900字范文 > 最小自由能法 the principle of free energy minimization英语短句 例句大全

最小自由能法 the principle of free energy minimization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-15 09:18:14


最小自由能法 the principle of free energy minimization英语短句 例句大全

最小自由能法,the principle of free energy minimization

1)the principle of free energy minimization最小自由能法

1.According to the security design of explosive type tear gas grenade,the paper obtains the combustion balance of charge formulation after blasting throughthe principle of free energy minimization and calculates the whole energy released in reaction process,charge detonation and velocity.本文针对爆炸式催泪弹的安全设计,利用最小自由能法获得了装药配方中炸药爆炸后的平衡组成,计算了爆炸式催泪弹反应过程释放的总能量、装药爆速、爆压。

2)minimum free energy最小自由能

1.Theminimum free energy of each window was calculated using computer programs: RNA structure version 3.用RNAstructure软件分别计算每个片段核酸二级结构的最小自由能。

2.Its basic dynamic programming algorithm needs O(n4) time to calculate theminimum free energy for RNA secondary structure, where n is the length of RNA sequence.基于最小自由能模型的方法是计算生物学中RNA二级结构预测的主要方法,而计算最小自由能的动态规划算法需要O(n4)的时间,其中n是RNA序列的长度。

3.Considering that the stacking of adjacent base pairs is a common feature of RNA secondary structure,here we present a method for predicting pseudoknots based on covariance with stacking andminimum free energy.文中提出一种基于堆积协变信息与最小自由能的RNA伪结预测方法。


1.Minimum free-energy change model for controlling inclusion components in tire cord steel帘线钢夹杂物成分控制的最小自由能变化模型

2.The biggest advantage is that a car gives a much greater degree of nobility, enabling the driver to move around freely.最大的优点是小汽车具有很大机动性,它能让人到处自由跑。

3.Study on Optimal Design of Reaction Process Based on Gibbs Free Energy Minimization Method;基于Gibbs自由能最小法的反应过程优化设计的研究

4.Discussion on Method of Minimum Gibbs" Free Energy Dealing with Compositions of Combustion Products in Chemical Laser自由能最小化方法处理化学激光器燃烧产物组份的探讨

5.The concept of physical person could only imply the natural freedom, but never political liberty.自然人的概念最多只能推出事实自由而不可能推出政治自由。

6."Not being myself has always been my hardest trouble!"我最大的苦恼就是不能让自己自由自在地活着!

7.Research on Placement Algorithm Based on Less Flexibility First Principles;基于最小自由度优先原则的布局算法研究

8.Zonal flow dynamics in background of ion-temperature-gradient mode turbulence based on minimal freedom model离子温度梯度模湍流的带状流最小自由度模型

9.In a small establishment, the manager may take care of the bookkeeping himself.小旅馆可能由经理亲自记帐。

10.Minimum Hops Maximum Energy Wireless Routing Protocol for Energy-protection基于能量保护的最小跳数最大能值无线路由协议

11.I would say there are "four little freedoms".我说是“四小自由”。

12.Freedom Explanation: Distinguishing between Freedom and the Ability of Using It;自由释义:自由与利用自由的能力之辨

13.Effect of total flavonoids from roots of Daphne genkwa on Anti-free radical ability in mice芫花根总黄酮对小鼠抗自由基能力的影响

14.Effects of H102 on cholinergic system and free radicals of APP trangenic mouseH102对APP转基因小鼠胆碱能系统及自由基的影响

15.Effect of propolis on sport performence and free radical metabolism of cardiac muscle in rats蜂胶对小鼠运动能力及心肌自由基代谢的影响

16.The freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty.新闻自由是自由最大的保障之一。

17.The "way of heaven" connotes no liberalism--Three queries into "the way of the heaven" liberalism;最是“天道”不“自由”——三问“天道自由主义”

18.being derived from; usually followed by on or upon: a film based on a best-selling novel.源自于;经常后接on或upon:由销售最好的小说改编的电影。


minimum free energy最小自由能

1.Theminimum free energy of each window was calculated using computer programs: RNA structure version 3.用RNAstructure软件分别计算每个片段核酸二级结构的最小自由能。

2.Its basic dynamic programming algorithm needs O(n4) time to calculate theminimum free energy for RNA secondary structure, where n is the length of RNA sequence.基于最小自由能模型的方法是计算生物学中RNA二级结构预测的主要方法,而计算最小自由能的动态规划算法需要O(n4)的时间,其中n是RNA序列的长度。

3.Considering that the stacking of adjacent base pairs is a common feature of RNA secondary structure,here we present a method for predicting pseudoknots based on covariance with stacking andminimum free energy.文中提出一种基于堆积协变信息与最小自由能的RNA伪结预测方法。

3)free energy minimization自由能最小

1.Analysis on carbon dioxide reforming of methane withfree energy minimization approach;基于Gibbs自由能最小原理分析CO_2重整CH_4

4)least free-energy最小自由能

1.In this paper,the equilibrium states of combustion products and their thermodynamic parameters of different KNO_3/S/charcoal compositions are calculated inleast free-energy principle.应用最小自由能原理计算了不同配比黑火药的燃烧平衡产物和热力学参数,对数值模拟结果进行定性分析。

2.Gaseous phase products and thermodynamic parameters of various charcoal/KNO_3 compositions are calculated using theleast free-energy principle.运用最小自由能原理计算了不同配比C/KNO3体系燃烧产物的平衡气相组成和热力学参数,从反应动力学的角度对模拟结果进行定性分析,并以平衡态气相组成、火药力、爆温为目标函数,设计出低腐蚀、无污染的无硫黑火药配方,改善了体系的热力学性能,并就优化后配方的理化、感度性能及输出特性与制式黑火药进行了对比分析。

5)free energy minimization method自由能最小化方法

1.An extended Young s equation suited for double-liquid variable-focus lenses is derived by means of Helmholtzfree energy minimization method.利用亥姆霍兹自由能最小化方法推导出适合双液体变焦透镜的杨氏方程,将以气液固三相系统为基础的传统杨式方程扩展到了液液固三相系统。

6)minimization of Gibbs free energyGibbs自由能最小

1.Based onminimization of Gibbs free energy,Genetic Algorithm(GA)is proposed in this paper for computing simultaneous chemical and phase equilibrium in volatile weak electrolyte solution.基于Gibbs自由能最小化原理,提出用遗传算法计算易挥发弱电解质体系化学及相平衡问题。

2.As to the calculation of phase equilibrium for inorganic salts-azeotropic organics/water system,based on theminimization of Gibbs free energy,a method is proposed using Genetic Algorithm(GA).针对无机盐-恒沸有机水溶液体系相平衡问题,提出用Gibbs自由能最小法计算。


