900字范文 > 半轴花键 half axle spline英语短句 例句大全

半轴花键 half axle spline英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-17 03:20:33


半轴花键 half axle spline英语短句 例句大全

半轴花键,half axle spline

1)half axle spline半轴花键

1.On this basis, combination of micro-vehicle\"s thehalf axle spline the cold extrusion process, analysis of the stability of the axle pole, to calculate the guide length, blank diameter and rough squeeze pressure in the extrusion process of a number of key parameters, and to the guide length and rough guide to the size of sim在此基础上,结合某微型车半轴花键的冷挤压成形工艺,分析了半轴杆部在挤压中的稳定性,计算了引导长度、毛坯直径和挤压力等一些在挤压过程中的重要参数,探讨了挤压段长度和凹模入模角对成形过程的影响,并用DEFORM3D对引导长度、挤压段长度、毛坯尺寸和凹模入模角等工艺参数进行了模拟优化。


1.Research on Cold Extrusion Forming Technics of Micro-vehicle"s Half Axle Spline微型车半轴花键冷挤压成形工艺研究

2.spline shaft多槽[有齿, 花键]轴

3.Spline shaft grinding machines-ParametersGB/T10930-1989花键轴磨床参数

4.Splint hobbing machines-Testing of the accuracyGB/T9167-1988花键轴铣床精度

5.Research on Key Technologies in Assembly Line of Auto Axle Shaft;汽车半轴总成装配线关键技术的研究

6.Influences of spline coupling on stability of rotor-bearing system花键联轴器对转子-轴承系统稳定性影响研究

7.Study on Three Dimension Modeling Method for Involute Spline of Torsion Shaft扭力轴渐开线花键三维建模方法研究

8.Processing Method of a Spline Shaft of German DMC64V NC Milling Machine德国DMC64V数控铣床某花键轴的加工

9.Crack reason analysis on SAE1141H steel spline shaft after heat treatmentSAE1141H钢花键轴热处理后开裂原因分析

10.Study of Impact on the Stress of Spline Axis when Selecting Material of Electric Submersible Pump Set潜油电泵花键套材料选用对泵轴应力的影响

11.Numerical simulation of spline in cold rolling based on DEFORM-3D以DEFORM-3D实现花键轴精密冷滚轧成形模拟

12.Analysis on the Fracture of Two Drilling Jar"s Splined Mandrel and Improvement Measures2起震击器花键心轴断裂原因分析及改进措施

13.Dynamic behavior of a rotor-misaligned spline coupling system转子-不对中花键联轴器系统动力学特性研究

14.semimajor axis of ellipsoid椭球长半轴,地球长半轴

15.chromatic semitone变化半音, 花半音

16.Either half of the major axis is called a semimajor axis.长轴的每一半叫做半长轴。

17.six-keyway broach六键拉刀, 花键拉刀

18.The machine is suitabe for largebatch, small batch and single production of cylindrical spur and helical gears worm gears sprocket and spline shaft in certain range of parameters.*该机床适用于成批、批及单件生产加工圆柱直齿轮、柱斜齿轮、轮和一定参数的花键轴。


axle shaft spline驱动桥半轴花键

3)splined shaft花键轴

4)spline shaft花键轴

1.Warm-hot control forging of automobilespline shaft;汽车花键轴温热控制精锻工艺

2.The Earlier Period Failure Analysis of Spline Shaft for a 4-Roll Rolling Mill;四辊轧机花键轴早期失效分析

3.The authors confirm that breaking mechanism ofspline shaft is fatigue breaking, and put forward corresponding measures to solve the problem from the aspects of designing, material choosing, manufacturing, and controlling quality etc, it is recognized in manufacturingspline shaft, 50CrMoA should be chosen and tempered with the addition of surf.在花键轴材料分析及机械性能测试的基础上,通过花键轴载荷分析,利用Pro/E和Pro/M对花键轴进行强度和疲劳寿命分析,证实花键轴的断裂机理就是疲劳断裂,并从设计、材料选择、加工制造、质量控制等方面提出了针对性的措施,认为:在改进设计和制造蜗杆花键轴时,应该选用50CrMoA,调质处理加表面淬火,控制钢中的S、P、Cu含量,适当加大花键轴的直径,同时加大齿根圆角半径,以提高花键轴强度和寿命。

5)spline sleeve花键轴套

1.The cold extrusion process for thespline sleeve of GCr15 steel was analyzed.对GCr15钢花键轴套零件的冷挤压工艺进行了分析 ,制定了先正挤花键后镦挤球头体的挤压方案 ,并介绍了该零件的冷挤压模结构及其特

6)splined shafts花键轴

1.Using the given method and conclusion of the stress field solutions of shafts under torque loadings, this paper analyzes theoretically the mechanisms of the cracking initiating orientation ofsplined shafts and their physical appearance of fracture.本文用业已建立的轴类零件受扭时应力场解析的方法和结论,对作间歇回转运动设备中的主轴——花键轴的断裂机理进行了研究分析;建立了裂纹源的键齿根应力集中处的主应力和主平面分析数学模型;指出了断口裂纹萌生方向;以及在高速间歇运动工况下,断口的宏观呈象为犬牙交错。


