900字范文 > 物流系统优化 logistic system optimization英语短句 例句大全

物流系统优化 logistic system optimization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-25 02:37:25


物流系统优化 logistic system optimization英语短句 例句大全

物流系统优化,logistic system optimization

1)logistic system optimization物流系统优化


1.Logistics Globalization and the Strategy on External Logistics System Optimization in China;物流全球化及我国对外物流系统优化策略

2.An Analysis of the Logistics Optimization under the Backgrund of CSM供应链背景下物流系统优化问题分析

3.Analysis of the Optimization and Control of WY s International Logistics System;WY公司国际物流系统优化与控制分析

4.Discussion About The Enterprise Logistics Optimization Of Datun Aluminium Co., Ltd.;大屯铝业公司企业物流系统优化探讨

5.Discussion on Waterborne Petroleum Logistics Systematic Optimization;我国水上石油物流系统优化问题探讨

6.Optimization of Production Logistics Based on Classical IE Method and Flexsim Simulation Software基于经典IE与Flexsim的生产物流系统优化

7.Optimizing the Logistic System-Analysis of Australia Burberry"s Logistic System优化物流系统——分析澳大利亚Burberry的物流系统

8.Optimization analysis and strategy tactics of post logistics system邮政物流系统的优化分析和战略举措

9.Optimization Study of Logistics Management System of Thermal Power Plant;火力发电企业物流管理系统优化研究

10.Optimization of Logistic System for Container Terminal with Simulation Approach;集装箱码头物流系统仿真与优化研究

11.Research on Logistics Distribution Optimization and Track and System Implementation;物流配送优化与跟踪研究及系统实现

12.Application Research of the Intelligent Optimizing Technology in the Logistics System;物流系统中智能优化技术的应用研究

13.The Development Features and Optimization of Logistics in Wuhu City;芜湖市城市物流系统发展特征及优化

14.Optimized material circulation system in Lanzhou Liancheng Aluminium Company;兰州连城铝业公司物流管理系统优化

15.The Proposals Optimizing Logistics System of China s Agricultural By-products;对优化我国农副产品物流系统的思考

16.Optimal Adjustment Models for Uncapacitated Reverse Logistic System;反向物流系统的优化调整模型与算法

17.The SL-C Optimization Model s Construction and Accomplishment of the Logistics System;物流系统SL-C优化模型的构建与实现

18.Optimized Design in Production Logistics System of Manufacturing Enterprises;制造型企业生产物流系统的优化设计


Logistic systematic optimization物流系统优化

3)optimal designing of logistics system物流系统优化设计

4)Urban Logistics System Optimization城市物流系统优化

5)logistics distribution optimizing system物流配送优化系统

1.Then,according to the method,alogistics distribution optimizing system is designed to solve a correlative problem,and the result is favorable.最后根据此算法设计了一个物流配送优化系统,解决了一个物流配送成本优化问题,效果良好。

6)logistics systematization物流系统化

1.The basic aim oflogistics systematization is to reduce logistics cost.物流系统化的根本目的是降低物流成本,因此,要想推进物流系统化,就必须研究物流成本计算的理论和方法,准确地掌握物流活动所耗费的全部费用,正确地划分物流活动七功能所耗费的费用,科学地测定并改进新物流系统与现有物流系统物流成本及系统效果的差别,这样才能从根本上把握物流系统化,实现物流合理化。


