900字范文 > 离子注入 ion implantation英语短句 例句大全

离子注入 ion implantation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-14 09:14:09


离子注入 ion implantation英语短句 例句大全

离子注入,ion implantation

1)ion implantation离子注入

1.Study on characteristics and technology ofion implantation-assisted electroless copper plating films on Al_2O_3 ceramics;离子注入辅助Al_2O_3陶瓷表面化学镀镀层特性研究

2.Application ofion implantation and D-gun spraying technology to improve Operation life for jet element of fluid efflux hammer;应用离子注入和爆炸喷涂技术提高液动锤射流元件寿命

3.Application of low energyion implantation in breeding of high yield CGTase strains;低能离子注入在CGTase高产菌株选育中的应用


1.mos ion implantationmos结构离子注入

2.bipolar ion implantation双极型掐用离子注入

3.implant masking step离子注入用掩蔽工序

4.high output implanter高功率离子注入装置

5.ion implantation gate MOS integrated circuit离子注入MOS集成电路

6.ion implanted fet离子注入场效应晶体管

7.ion implanted base transistor离子注入基极晶体管

8.amorphous implantation对非晶半导体离子注入

9.Research on Mo+C Implantation into TiN Film by Multi-arc Ion PlatingMo+C离子注入多弧离子镀TiN薄膜研究

10.Studies on Isozyme of Pea Seed Implanted ions By a Plasma Immersion N + Ion Implanter;等离子体浸没N~+离子注入豌豆种子的生理效应

11.Fabrication of GaSb Quantum Dots on Si Substrate by Ion Implantation离子注入制备Si基GaSb量子点

12.Investigation of SOI Structure Formed by Separation of Water Plasma Ion Implantation;水等离子体离子注入形成SOI结构材料的研究

13.Structure and Properties of Modified Layers by Plasma Based Ion Implantation on Magnesium Alloy;镁合金等离子体基离子注入层结构与性能研究

14.Latest Progress of Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition and Its Applications等离子体浸没式离子注入沉积技术及应用

15.ion implanted mos离子注入金属氧化物半导体

16.ion implanted mos device离子注入金属氧化物半导体掐

17.ion-implanted MOS circuit离子注入金属氧化物半导体电路

18.passivated ion-implanted planar silicon detector离子注入型半导体硅探测器



1.Substituting Epitaxy byIon-implantation in the Production of Microphone Devices;改用离子注入替代外延生产话筒管

2.Study on ion-implantation induced intermixing effect of quantum wellby using photoluminescence spectroscopy;离子注入诱导量子阱界面混合效应的光致荧光谱研究

3.Using single energy or overlapped energy ion-implantation technology,a modified layer was formed after C ions implanted into uranium.利用离子注入技术,分别采用单能量和多能量叠加注入方式在铀表面注入碳形成表面改性层,并对改性层的形貌、注入元素的分布和相结构分别进行扫描电镜(SEM)、俄歇电子能谱(AES)及表面相结构衍射谱(XRD)分析,利用电化学极化法测试注入样品的抗腐蚀性能。


1.Ion-implantation-induced transformation and pyrochlore nanodomains in a single crystal YSZ;离子注入诱发YSZ相变和Pyrochlore纳米晶的电子显微研究

2.Ion Implantation in Fabricating Strained Si Channel CMOS;应变Si沟道CMOS中的离子注入工艺

3.The structure of the aluminum alloy LY12 implanted with N/Ti by plasma based ionimplantation (PBII) was characterized using X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and glancing X ray diffraction (GXRD).用X射线光电子能谱 (XPS)和小掠射角X射线衍射 (GXRD)研究了铝合金LY12等离子体基离子注入氮 /钛改性层的结构。

4)Ion beam implantation离子注入

1.In vitro material is always difficult to survive because of freeze injury during ion beam implantation.离子注入过程中活体材料往往由于真空造成的冻害而不能存活。

2.After the SOD(superoxide dismutase) was treated with low energy N+ ion beam implantation in different doses,the effect of low energy N+ ion beam implantation on the secondary structure of SOD was studied by circular dichroism,and the effect of the change of secondary structure on the activity of the SOD was analyzed.超氧化物歧化酶经低能N+离子注入,应用圆二色光谱分析不同剂量低能N+离子注入对超氧化物歧化酶二级结构的影响,并分析了酶蛋白的二级结构变化对酶活性的影响。

3.This paper discusses and explores the interaction between the implanted ions and cells, and the biological effect of microorganisms by ion beam implantation.探讨了低能注入离子与生物细胞的相互作用以及离子注入微生物细胞所产生的生物效应。

5)Ions implantation离子注入

1.It is analyzed that range distribution and energy deposition distribution of 15 keV nitroger or argon ions implantation in polyether sulfone film.计算了 1 5 ke V N+和 Ar+注入聚醚砜薄膜的射程分布和能量淀积分布 ,利用计算的结果说明了离子注入聚醚砜膜后 ,薄膜表面电导率增加 (增加 5个数量级 )和光吸收率增加 (最大吸收率从44%增加到 82 。

2.In this paper, the biological features of saccharomycse stour implanted with low energy ion-beams are studied, and the parameters for ions implantation are established.研究了以低能离子注入为手段 ,来选育斯托尔酒精酵母 。

3.Changes in structure and property of tool and mould steel by matallic ions implantation was analyzed in this paper.对金属离子注入工模具钢造成的结构及性能的变化进行了分析 ,并对其强化机理进行了讨论。

6)As implantationAs离子注入


