主义和一方辩论主义两种审判模式。

3.In case one of parties is absent, how to maximize the realization of the justness and efficiency in lawsuits is differently stipulated in the system ofjudgment by default of varied countries worldwide.在一方当事人缺席的情况下,如何最大限度的实现诉讼公正与效率,对此世界各国的缺席判决制度有着不同的规定,我国民事诉讼法在对缺席判决的规定上存在着一些缺陷,理论概念模糊,与诉讼法基本原则相矛盾,立法过于粗疏,可操作性差等,这些缺陷导致在实务中容易被法官或当事人不正当的滥用。


1.non prosequiturph.1. 【律】原告缺席判决

2.On the Value of Two Models of the Default Judgment--Analysis of the Improvement of the Chinese Civil Procedural Law;两种缺席判决模式的价值取向——兼谈我国缺席判决制度的完善

3.if it is a counter-claim by the defendant, the court may render a judgment by default.被告反诉的,可以缺席判决。

4.A Great Novel A Contradictory ImageOn Construction of Default-judgment System in Criminal Lawsuit;论我国刑事诉讼缺席判决制度之构建

5.The Program Defect and Perfection of China s Judgement by Default System;我国缺席判决制度的程序缺陷及其完善

6.or he leaves the court session halfway without permission, the court may render a judgment by default.或者未经法庭许可中途退庭的,可以缺席判决。

7.If you do not respond to the suit, a judgment may be rendered against you by default.如果当事人不予应诉,法庭将做出缺席判决。

8.if the defendant refuses to appear in court without justified reasons, the court may make a judgment by default.被告无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以缺席判决.

9.The choice for the Mode of System of Default Judgment and the System Establishment;论我国民事缺席判决立法例之选择及制度建构

10.Language Power And Judgement by Default: The appreciation of fable type to Chang Ming Deng;话语权力与缺席判决:对《长明灯》的寓言式解读

11.Thoughts on the Perfection of Chinese Default Judgment Institution in Civil Proceeding完善我国民事诉讼缺席判决制度的思考

12.On the Item Function and Legislative Ideal of the System of Trial by Default of the Administrative Lawsiut;论行政诉讼缺席判决制度的目的、功能和司法理想

13.Where the people"s court rules against resolving the action, and the plaintiff refuses to appear before the court without proper reason after being summoned, the people"s court may render a judgment by default.人民法院裁定不准许撤诉的,原告经传票传唤,无正当理由拒不到庭的,可以缺席判决。

14.a judgment entered in favor of the plaintiff when the defendant defaults (fails to appear in court).被告缺席(不能在法庭出现)支持原告的判决。

15.A default judgment was issued against the defendant.被告受到了缺席审判。

16.She be tried and sentence to death in absentia她在缺席的情况下被审判和判处死刑

17.She is tried and sentence to death in absentia.她在缺席的情况下被审判和判处死刑。

18.Different Situations of Default and the Improvement to the Process of Judgment by Default;缺席的不同情形与缺席审判程序的完善


trial by default缺席判决

1.The Construction of Trial by Default in Criminal Lawsuit of Our Country;我国刑事缺席判决制度的建构

2.This article probes into three basic theoretical issues of the system oftrial by default of the administrative lawsuit: its aim, function and legislative ideal.改造完善行政诉讼缺席判决制度必须解决的三个基本理论问题:行政诉讼缺席判决制度的目的、功能和司法理想。

3.In order to conclude criminal procedure and raise the efficiency of it, many countries stipulate that criminaltrial by default is an exception of participate principle.参与原则是刑事诉讼法的一项基础性原则,但为了迅速终结刑事诉讼,提高刑事诉讼效益,世界上许多国家均规定了刑事缺席审判程序作为参与原则之例外,我国现行刑事诉讼法对刑事缺席判决程序缺乏明文规定,为此,在诉讼效益价值日益得到重视的今天,一味否定缺席判决制度的存在价值是非常不明智的。

3)default judgment缺席判决

4)verdict by default缺席判决

1.Litigation deficiencies in our present system ofverdict by default have brought about misuses and abuses in judicial practice.由于长期深受我国职权主义诉讼模式的影响,我国现行缺席判决制度在法律规定上存在很多缺陷,导致了该制度在司法实践中的误用与滥用。

5)Judgment by default or default judgment缺席判决,



