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股价 stock price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-19 21:27:02


股价 stock price英语短句 例句大全

股价,stock price

1)stock price股价

1.The Application of Fuzzy Neural Networks in Stock Price Forecasting;模糊神经网络在股价预测中的应用

2.Stock Price Forecasting Research Applying Neural Network Technology;股价变动的神经网络技术预测法研究

3.An Empirical Study about Exchange Rate and Stock Price Interaction:Evidence from Mainland China,Taiwan and Hongkong汇率与股价关联的实证研究——基于汇改后中国大陆、台湾、香港的数据


1.Price-To-Book Ratio股价与账面价值比率

2.Value of Non-tradable Shares,Consideration Ratio and the Return Release Shares" Sell非流通股价值、股改对价与解禁股减持回报

3.A higher risk premium for the equity market has already been priced in.股市已将更高的风险溢价计入股价中。

4.Share price falls under continuing profit - taking .在持续高价出售股票中,股价下跌了。

5.The Positive Analysis on the Unlock of Non-tradable Shares after the Reformation and the Movement of Share Price;股改限售股解禁与股价走势的实证分析

6.The Dynamic Evolution of A and H Shares Price Discovery before and after Share Desegregation Reform股改前后A股和H股价格发现的动态演化

7.The percentage is based on the dividend declared divided by the par value, not the share price.这个百分比是股息除以面值(而非股价)。

8.share capital, dealing, prices股本、 股票交易、 股票价格

9.A stock price ex dividend.不包括股息的股票价格

10.Book value per share of common stock普通股每股帐面价值

11.book value per share of stock股票每股的帐面价值

12.Share prices tumbled on the stock-market.股市上股票价格暴跌.

13.Price to earnings ratio=Market value per share of common / Earnings of per share.市盈率=普通股每股市价/每股收益。

14.It is defined as dividend received in a year divided by the share price.股息率是一年的总股息除以股 价。

15.Market Pricing Comparison among the A Stock,Chinese Concept Stock & American StockA股、红筹股及美国股票市场定价比较

16.Issued 10 shares of $2 par value stock at a price of $10 a share.发行股票10股,面值每股2美元,售价每股10美元。

17.strong prices, share values, etc坚挺的价格、 股票价值等

18.Research of the Impact of Cash Dividend and Stock Divide nd on Stock Market Price Based on Dividend Discount Model;基于股利贴现模型的现金股利和股票股利对股票市价的影响研究


stock prices股价

1.The findings reveal thatstock prices are the lead indicator of macroeconomy;there exists positive relationship between real estate prices and GDP,interest rates & CPI;the fluctuations of real estate prices are consistent with business cycles;and the fluctuations ofstock prices greatly lead that of real .通过模型推导和实证分析研究了股价波动、房价波动与经济周期之间的相互关系,构建了一个分析三者之间关系的统一框架。

2.The behavior of thestock prices is highly similar to magnetism, so we can use the way provided by magneto-physics to analyze the stock market and get a new model of the behavior ofstock prices, which can explain the nonlinear and lag ofstock prices very well when there is change in information and capital.本文从股票市场的股价行为和磁性材料的磁学特性之间的高度相似性出发 ,借鉴磁性物理学的分析方法 ,得出了一个更能反映股票市场客观实际的新的股价行为模式 ,并依据股价的类磁现象 ,合理解释了股价在消息面和资金面发生变化时所表现出的非线性和滞后性。

3.whether there is a link between the RMB exchange rate andstock prices? From the basic theory, this paper makes a comprehensive ana.人民币汇率加速升值,股价不断上涨,二者之间是否具有某种联系?本文首先从基本理论出发,全面分析汇率与股价之间相互影响及其传导途径;然后结合我国的实际,分析人民币汇率与股价之间的关系;接着选取人民币对各主要货币汇率,及A、B股股价进行实证分析;在文章的结尾部分,针对前文的理论与实证分析,提出相应的政策建议。

3)share price股价

1.The EVA Impact the Share Price in China Market;EVA值对我国A股股价影响的研究

2.At the same time the paper gives an example to explain how to use the grey correlative degree analysis approach to analyze theshare price reaction to the information of the annual report of the listed companies and comes to some conc.在对年报披露信息进行分析的基础上,运用灰关联分析方法,分析了上市公司年报披露信息对股价的影响,得出了在上市公司股票投资中进行年报披露信息分析的新途径和新方法,从而为投资者在股票投资中做出合理、科学的判断提供了决策依据。

4)stock index and stock price股指股价

5)A\H parityA股H股比价

6)H/A parityH股A股比价


