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早期阅读教学 early reading teaching英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-20 02:57:50


早期阅读教学 early reading teaching英语短句 例句大全

早期阅读教学,early reading teaching

1)early reading teaching早期阅读教学

1." As the major means of early reading education—early reading teaching plays a vital role in fostering preschoolers\"reading interest,reading habits,reading ability and so on.”作为早期阅读教育实现的主要途径——早期阅读教学,在培养幼儿的阅读兴趣、习惯、能力等方面起着至关重要的作用。

2)the education for infants reading早期阅读教育

1.Having analyzed the elemental factors of nonage reading of infants,the researcher interprets the meaning and trend ofthe education for infants reading.本文通过概念阐述,分析了早期阅读的基本要素以及早期阅读教育的含义和发展走向。


1.A Few Basic Academic Problems about Nonage Reading of Infants--and the Current International Trend of Infants Reading Education;论早期阅读教育的几个基本理论问题——兼谈当前国际早期阅读教育的走向

2.Investigation and Analysis of the Current State of Early Reading Education Concepts in Humanities Field of Vision--Taking Hohhot and Wulanchabu For Example人文视界中的早期阅读教育观念的现状调查与分析——以呼和浩特市和乌兰察布市为例

3.Research on the Pre-literacy Instruction in the Context of Early-stage Reading;早期阅读背景下幼儿前书写教育活动研究

4.Enlightenment of Neuroscience Research on Children s Dyslexia to Early Education;儿童阅读障碍神经科学研究对早期教育的启示

5.Return to Reading--Rethink on Infant Early Reading;回归阅读——对早期阅读的重新思考

6.On the Primitive Way of Reading and the Early Signs for Interpreting Texts;原始阅读方式与早期的文本释读符号

7.A Research on the Relation between Parent-child Shared Book Reading and Children"s Early Reading Ability亲子分享阅读与儿童早期阅读能力的关系研究

8.The application and effect of bibliotherapy in the perioperative health education for children patients阅读疗法在围手术期患儿健康教育中的应用

9.On the Teaching and Learning Strategies of Nonage Reading Based on the Theory of Information-processed Psychology;从信息加工心理学的理论看早期阅读的教学策略

10.Start each day with30-60 minutes of reading- business, educational or inspirational.每天早上阅读30-60分钟——(容可以是)业的,有教育意义或能给人灵感的。

11.An Exploration and Analysis of Training Methods for Cultivating Early Self-reading Ability of Children;幼儿早期自主阅读能力培养方法探析

12.RECOGNITION OF WORDS -Techniques at Early Stages of Reading;辨认单词——早期阅读的技巧(英)

13.Thoughts and Education in a Transitional Period:A Sociological Interpretation on Jiang Menglin s Early Educational Thoughts;过渡时代的思想与教育——蒋梦麟早期教育思想的社会学解读

14.The Photo-image Reading: The New Characteristics of Chinese Teaching in the Image Interpreting Era;影像阅读:读图时代语文教育的新亮点

15.The early colonists could naturally find little leisure for either the reading or the writing of polite literature.早期的殖民者自然无暇阅读或创作典雅的文学。

16.Study on Influence of Mother s Direction for Children s Early Reading Interests;母亲指导对婴幼儿早期阅读兴趣的影响研究

17.Application of Elaboration Strategies in Kindergarten Early Reading;精加工策略在幼儿园早期阅读中的运用

18.Development of Preschoolers Early Reading: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Research;幼儿早期阅读水平的发展——横断和追踪研究


the education for infants reading早期阅读教育

1.Having analyzed the elemental factors of nonage reading of infants,the researcher interprets the meaning and trend ofthe education for infants reading.本文通过概念阐述,分析了早期阅读的基本要素以及早期阅读教育的含义和发展走向。

3)early reading早期阅读

1.The Study of the Correlation between 3-6years Old Children s Oral Language s Developmental Level and Early Reading s;3-6岁幼儿口语与早期阅读发展水平的关系研究

2.Pre-school education is the individual life and the beginning stages of the Enlightenment,early reading education is a potential for education, child care is the effective implementation of the important means of enlightenment and education means.学前教育是个体一生教育的起始和启蒙阶段,早期阅读教育是一种潜能教育,是对幼儿有效实施启蒙教育的重要途径和手段。

3.With the development of our society and humanity s progresses,early reading isattracting more and more people s attention.随着社会的发展,人类的进步,早期阅读越来越受到大家的广泛关注。

4)nonage reading早期阅读

1.The best chance for adults to guide infants to read is in their daily life, for the characteristics of their random reading and writing in their daily life are accordance with those ofnonage reading.幼儿在日常活动中出现的随机读写行为符合早期阅读的特征,日常生活是对幼儿进行早期阅读指导的最好时机。

2.According to the theory of information-processed psychology, the teaching and learning strategies ofnonage reading for infants include repeat, finish machining, organizing, cognizing and so on.从信息加工心理学的理论看,早期阅读的教与学的策略包括复述策略、精加工策略、组织策略和认知策略等。

3.Having analyzed the elemental factors ofnonage reading of infants,the researcher interprets the meaning and trend of the education for infants reading.本文通过概念阐述,分析了早期阅读的基本要素以及早期阅读教育的含义和发展走向。

5)early childhood reading早期阅读

1.The importance ofearly childhood reading has been widely accepted and treasured by the majority of educators.幼儿早期阅读的重要性早已得到广大教育者的认可和重视,但目前在幼儿早期阅读实践中存在着大量问题,已严重影响了幼儿早期阅读作用的发挥。

2.To help children understand, teachers would use pictures, videos and other approaches in theearly childhood reading.早期阅读是以学前儿童为接受、理解主体,以低幼绘本为主要阅读对象的理解性学习活动。

6)early literacy teaching method早期读写教学法


