900字范文 > 现代物流市场 Market of modern logistics英语短句 例句大全

现代物流市场 Market of modern logistics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-06 12:30:31


现代物流市场 Market of modern logistics英语短句 例句大全

现代物流市场,Market of modern logistics

1)Market of modern logistics现代物流市场

2)city modern logistics城市现代物流


1.How the Cities near the City Cluster to Choose Modern Logistics Development Strategy;城市群近域城市现代物流发展战略选择研究

2.On the Planning Framework of Modern Urban Distribution Center;中心城市现代物流系统规划框架研究

3.Spatial structure of modern logistics in the cities along north Xinjiang railway;北疆铁路沿线城市现代物流发展格局研究

4.Development of Logistics Public Information Platform;城市现代物流公共信息平台的发展研究

5.The Intension of Logistics Public Information Platform and Planning;城市现代物流公共信息平台的内涵和规划设计

6.The Research About the Development of the Modern Logistic Industries for the Oil City of Heilongjiang Province;黑龙江省石油城市现代物流业的发展问题研究

7.On the Construction of City Modern Logistics System;关于城市现代物流体系建设结构模式的探讨

8.Study on the Relationship between the City Modern Logistics and Industry Structure城市现代物流与产业发展关联关系研究

9.The Study of Wuhan s Developing Towards Logistic Pivotal City;武汉市向现代物流枢纽城市发展研究

10.The Study of Coordinative Development between Modern Logistics and Big-Middle Cities;大中城市与现代物流协调发展的研究

11.Study on Role of the Modern Logistics in Urban Agglomerations Development;现代物流在城市群发展中的作用探析

12.To develop the freight transport by calling-up and improve the modern logistic system;发展城市电召货运完善现代物流体系

13.Build a modern city on the rational thinking Logistics Park对构建现代城市物流园区的理性思考

14.Countermeasures for the Development of Modern Logistics in Chang-zhu-tan City Group长株潭城市群现代物流发展对策研究

15.The Present Situation and Development Countermeasures of Modern Logistics in Shandong Peninsula City Group;山东半岛城市群现代物流业的现状及发展对策

16.The Research on the Development of Modern Logistics Based on Enhancing the Urban Competitiveness;基于增强城市竞争力的现代物流发展研究

17.A study of Modern Logistics and Economic Development in Baicheng City;现代物流业与白城市经济发展相关问题研究

18.Analysis on Influence Mechanism of Modern Logistics Industry on Urban Spatial Structure;现代物流业影响城市空间结构机理分析


city modern logistics城市现代物流

3)market modernization市场现代化

4)modern markets现代型市场

5)site logistics现场物流

1.Construction companies should ensure the JIT of both supply logistics andsite logistics in order to improve the efficiency of physical distribution,and the hoist work is the key tache for the realization of the site JIT physical distribution,especially for the high-rise buildings.为了改进施工企业物流配送的效率,既要保证供应物流的准时化,又要保证现场物流的准时化,而起重作业数字化是实现现场物流准时化配送的关键环节,尤其是对于高层建筑。

6)logistics market物流市场

1.Analyzing Logistics market of Guilin Ginkgo桂林市白果物流市场问题探析

2.Highway overload is very harmful to the damage oflogistics market and enterprise s development.超载对物流市场和企业发展造成了极大的危害,“治超”将引发物流企业和个人经营方式的变化。

3.Based on the deep investigation in port area which is both centralized industry zone and logistics hub,the paper collects detailed data,carries out thorough analysis and precise market forecast to the structure and capacity of dangerous chemicals containerlogistics market.以在具有区域性产业集聚和物流辐射作用的某港区开展深入而专业的调查为基础,对集装箱危险化学品物流市场构成和容量问题进行了详尽的数据采集、周密的专业分析和严谨的市场预测,完成了具有开创意义的探索。


现代物流现代物流:是融合运输业、仓储业、信息业、批发零售业、对外贸易业等形成的新兴复合型服务产业。其核心是按照系统整合的理念,运用信息技术对分散的运输、装卸、包装、信息、流通加工、储存等环节的资源进行整合,实行一体化运作,以降低成本、提高效率、优化服务。现代物流是根据客户的需要,以最经济的费用,将物资从供给地向需求地转移的过程。它主要包括运输、储存、加工、包装、装卸、配送和信息等活动。 我国六部委(国家经贸委、铁道部、交通部、信息产业部、外经贸部、民航总局)于2001年3月在%26ldquo;加快物流发展若干意见%26rdquo;的通知中,对现代物流的定义是这样表述的: %26ldquo;原材料、产成品从起点至终点及相关信息有效流动的全过程。它将运输、仓储、装卸、加工、整理、配送、信息等方面有机结合,形成完整的供应链,为用户提供多功能、一体化的综合性服务。%26rdquo;
