900字范文 > 运输合理化 transport rationalization英语短句 例句大全

运输合理化 transport rationalization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-14 22:35:20


运输合理化 transport rationalization英语短句 例句大全

运输合理化,transport rationalization

1)transport rationalization运输合理化

2)rationalization of transportation logistics运输物流合理化

3)reasonable transportation合理运输

1.On the basis of this, the author propounds some ideas on how to do well in grain transportation to realiza thereasonable transportation of grain commodity under the new situation.本文就社会主义市场经济形势下粮食运输工作所面临的新任务、新问题进行了探讨和分析,并由此提出了在新形势下如何搞好粮食运输工作,实现粮食商品合理运输的一些看

4)optimum retionalization of transport flows运输流向最优合量理化

5)irrational transport不合理运输


1.On the reasons & coping strategy of unreasonable railway transportation of foodstuff under the market economy;谈市场经济条件下铁路粮食不合理运输的原因及其解决对策

2.Make Fully Use of Transport Capacity, Well OrganizeTransportation, Improve Transport Benefits;充分运用运能 合理组织运输 提高运输效益

3.rational traffic division among different modes of transport运输方式的合理分工

4.A common carrier may not deny any normal and reasonable carriage requirement by a passenger or consignor.第二百八十九条从事公共运输的承运人不得拒绝旅客、托运人通常、合理的运输要求。

5.Shallowly Discussion the Transportation Integration and the Freight Agent of the Railroad Freight Transportation;浅谈铁路货运的整合运输和货运代理

6.Reasonable Readjusting Transport Structure,Improving Link Abilities of Loading and Transport;合理调整运输结构 提升装运环节能力

7.Reasonable Scale of Multimodal Transportation Network of Linear Programming线性规划综合运输网络合理规模研究

8.Latin American Federation of International Transport Users" Counci拉丁美洲国际运输使用者理事会联合会 (拉美运输理联)

9.The Despatch and Transport Manager decides which method is the most suitable.发货运输经理决定哪种方式最合适。

10.Study on the Safe Management Synthesis Evaluation of Urban Traffic Corporation;道路运输企业安全管理综合评价研究

11.Research on the Integrated Optimization of Inventory Control and Transportation Management;库存控制与运输管理的整合优化研究

12.Research on the Routes Rational Configuration of Highway and Railway System in Transport Corridor;运输通道公铁系统路径合理配置研究

13.An Integrated Transportation Price Management system Based on CAS;基于CAS的综合运输价格管理体系

14.Economic Rationality Analysis of Container Transport in Nansha Port Area;南沙港区集装箱运输经济合理性分析

15.New Concept of SC Cooperation,Collaboration Transportation Management;供应链合作新概念——协同运输管理(CTM)

16.The rail company is trying to rationalize its freight service.铁路运输公司正在努力使其货运服务合理化。

17.Study on Rational Operation and Aggregation-Function of Transport Corridor;运输通道合理运行及经济聚集作用研究

18.Research & Application on the Coordination Theory of Passenger Transport Supply and Demand of Comprehensive Transportation;综合运输客运供给与需求协调理论研究与应用


rationalization of transportation logistics运输物流合理化

3)reasonable transportation合理运输

1.On the basis of this, the author propounds some ideas on how to do well in grain transportation to realiza thereasonable transportation of grain commodity under the new situation.本文就社会主义市场经济形势下粮食运输工作所面临的新任务、新问题进行了探讨和分析,并由此提出了在新形势下如何搞好粮食运输工作,实现粮食商品合理运输的一些看

4)optimum retionalization of transport flows运输流向最优合量理化

5)irrational transport不合理运输

6)reasonable compensation for carriage运输的合理赔偿


