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科判 judgments英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-27 15:11:57


科判 judgments英语短句 例句大全



1.The text here deals with the fundamental connotations of thejudgments by means of Buddhist Sutras and their profound influence upon the signification of the Confucian classics since the Sui and Early Tang periods.科判即分析章段,在文学理论中最早提出此说乃在初唐,而此说之形成实与佛经科判的启示有关。

2)scientific criticism科学批判

3)scientific judgment科学判断

1.Market forecast is a kind ofscientific judgment method for the development of future market on the basis of related information so as to prepare plan and marketing strategy.市场预测是根据各种有关信息对未来市场的发展趋势作出科学判断的一种方法 ,为编制计划 ,作出营销策略提供参考。


1.They must improve their ability of sizing up the situation in a scientific way.不断提高科学判断形势的能力。

2.Scientific interpretation is influenceed by the concept of logical positivism.逻辑实证论的概念对于人们进行科学判断很有影响。

3.The important thought of Three Represents has been put forward on the basis of a scientific judgment of the Party"s historical position."三个代表"重要思想,是在科学判断党的历史方位的基础上提出来的。

4.The important thought of"Three Represents"is one thought which has been pointed out based on the scientific judgement of historical direction of the Party;“三个代表”重要思想是在科学判断党的历史方位的基础上提出来的

5.Scientifically Judging Historical Position of Our Paty;科学判断我党所处的历史方位——论“三个代表”实现理论创新的前提

6.Mental Disease Diagnosis:scientific judgment?ethical judgment?;精神疾病诊断:科学的判断?伦理的判断?

7.Personal Knowledge and Judging Ability in Scientific Comprehension;科学理解视野中的个人知识与判断力

8.Policy Issue Validation:Experience or Science;政策问题确认:经验判断还是科学界定

9.The study of the nature of values and value judgments.价值论关于价值属性和价值判断的学科

10.Science,Value and Culture: Dewey s Empirical Methodology and Value Judgement;科学、价值与文化——杜威经验方法与价值判断探析

11.Linguistic/Technical Judgment of Logic in Scientific English Translation and Related Teaching Issues科技英语翻译中语言/技术逻辑判断与教学

12.Judge the path of typhoon by meteorological facsimile chart in-situ科学利用气象传真图 分析判断台风路径

13.The Science Standards of the "Scientific Evidence"--Comparative Research of the Evidence System Between China and the USA;判断“科学证据”的科学性标准——中美有关证据制度的比较研究

14.This preconception prevents us from reviewing the ordeal in its special historical circumstance.这种简单的价值判断不利于对中世纪欧洲历史的科学认识。

15.Doubt and animadvert are inner motive force of innovation of science and culture.怀疑和批判是促进科学与文化不断创新的内推力。

16.Forensic scientists can determine a persons sex, and race by examining a single strand of hair.法医科学家能通过检验一缕头发判断一个人的性别、龄和种族。

17.Forensic scientists can determine a persons sex ,and race by examining a single strand of hair.法医科学家能通过检验一缕头发判断一个人的性别、年龄和种族。

18.Study on Innovation Evaluation System of Social Seienc Achievements Based on Group Evaluation;基于群组判断的社会科学成果创新性评价体系研究


scientific criticism科学批判

3)scientific judgment科学判断

1.Market forecast is a kind ofscientific judgment method for the development of future market on the basis of related information so as to prepare plan and marketing strategy.市场预测是根据各种有关信息对未来市场的发展趋势作出科学判断的一种方法 ,为编制计划 ,作出营销策略提供参考。

4)science and technology critique科技批判

5)judgment section平判科

6)Science Criterion科学判据


