900字范文 > 妇女权利 womens rights英语短句 例句大全

妇女权利 womens rights英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-11 06:15:48


妇女权利 womens rights英语短句 例句大全

妇女权利,women"s rights

1)women"s rights妇女权利


1.International Women"s Rights Action Watch国际妇女权利行动观察(妇女权利观察)

2.Women"s Rights: the Responsibility of All妇女权利:共同责任

3.Defensoria de la Mujer Indigena土著妇女权利监察处

4.Ombudsman for Indigenous Women"s Rights土著妇女权利监察专员

5.National Commission for Women"s Rights全国妇女权利委员会

6.Japanese Association of International Women"s Rights日本国际妇女权利协会

7.a standard-bearer for women"s rights争取妇女权利的旗手.

8.International Alliance of Women - Equal Rights, Equal Responsibilities国际妇女权利平等责任平等联盟(妇女联盟)

9.This is symptomatic of the general movement for women"s rights.这反映了争取妇女权利的总的趋势。

10.She is a strenuous supporter of women"s rights.她是妇女权利的积极支持者。

11.Office for the Defence of Indigenous Women"s Rights维护土著妇女权利办事处

12.M<p>"A woman"s civil right"“妇女的公民权利”

13.World Women"s Party for Equal Rights世界妇女平等权利党

14.IV. Protection of the Rights of Women and Children四、妇女、儿童权利的保护

15.The legal rights of the ethnic Chinese women华人妇女的合法权利

16.Convention on the Civil and Political Rights of Women妇女公民权利和政治权利公约

17.Law on the Protection of Women s Rights and Interests and Construction of Realizing Mechanisms for Women s Rights and Interests;妇女权益保障法与妇女利益实现机制的构建

18.Regional Forum on Women"s Legal and Human Rights in Africa非洲妇女的法律权利和人权区域论坛


women rights妇女权利

1.This article aims to discuss the evolution of the thoughts of the Chinese and westernwomen rights.本文从历史的角度谈中西方妇女权利思想的演进。

3)Women"s Rights Unit妇女权利股

4)GuangDong"s female rights广东妇女权利

5)Women welfare and interests妇女福利与权益

6)protection of women rights妇女权利保障


