900字范文 > 中国物流市场 Chinese logistics market英语短句 例句大全

中国物流市场 Chinese logistics market英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-08 12:08:36


中国物流市场 Chinese logistics market英语短句 例句大全

中国物流市场,Chinese logistics market

1)Chinese logistics market中国物流市场

1.However,Chinese logistics market in a rapid developing stage has some prominent problems.在国民经济持续快速发展、外向型经济向纵深化发展等良好的宏观经济环境下,全面开放以来的中国物流市场继续保持了快速发展的良好态势,市场规模稳定增长,专业化程度有所提高,企业国际化能力有所提升,物流企业分化重组不断加快,制造业与物流业联动发展趋势开始显现,尤其是关乎民生的行业物流显示出巨大的发展潜力,但是进入快速发展阶段的中国物流市场也存在着市场集中度偏低、市场结构不够合理、应急物流能力严重不足、物流产业安全尚未引起重视等诸多较为突出的问题。


1.Analysis of China Logistic Market Structure and Its Characteristic under the Background of Opening in an All Round Way;全面开放下的中国物流市场结构与特征分析

2.Logistics Market in Opening China: The Current Situation and Its Trend开放条件下中国物流市场发展现状及趋势分析

3.A judgment and analysis of Chinese logistics industry s market structure;对中国物流业市场结构的判断与分析

4.The Research of Optimization of Logistics Network for Chinese Market of PEL CompanyPEL公司中国市场物流网络优化研究

5.Debt Financing and Market Value: Empirical Research for China s Listed Logistics Corporations;中国物流上市公司的债务融资与市场价值研究

6.Study on the Mainland China Logistics Market Transshipped by the Hong Kong Port;中国内地经香港港中转的物流市场研究

7.The Development Strategy and Project Fulfilment of China 3PL Market for UPS;UPS中国第三方物流市场的发展战略与实施方案

8.Status Quo and Influence of Foreign Logistics Industry Entering China;外资物流业进入中国市场的现状与影响

9.Study of the Development of Logistics Industry in a Fully-Opened Chinese Market;在全面开放的市场中,我国物流业发展探讨

10.How to Improve the Market Constraint of TPL s Demand in China;如何改善中国第三方物流服务需求的市场约束

11.To Develop China Green Food Logistics Market and to Raise Industry Competency;中国绿色食品物流市场发展与产业竞争力提升

12.The Market Situation and Development of Chinese Logistics Industry & Possible Solutions;中国物流业的市场形势、发展状况和可能出路

13.The Market Potentiality and Development Strategyof Third Party Logistics in China;中国第三方物流的市场潜力及其开发策略

14.Study on the Operating Mechanism of Domestic Transport Logistics Market;我国交通运输物流市场运行机制研究

15.The Rational Market Orientation of Chinese Third Party Logistics;我国第三方物流企业的合理市场定位

16.Application of the logistics market segmentation in regional logistics development planning;物流市场细分方法在区域物流规划中的应用

17.Raising the Efficiency of Logistics to Gain More International Market Opportunities for the Medium and Small Enterprises提高物流效率 为中小企业赢得更多的国际市场机会

18.Market Ability,SC Management,and Logistics Challenges in the Chinese Fresh Products Sector;中国新鲜农产品市场能力、供应链管理以及物流问题(英文)


Distribution Market of China中国流通市场

1.On Investment Strategy of Korean Distribution Enterprisess Entering intoDistribution Market of China;另外,随着世界各大流通企业争相进入中国,中国流通市场的竞争也越来越激烈,这都可能形成韩国企业在进入中国流通市场的障碍。

3)China market中国市场

1.The Analysis of the Competitiveness of Brand in China Market of Dow Chemical;陶氏化学在中国市场品牌竞争力的分析

2.The Competitive Strategies of Canadian Ginseng in the China Market;加拿大西洋参在中国市场的竞争战略

3.South Korea s on Line Game Business and Its Entry into China Market;韩国网络游戏产业与其进入中国市场的分析

4)Chinese market中国市场

1.The Research of the Reasons Why Korean Banks Enter Chinese Market and the Relevant Risks;韩国银行进入中国市场的原因及风险研究

2.Chinese market in the early period after China s entry into WTO as viewed from the re-definition of effective demand and effective supply;从对有效需求和有效供给的再界定看入世初的中国市场

3.The influence of initiation of Euro-dollar uponChinese markets;欧元启动对中国市场的影响

5)Market china市场-中国

6)logistics market物流市场

1.Analyzing Logistics market of Guilin Ginkgo桂林市白果物流市场问题探析

2.Highway overload is very harmful to the damage oflogistics market and enterprise s development.超载对物流市场和企业发展造成了极大的危害,“治超”将引发物流企业和个人经营方式的变化。

3.Based on the deep investigation in port area which is both centralized industry zone and logistics hub,the paper collects detailed data,carries out thorough analysis and precise market forecast to the structure and capacity of dangerous chemicals containerlogistics market.以在具有区域性产业集聚和物流辐射作用的某港区开展深入而专业的调查为基础,对集装箱危险化学品物流市场构成和容量问题进行了详尽的数据采集、周密的专业分析和严谨的市场预测,完成了具有开创意义的探索。


证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。
