900字范文 > 形成自由能 the Gibbs free energy of formation英语短句 例句大全

形成自由能 the Gibbs free energy of formation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-18 03:17:01


形成自由能 the Gibbs free energy of formation英语短句 例句大全

形成自由能,the Gibbs free energy of formation

1)the Gibbs free energy of formation形成自由能

2)shape formation free energy成形自由能

1.It is found that the allowed shape of TCNTs should be determined by a restraint ofshape formation free energy being equal to zero.发现弯曲纳米碳管成形自由能为零的条件决定了多壁纳米碳管环的形成;并存在使直纳米碳管变弯的阈值条件,纳米碳管环是诸多弯曲构型中的一种稳定构型。

3)free forming自由成形

1.After field analysis and investigations,we try to change the weld technique from the pad-added single sided weld with double sided formation into thefree forming single sided weld with double sided formation,and we formulate the relevant welding specifications.经过现场分析和调研,将加垫板的单面焊双面成形焊接工艺改为自由成形的单面焊双面成形焊接工艺,同时制定了相应的焊接规范。

2.To satisfy the need of sub-sea pipeline all-position welding repair,free forming features of 16Mn steel plate in typical positions under 0.7 MPa空气压力下,研究典型位置16 Mn钢板的自由成形,形成的接头符合美国焊接学会AWS D 3。


1.FreeForm Fabrication of Functional Devices-the New Wonder from RP功能器件的自由成形—试论再创RP的新辉煌

2.an inorganic form of society一种非由自然发展而形成的社会形式.

3.Then, given the crowd, you have the slum ready-made.于是,由于人数为多,贫民窟便自然形成。

4.On Possibilities of Forming an East Asia-Mediterranean Sea Free Trade Zone;东亚地中海自由贸易圈形成的可能性

5.On the Formation,Performance Mechanism and Its Enlightenment from US-Korean FTA:in the Perspective of Competitive Liberalization美韩自由贸易协定的形成、运行机制及启示:竞争性自由化视角

6.The form is free and lively.此形式自由、活泼,

7.A member of a Liberal political party.自由党人自由党的成员

pensates for deformation of body due to pipe stresses.能够自动适应由于管道应力造成的阀体变形。

9.Analysis on the Economic Effect of Formation and Development of ASEAN Free Trade Area;东盟自由贸易区形成与发展的经济效应分析

10.Is There a Paradox between the Free Trade Theory and Anti-dumping Rules;自由贸易理论与反倾销原理是否形成悖论

11.The Regional Economical Integration and the New Tendency of FAT in East Asia;自由贸易的形成及其在东亚的发展趋势

12.Principle of Moriě Fringe in Autostereoscopic Display Based on Parallax Barrier and Lenticular Lens光栅式自由立体显示器中莫尔条纹的形成规律

13.Design of New Freestyle Spray Forming Atomizer喷射成形新型自由式雾化器的设计研究

14.A rock fragment between64 and256 millimeters in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded.圆石子直径由64至256毫米的岩石块,尤指自然形成的圆形石子

15.A Study of Free Deformation Law under Dieless Constraint and Tube Axial Compressive Precision Forming Process;无模约束自由变形规律与管轴压精密成形过程的研究

16.Natural Rights and the Rise of Political Liberalism in Neoteric Europe;自然权利在近代欧洲政治自由主义形成中的作用

17.FFD Cylinder Modifier自由变形柱体修改器

18.free from organization design自由形式的组织设计


shape formation free energy成形自由能

1.It is found that the allowed shape of TCNTs should be determined by a restraint ofshape formation free energy being equal to zero.发现弯曲纳米碳管成形自由能为零的条件决定了多壁纳米碳管环的形成;并存在使直纳米碳管变弯的阈值条件,纳米碳管环是诸多弯曲构型中的一种稳定构型。

3)free forming自由成形

1.After field analysis and investigations,we try to change the weld technique from the pad-added single sided weld with double sided formation into thefree forming single sided weld with double sided formation,and we formulate the relevant welding specifications.经过现场分析和调研,将加垫板的单面焊双面成形焊接工艺改为自由成形的单面焊双面成形焊接工艺,同时制定了相应的焊接规范。

2.To satisfy the need of sub-sea pipeline all-position welding repair,free forming features of 16Mn steel plate in typical positions under 0.7 MPa空气压力下,研究典型位置16 Mn钢板的自由成形,形成的接头符合美国焊接学会AWS D 3。

4)Gibbs free energy of micellization胶束形成Gibbs自由能

5)off-hand working自由成形法

6)Free energy offormation生成自由能


主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项■主要射出成形材料成形时应注意事项品 名 注 意 事 项PVC聚氯乙烯 1. 产品种类范围非常广(硬质、软质、聚合物等),成型条件各有不同,从熔融至分解之温度范围很小,尤须注意加热温度。2. 附着水分少,但成型周期尽可能减少(50℃~60℃热风干燥)。3. 成型机方面,与材料直接接触的部位须电镀或采用不锈钢以防热分解所产生的盐酸侵蚀。射出压力2100kg/cm2程度。4. 所有塑料当中必须是细心注意温度调节。5. 浇口附近易产生流纹,故射出操作后,柱塞不要后退使浇口充分固化后再瞬间退后为宜。6. 加热之初温不宜高,特别注意熔融情形。第二级加热温度较高,且尽可能使成形周期缩短,比较安全。PA聚醯胺树脂 1. 成型温度比其它材料高,故采用油加热的成形机较适当。2. 吸湿性大,必须充分干燥。水分对成型品的品质影响甚大(80℃热风干燥约5~6小时)。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜。PP聚丙烯 1. 同PE,但成形温度必须较高。熔融温度170℃,超过190℃则流动性大增,则毛边增加,易产生接缝及凹入情形。PC聚碳酸脂 1. 吸湿性比尼龙小,但若有些微之水分存在则成型品产生其它色泽或气泡,故必须密封干燥同时成形时也须预备干燥(120℃之温度4小时)。2. 加热温度超过320℃时则产生热分解,成品变色,故特别注意温度调节,又成型时的温度调节也非常重要,须特别注意其最低温度、最低时间。3. 须退火以消除内部歪斜(130℃~135℃,1小时程度为准)。
