900字范文 > 股价反应 stock price reaction英语短句 例句大全

股价反应 stock price reaction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-14 05:11:16


股价反应 stock price reaction英语短句 例句大全

股价反应,stock price reaction

1)stock price reaction股价反应

1.This paper analyzes thestock price reactions to management buyout (MBO) in China with some case studies.本文采用标准事件研究法来考察管理层收购(MBO)在中国证券市场的股价反应。

2.Our results from the examinations of effective samples show that there is a significant negativestock price reaction to SEO in A-share market.对全部有效样本的经验结果显示,A股市场增发存在显著的负向股价反应。


1.An Analysis of Stock Price Reaction to SEO in A-share Market and Its FactorsA股市场增发的股价反应及因素分析

2.An Empirical Study on the Response of Investors to the Stock Price in Our Stock Market;我国证券市场投资者股价反应行为的实证研究

3.Empirical Analysis on Motives behind Acquisitions and Share Price Responses: Evidence from Acquisition in China s Securities Market;上市公司并购动机及股价反应的实证检验

4.An Empirical Analysis of Relativity between Growth Opportunities and Stock Price Response to Second Equity Offering;企业增长机会与股权再融资股价反应相关性分析

5.Grey Correlative Degree Analysis on the Information of Annual Report and Share Price Reaction;上市公司年报披露信息与股价反应的灰关联分析

6.Positive study on accounting information content and stock price reaction of interim financial report of listed company;上市公司中期财务报告会计信息含量与股价反应的实证研究

7.The Announcement Effect and Reaction-Bias of the Volume Change of China"s A Shares;A股总量变动的股价效应及反应偏差的研究

8.Float Shares Buyback: Event Response and Performance;流通股回购:股价的事项性反应与绩效研究

9.Stock Price Fluctuations and Monetary Policy Reactions in China;中国的股票价格波动及货币政策反应

10.Modelling of the Impact of Technical Trend Signal on Shanghai Stock Market;上海股市对技术信号的价格反应模型

11.Should China s Monetary Policy Respond to the Change of Stock Price?;我国的货币政策是否应对股价变动做出反应?

12.Information Reaction Pattern on the Stock Price Adjustment Process基于价格调整过程的股票信息反应模式

13.Can Monetary Policy Interfere with the Excessive Fluctuation of Stock Price?;货币政策能对股价的过度波动做出反应吗?

14.Information Response Curves and Its Asymmetry of Stock Price Fluctuation in China Stock Markets;中国股票市场的信息反应曲线和股票价格波动的非对称性

15.Annual Financial Information Disclosure, Response Duration,and Investment Decision;年报披露、反应时间与投资决策——股票市场价格反应的持续模型研究

16.Conservatism or Fair Value:An Analysis Based on Stock Price Reactions;稳健性与公允价值:基于股票价格反应的规范性分析

17.The stock market response sensitively . Next exchanging day, the stock price goes up quickly.股票市场对此反应敏感,在利率下调的第一个股票交易日,股票价格上涨。

18.This ratio tells investors how much times the market price is to the EPS, and reflects the reasonability of stock"s market price and the related risk.这一比率告诉投资者市价是每股收益的多少倍,能够反映股票市价的合理性和相应的风险


stock price reaction degree analysis method股价反应程度分析法

3)Stock Price Effects股价效应

1.The Reasons of Issuing Convertible Bonds and theStock Price Effects;可转换债券发行动因及股价效应研究

2.Stock Price Effects of M&A of Listed Companies:Evidence from the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Markets of A-Share in China上市公司并购的股价效应——来自沪深A股市场的经验证据


1.The Analysis ofShare-price-effect of Seasoned Equity Offering in Domestic Stock Market;中国股市增发公告的股价效应分析

2.Share-price-effect of Reissue and Its Market Prospect;增发融资的股价效应与市场前景

3.New issuance generally results in share-price s falling, which is called "share-price-effect".增发新股一般会导致公司股票价格下跌 (增发新股的股价效应 )。

5)stock price effect股价效应

1.Empirical Analysis on Stock Price Effects of M&A of Listed Companies;上市公司并购股价效应的实证分析

2.This paper empirically studies thestock price effect of restricted share’s circulation by using the event study.本文运用事件研究法对限售股上市流通的股价效应进行了实证研究。

3.Investigating thestock price effect of refinancing is helpful in understandi.研究再融资的股价效应问题,对于正确认识和评价各种融资方式,了解其对我国股市短期内的冲击,规范和完善我国资本市场具有重要意义。

6)SEO performanceSEO股价效应

1.This article examines the free cash flow hypothesis from a new perspective—the impact of ownership structure onSEO performance.文章从一个全新的角度——股权结构对公司SEO股价效应的影响——出发,对自由现金流量理论进行了检验。


