900字范文 > 花键管 spline tube英语短句 例句大全

花键管 spline tube英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-27 01:53:25


花键管 spline tube英语短句 例句大全

花键管,spline tube

1)spline tube花键管

1.During the extruding forming ofspline tube, it is very important to calculate extruding pressure, do bending analysis of losing stability, and choose friction and lubricating mode for the feasibility analysis of extruding forming, as well as the process analysis of spline forming.花键管挤压成形中挤压力的计算、失稳弯曲分析、摩擦及润滑方式的选择对分析挤压成形的可行性和花键成形过程分析很重要。

2.As the key parts for transmission of power and torque, the hollowspline tube is often applied in those spline connections, which needs high centering precision, high torque transfer capability or high transmission slip ratio.空心花键管作为传递力和扭矩的关键零件,常应用于定心精度要求高、传递转矩大或经常滑移的联接,在汽车以及各种车辆和装备制造业中应用非常广泛。

3.Thespline tube differs greatly from the spline shaft parts in the cold roll forming process,which has a complex process with large blank deforming quantity.花键管冷滚轧精密成形过程不同于花键轴类零件,其坯料金属变形量大,成形过程较为复杂。


1.Numerical Simulation and Process Research on Incremental Cold Rolling for Spline Tube with Two Rollers花键管增量式两轮冷滚轧工艺及数值模拟

2.Numerical Simulation of Incremental Cold Rolling for Spline Tube with Two Rollers花键管增量式两轮冷滚轧精密成形的数值模拟

3.six-keyway broach六键拉刀, 花键拉刀

4.spline shaft多槽[有齿, 花键]轴

5.Spline shaft grinding machines-ParametersGB/T10930-1989花键轴磨床参数

6.Basic terminology of splineGB/T15758-1995花键基本术语

7.involute spline gear shaper cutter渐开线花键孔插齿刀

8.Splint hobbing machines-Testing of the accuracyGB/T9167-1988花键轴铣床精度

9.ball spline rzeppa universal joint滚动花键球笼式万向节

10.Identifying the Critical Chain and non-Critical Chain in the Critical Chain Project Management关键链项目管理中关键链和非关键链的识别

11.It was a stump pipe affair with gaily coloured keys.那是一支短笛样的玩意,装有花花绿绿的按键。

12.Straight-sided spline-Dimensions tolerances and verificationGB/T1144-1987矩形花键尺寸、公差和检验

13." Screws,fluted socket head"GB/T824-1976圆柱头内花键螺钉

14.Design of Trapezoid Spline Hob and Its Addendum Arc梯形花键滚刀及其齿顶圆弧的设计

15.Straight-sided internal spline--Length seriesGB/T10081-1988矩形内花键长度系列

16.Straight cylindrical involute splines--Measuring pinGB/T3478.9-1995圆柱直齿渐开线花键量棒

17.Straight cylindrical involute splines--Inspection methodsGB/T3478.5-1995圆柱直齿渐开线花键检验方法

18.involute spline gear shaper cutter with taper shank锥柄渐开线花键孔插齿刀


splined tube花键配合管

3)splined tube assembly花键配合管总成

4)spline drive socket花键驱动套管


1.Design and stress analysis of electric submersible pump link side inspline axis arc;潜油电泵花键轴键侧圆弧设计与应力分析

2.Calculation of inner diameter constraction of combination die for cold extrusion ofspline;花键冷挤压用组合凹模内径收缩量的计算

6)integral key花键

1.Failure Analysis of the Integral Key Connection of a Major Oil Pump and Its Improvements;主油泵花键联接的失效分析与改进

2.Strength of the end of theintegral key of auto steering columns;汽车转向柱管花键端部的强度研究


管键1.亦作"管键"。 2.管﹐钥匙;键﹐锁簧。指钥匙与锁。 3.比喻要地。
