900字范文 > 男性老年人 elderly male people英语短句 例句大全

男性老年人 elderly male people英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-02 20:55:23


男性老年人 elderly male people英语短句 例句大全

男性老年人,elderly male people

1)elderly male people男性老年人

1.This paper investigates the influences of fitness Qigong (Baduanjin) on the Intellectual Physiological Age(IPA), blood lipid and physiological function of theelderly male people by experiment.为了探讨健身气功·八段锦对男性老年人智能生理年龄、血脂和生理机能等方面的功效,本文通过实验论证法,以安徽省安庆市36名年龄在60~69岁之间(平均年龄=65。


1.Effects of Winter Swimming on the Bone Metabolism of Male Old People;冬泳运动对男性老年人骨代谢的影响

2.The Effection of Taijiquan Exercise on the Heart and Lung Function of the Old Male People;太极拳锻炼对男性老年人心肺功能的影响

3.Study on the Effect of the Elderly Male Physique with Different Exercises Method;不同锻炼方式对男性老年人身体形态的影响

4.On the Upper Body Characteristic Indexes of Male Elderly in Shanxi陕西地区男性老年人上身特征指标研究

5.The Research into the Effect of Gateball Exercise on the Physical Fitness Level of Elderly Male门球运动对男性老年人体质水平的影响

6.The Influences of Two Different Exercise Means on the Intellectual Physiological Age of the Male Elderly People;两种不同健身方式对男性老年人智能生理年龄的影响

7.A Comparative Research on the Health of Senior Males between City and Towns & Villages in Hebei Province河北省城乡60~69岁男性老年人体质状况的比较研究

8.Effect of an exercise prescription of intensive strength training on physical function in aged males强化力量练习运动处方对男性老年人身体功能的影响

9.The Influences of Fitness Qigong (Baduanjin) on the IPA and Physiological Function of the Elderly Male People;健身气功·八段锦对男性老年人智能生理年龄和某些生理指标的影响

10.The relationship between smoking and blood lipids in elderly males in Guizhou吸烟与贵州老年男性人群血脂水平的关系研究

11.Epidemiologic Study on Chronic Kidney Diseases among Military Elderly Population in Dalian大连地区军队老年男性人群慢性肾脏病流行病学研究

12.Winter swimming on the sexual hormones of the male old and libido;冬泳对老年男性性激素与性欲的影响

13.However, few long-term studies have addressed the absolute risk of repeat fractures in older adults, especially men, the report indicates.但长期观察老年人重复骨折绝对风险性的研究却很少,尤其关于老年男性的。

14.Relationship of BMI with Blood Lipids and Blood Pressure in Middle-aged and Elderly Male Population in Suburban Area of Tianjin City天津市郊区中老年男性人群体质指数与血脂及血压的关系

15.an adult female person (as opposed to a man).成年女性(对立面是男人)。

16.The men had all run away,leaving only old women and children behind.男人都跑掉了,只留下老年妇女和孩子。

17.irrespective of sex [age]性别 [年龄] 不拘,不论男女 [老幼] 均可

18.The Study of Quality of Life for Senile Male Osteoporosis;老年男性骨质疏松症生存质量的调查


male elderly男性老年人

1.Based on the body measurements of 190male elderly aged from 60 to 75 in Shanxi with contact an-thropometric method,this paper analyzes and collects nine characteristic indexes that can fully reflect the upper body characteristics of themale elderly,which provides basis for the prototype design of the garments in the future.利用接触式人体测量方法对190名年龄在60-75岁的陕西地区男性老年人进行人体测量,并进行数据分析,提取了6大因子和能够全面反映男性老年人上身体型特征的9个特征指标,为以后的男性老年装衣身原型设计提供基础。

3)An old man.老年男人

4)aged males老年男性

1.Correlation of upper airway and surrounding tissues with body mass index in non-apneaaged males;无睡眠呼吸暂停老年男性上气道及周围组织与体重和体重指数的相关性研究

2.Objective:To study the effect of preventing bone loss of Fosamax inaged males.目的:研究阿伦膦酸钠制剂福善美防治老年男性骨质丢失的作用。

3.Objective: To study the bone loss preventive effect of Chinese drug for tonifying Shen, Migu Tablet (MGT), inaged males.目的 :研究补肾中药密骨片预防老年男性骨质疏松的作用。

5)elder men老年男性

1.Effects of tennis exercise on the bone metabolism and balance ability ofelder men;网球运动对老年男性骨质代谢及平衡能力的影响

6)aged men老年男性

1.Objective:To investigate the relationship of the bone mineral density and insulin-like growth factor-Ⅰand sex hormone inaged men.目的 :探讨老年男性骨密度 (BMD)与胰岛素样生长因子 - I(IGF- I)及性激素水平的关系。


不受传统约束的老年妇女不受传统约束的老年妇女flapper grandmothers不受传统约束的老年妇女(fl apper grand-motbers)西方国家中行动和衣着不受传统约束的现代老年妇女。她们像年轻时那样消遣、娱乐和梳妆打扮。不喜欢黑色或其他庄重色彩,公开坦率地宣称自己在服装的色彩和线条上体现女性的风韵和妩媚。主张“老不老,自己晓”。她们不管伦理学家或道德学家的评论,不愿接受传统装束方式,表现出对体态和心理永远年轻的渴望。(吕逸华撰杨治良审)
