900字范文 > 社区老年人 community elderly英语短句 例句大全

社区老年人 community elderly英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-07 07:07:12


社区老年人 community elderly英语短句 例句大全

社区老年人,community elderly

1)community elderly社区老年人

1.The quality of life and psychological well-being ( PWB) of thecommunity elderly in Shanghai were further investigated on the basis of M.在Lawton理论框架以及先前研究基础上 ,进一步对上海社区老年人生活质量与心理健康进行研究。

2.An empirical study was made on the theoretical construct and multiple index assessment of the psychological well being ( PWB) thecommunity elderly, based on previous theoretical framework and research evidences.在已有研究证据和理论框架基础上 ,本文对社区老年人心理健康状况 (PWB)的理论构念及其多指标评价模型进行实证研究。


1.Study on the Diastolic Heart Failure in the Elderly in the Community社区老年人群舒张性心力衰竭的研究

2.From Present Situation of Drug usage Viewing Pharmaceutical Sevice从社区老年人用药现状审视药学服务

3.The Study of the Elderly Health Management Demand in Nanjing Community南京市社区老年人健康管理需求调查

4.Investigation and Some Suggestions on Safety Medication in Elderly in the Community社区老年人安全用药情况调查与建议

5.The Clinic Documents of 30 Seniors with Heart Disease in Community,under the Treatment of Holter Monitoring Device,were Analyzed社区老年人Holter监测30例临床分析

6.On Old People Apartment in Community试论老有所养的新模式——社区老年人公寓

7.The Tangshan Luck Paradise Community Senior Citizen Cares for the Aged the Way to Investigate;唐山市福乐园社区老年人养老方式调查

8.Leisure of elderly people and Community care老年休闲与居家养老——以上海市某社区老年人休闲为例

9.Qualitative Study of Social Capital among Old Age Group in Urban Communities;城市社区老年人群社会资本的定性研究

10.Investigation and Analysis for Social Support of the Elderly in the Community of Hangzhou City;杭州市社区老年人社会支持调查与分析

11.Investigation on the Healthy Status of the Elderly in Dongyao Community of Urban Area of Liao City聊城城区东姚社区老年人健康状况调查分析

12.A Study of Community Cultural Construction from Spiritual & Cultural Needs of the Elderly从老年人精神文化需求看社区老年文化建设

13.Demands of Community Services for the Elderly and Specialization of Community Work老年人社区服务需求与社区工作专业化

14.The Comment on the Job-Creation Policy of Korean Government;中国台湾地区人口老龄化与老年人社会保障

15.The Intention and determinant of community health care in elderly老年人社区卫生服务意愿及影响因素

16.Research on the effect of community health education upon physical fitness and health in the aged;社区健康教育对老年人体质影响研究

17.An Investigation on the Health State of Empty-nested Elderly People in the Community of Fuzhou;福州市社区空巢老年人健康状况调查

18.Current Evaluation on the Control of the Elderly Diabetic Patients in Community社区中老年人群糖尿病控制现况分析


elders in country农村社区老年人

3)elderly adults社区中老年人

1.To find out the population’s nutrition healthy status and the prevelance rate of blood lipids abnormalities in theelderly adults in the communities of Nanjing city, analyse the relationship between nutritional status and blood lipids abnormalities, and other factors related, providing the basis for the prevention and treatment of blood lipids abnormalities.目的:(1)了解南京市社区中老年人群的营养健康状况和血脂异常现患情况,探讨血脂异常与营养状况及其他相关因素的关系,为血脂异常综合防治提供依据。

4)old people in the community of the city城市社区老年人

5)Elderly Community老年社区

1.The paper drew the conclusion about the design principle and methods for the environment construction of the elderly community through studied literature, analyzed examples, and other methods, which can creat a better environment with improved facilities and rich spiritual life, enhance the life quality, satisfy the elders’requirement.本文以人口学、社会学、老年心理学、老年生理学、景观设计相关理论等学科知识为基础,通过文献研究、实例分析、现场调研等方法进行探讨,试图对我国的老年社区环境建设提出设计原则和方法,希望能为老年人创造一个物质设施完善、精神生活丰富的养老环境,综合提高老年人的生活质量,满足老年人基本需求与深层次需求,将“被动养老”转化为“主动养老”,倡导老年人自信、自立、自强的生活方式,让老年人在享受到社会与科技进步成果的同时,达到身在自然、老有所为、与时代发展同步。

6)community dwelling elderly people社区老人




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