900字范文 > 防洪分析评价 analysis and evaluation of flood control英语短句 例句大全

防洪分析评价 analysis and evaluation of flood control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-17 04:23:25


防洪分析评价 analysis and evaluation of flood control英语短句 例句大全

防洪分析评价,analysis and evaluation of flood control

1)analysis and evaluation of flood control防洪分析评价


1.Analysis and Evaluation of Flood Control of the Gongliu Bridge of Weihe River in Caijiapo of Baoji City宝鸡市蔡家坡龚刘渭河大桥工程防洪分析评价

2.Research of Rivers Flood Prevention Engneering Influence Appraisal Factor Analysis;河流防洪工程影响评价因子分析研究

3.Flood protection evaluation and research to a project in Xiaoqinghe flood diversion area小清河分洪区某工程的防洪评价研究

4.The Economic Analysis and Evaluation on Flood Control Project of Yellow River Backward Position;黄河下游防洪工程建设经济评价与分析

5.Research of Set Pair Analysis Method to Urban Flood Risk Assessment and Flood Control Program Optimization城市洪水风险评价与防洪方案优选的集对分析方法研究

6.The Evaluation of the Capacity of Flood Control of Water Intake Engineering and Flood Discharge of Watercourse of Ningxia Zhongning Electric Power Plant;宁夏中宁电厂取水工程防洪及河道行洪评价

7.Economic benefits of flood control project system in west of Shahe River and Luohe River沙河、漯河以西防洪工程体系防洪经济效益分析

prehensive Assessment of Urban Flood Control Project Based on Multivariate Statistical Analysis基于多元统计分析的城市防洪规划方案综合评定

9.Study on the Flood Disaster and Control Measures in the Dongting Lake Region;洞庭湖区洪涝灾害及防洪减灾对策分析

10.Analysis on measures of flood insurance for flood prevention and control of Yellow River;黄河洪水灾害防治中的洪水保险措施分析

11.Study on Impact of Human Activities for Flood Forecast and Flood Protection Operation人类活动对洪水预报影响分析及防洪调度研究

12.Study on Risk Analysis and Calculation Method of Flood Regulation for Flood Control Projects防洪工程洪水调度风险分析及计算方法研究

13.The Analysis and Evaluation on the Development of Three Norths Project of the Tenth Five-year Plan;三北防护林工程“十五”发展分析与评价

14.Evaluation for bilingual lectures of preventive dentistry;预防口腔医学双语教学的评价与分析

15.Research on Water Quality Analysis and Evaluation and the Countermeasures of Dongchang Lake东昌湖水质分析、评价及防治对策研究

16.Malaria situation and evaluation on different malaria prevention and control measures in Yongcheng City永城市疟疾疫情分析及防治效果评价

17.Water Quality Analysis and Assessment and Pollution Control of Xiangshui River响水河水质分析评价及污染防治对策

18.Research and Application on Flood Prevention Forecast Operation and Flood Disaster Evaluation;水库防洪预报调度及灾情评价理论研究与应用


flood control evaluation防洪评价

3)flood defense influence evaluation防洪影响评价

1.Part of one power plant’s buildings is programmed in flood -discharging river, soflood defense influence evaluation is required.某发电厂部分建筑物规划建设在行洪河道上,应作防洪影响评价。

4)flood-control risk evaluation防洪风险评价

5)decision-making analysis and evaluation in flood control防汛决策分析和评价

6)evaluation and analysis评价分析

1.Accordingly takesevaluation and analysis actively to ecology environment about Huhehaote in ten recently,finally offers the suggestions and countermeasures correspondingly about Huhehaote.文章通过构建呼和浩特市生态环境评价指标体系,采用特尔非法与层次公析法相结合的方法,对呼和浩特市近10a生态环境体系进行评价分析,并最终提出相应的对策与建议。

2.This paper briefly expounds the conception of the sci-tech activity, puts forward the design principles of the statistical index system, and introduces in detail how to use the index system to make theevaluation and analysis on the sci-tech activities, including the main indexes and measuring methods of theevaluation and analysis.简述了科技活动的概念,提出了统计指标体系的设计原则,详细介绍了如何利用指标体系对科技活动进行评价分析,包括评价分析的主要指标及测量方法。


地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)地下水水资源评价(见水资源评价)d ixiashui shuiziyuan Ping】ia地下水水资源评价见水资源评价。
