900字范文 > 信噪分离 signal-noise separation英语短句 例句大全

信噪分离 signal-noise separation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-15 08:15:23


信噪分离 signal-noise separation英语短句 例句大全

信噪分离,signal-noise separation

1)signal-noise separation信噪分离


1.Research on Methods and Its Application of Separating the Signal from Noise Based on the Modern Spectrum Estimation;基于现代谱估计理论的信噪分离方法及其应用研究

2.Submarine Vibration Signal Blind Separation Technology Based on Maximal Signal Noise Ratio基于最大信噪比的潜艇振动信号盲分离算法

3.An Algorithm of Interference Suppression Based on Blind Signal Separation with Wavelet De-nosing一种基于小波降噪的盲信号分离干扰抑制算法

4.Revision and Comparison of Blind Source Separation Algorithm Based on Maximum Signal Noise Ratio基于最大信噪比的盲源分离算法的修正与比较

5.A New Method of Noise Reduction and Separation for Tractor Engine Signal拖拉机发动机信号降噪与分离处理新方法

6.The Method of Seismic Random Noise Blind Separation Based on ICA基于独立分量分析的地震信号随机噪声盲分离方法应用研究

7.Separating the seismic signals from noises with the aid of statistical characteristic of amplitude probability distribution OGP,应用振幅概率分布统计特性分离地震记录中的信号和噪声

8.De-noisding by soft-thresholding is a new signal detection method in wavelet analysis.采用浮动阀值分离噪声是小波分析中一个新的信号检测方法。

9.Blind Signals Separation of α Stable Distribution Based on Differential Evolution基于差分进化算法实现非高斯噪声下盲信号分离

10.The Separation of Ship Noise Signal Based on Second Order Nonstationary Statistic基于二阶非平稳统计量的船舶噪声信号的盲分离

11.A concurrent time-frequency and noise-pretreatment methodology for blind source separation in an additive white Gaussian noise channelAWGN信道中盲源分离的时频联合两步消噪预处理方案

12.Noise-Assisted Signal Transmission in Discrete-Time Systems离散时间系统中的噪声辅助信号传输

13.Simulation and analysis of SNR estimation using iterative gradient at low SNR level低信噪比时梯度迭代信噪比估计仿真分析

14.Applications of Independent Sub-Band Functions and Wavelet Analysis in Single-Channel Noisy Signal BSS:Model and Crucial Technique独立子波函数和小波分析在单路含噪信号盲分离中的应用研究:模型与关键技术

15.Research on the Receiving Algorithms in Low SNR for Small Area Wireless Communication Networks;短距离无线通信网络低信噪比接收算法的研究

parative Study on Continuous and Discrete Wavelet Transform for Low Signal-to-noise Ratio Signal低信噪比信号的连续与离散小波变换比较研究

17.Spectrum Feature of Step Signal with White Noise and Method of Noise Reducing含白噪声阶跃信号的频谱特性及去噪分析

18.The Research on Osnr Monitoring Technique of the Receiving Electrical Noise基于接收端电噪声分析的光信噪比监测法研究


separation method between signal and noise信号与噪声分离

3)separation of signals and white noises信号与白噪声分离

4)noise separation噪声分离

1.The exploration of the conducted EMInoise separation including hardware-based separation and software-based separation have been described and compared, with advantages and disadvantages discussed.结果表明 ,基于分相器 /混和器的噪声分离网络具有更好的高频特性 ,且网络插损和噪声模态抑制特性能够满足工程精度要求 ,但网络制造成本较高 。

2.In this paper,noise separation and frequency spectrum analyzing techniques are used to find out why the noise level of the bus of GZ6921 model with rear_placed diesel engine layout exceeds the limit set by the national standard, the main noise sources and their frequency spectrum distribution are thus identified.运用噪声分离、频谱分析等技术手段 ,找出了GZ6 92 1型后置柴油机大客车噪声超过国家标准的原因 ,并对主要噪声源及其频谱分布进行了分析 。

5)noise and voice separation语噪分离

6)distinction of signal and noise信噪区分


视频信噪比“噪声”的简单定义就是:“在处理过程中设备自行产生的信号”,这些信号与输入信号无关。对于多媒体硬盘播放器来说,信噪比都是一个比较重要的参数,它指音源产生最大不失真声音信号强度与同时发出噪音强度之间的比率称为信号噪声比,简称信噪比(Signal/Noise),通常以S/N表示,单位为分贝(dB)。对于多媒体硬盘播放器来说,该值当然越大越好。 目前多媒体硬盘播放器的信噪比有56dB、60dB、65dB、85dB、90dB、95dB等等,我们在选择多媒体硬盘播放器的时候,一般都选择60dB左右的,但即使这一参数达到了要求,也不一定表示机子好,毕竟它只是多媒体硬盘播放器性能参数中要考虑的参数之一。
