900字范文 > 物流仓储系统 Logistic Storage System英语短句 例句大全

物流仓储系统 Logistic Storage System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-07 19:27:59


物流仓储系统 Logistic Storage System英语短句 例句大全

物流仓储系统,Logistic Storage System

1)Logistic Storage System物流仓储系统

1.Logistic Storage System is an important part of business and MIS of 3PL enterprises.物流仓储系统是第三方物流企业的业务和管理信息系统中一个很重要的子系统。


1.Modeling and Simulation of the Warehouse System of Logistics Based on Petri Net;基于Petri网的物流仓储系统建模与仿真

2.Design and Implemention of WMS Based on C#基于C#的物流仓储系统的设计与实现

3.Modeling and Simulation of the Goods Storage of Logistics Based on Flexsim基于Flexsim的物流仓储系统的建模与仿真

4.Design of Physical Distribution and Storage Management System Based on Web;基于Web的物流仓储管理系统的设计

5.Design and Realization of Network Warehouse Logistics Information System;网络化仓储物流信息系统设计与实现

6.Solution to Logistics Storage Management System Based on B/S基于B/S模式物流仓储管理系统开发

7.The MIS Research of Logistics Inventory in Qinghai Petroleum Administration;青海石油管理局物流仓储管理信息系统研究

8.Research and Implementation of TPLWMS Platform;第三方物流仓储管理系统的设计与实现

9.Research and Implementation of WMSOTML Platform Base on J2EE;基于J2EE的军事物流仓储管理系统的设计与实现

10.Research and Development of the Logistics Wireless Storage Information Integrated System;物流自动化无线仓储信息系统的研究与开发

11.Research of Control Technology of Intellectual Shuttles in ASRS System;仓储物流系统中穿梭车的控制技术研究

12.Research of China Post Modern Logistics Warehouse Management Information System Based on RFID;基于RFID的现代邮政物流仓储管理信息系统研究

13.Distribution Center Warehouse Management Information System Design and Study;物流配送中心仓储管理信息系统设计研究

14.The Function Planning of the Warehouse Information System for the Railway Logistics Enterprise on the Basis of BPR;基于BPR的铁路物流企业仓储信息系统功能规划

15.Design of 3PL Warehouse Management System with RFID;基于RFID的第三方物流仓储管理系统设计应用

16.Analysis and Design for Contemporary Warehouse Logistics Management Information System;现代仓储物流管理信息系统分析与设计

17.Application of RFID in the Design of Logistics Warehousing Management System;RFID技术在物流仓储管理系统设计中的应用

18.Analysis on the New Design Technology of AS/RS;浅析物流自动化立体仓储系统设计新技术


ASRS system仓储物流系统

1.Research on control method of shuttles inASRS system;仓储物流系统中多车同轨模型的控制方法研究

3)Management and Monitoring System of Storage Logistics仓储物流管理监控系统

4)logistics storage物流仓储

1.Application of RFID in Logistics Storage;RFID在物流仓储中的运用

5)Warehouse Logistics仓储物流

1.Analysis and Design for ContemporaryWarehouse Logistics Management Information System;现代仓储物流管理信息系统分析与设计

2.Some traits of modern warehouse logistics system are studied in the paper,then,we discuss the method of design and some flews in the classic integrated logistics system.论文分析了现代仓储物流系统的特点,阐述了集成化物流系统的传统设计思路及其弊端,探讨了以中间件技术来改造集成化物流系统。

3.The RFID technology has solved the low efficiency question in warehouse logistics, the high efficiency accomplish business management to go into storage service, leave the storehouse management and in the storehouse business managements so on.目前仓储管理的信息化水平低下,严重阻碍着仓储物流业务发展。

6)warehouse system仓储系统

1.Management Research on Warehouse System of Modern Logistics Enterprises;现代物流企业仓储系统管理研究

2.The paper analyzes the characteristics of planning and design of spare partswarehouse system,and expounds classification method of materials,configuration of storage area,storage equipment and capacity calculation method based on IQ analysis.分析了备品备件自动化仓储系统规划设计的特点,详细说明了物料分类方法、储区及储存设备的配置以及基于品类出货量分析的能力计算方法,并结合实例说明了备品备件自动化仓储系统规划与设计的方法与步骤。


