900字范文 > 配送方案合理化 rationalization of distribution programme英语短句 例句大全

配送方案合理化 rationalization of distribution programme英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-19 11:07:35


配送方案合理化 rationalization of distribution programme英语短句 例句大全

配送方案合理化,rationalization of distribution programme

1)rationalization of distribution programme配送方案合理化

2)distribution plan optimization配送方案优化

1.In the course of freight distribution in a distribution center, thedistribution plan optimization problem is a fascinating one.在配送中心的货物配送工作中,配送方案优化问题是一个极具魅力的问题,优质的配送方案将产生极其可观的经济效益。


1.Genetic Algorithm-based Optimization of Distribution Project in Low Temperature Logistics;基于遗传算法的低温物流配送方案优化设计

2.Optimization on the Transportation Strategy of Distribution for after Sales Spare Automobile Parts;汽车售后配件配送运输优化方案的研究

3.Study on Distribution Project Selection and Route Optimization for the Agricultural Product Logistics Enterprises;农产品物流企业配送方案选择与路径优化研究

4.The Model of Optimizing Scheme for the Distribution of Logistics Center and Its Algorithm Design;优化物流中心配送方案的模型及算法设计

5.Research on Optimizing Scheme for City Logistics Based on Joint Distribution基于共同配送的城市物流优化方案研究

6.Fuzzy AHP Method and Its Application in Variant Optimization about Chain Delivery of Building Materials模糊层次分析法及其在优化建材连锁配送方案中的应用

7.Study on Intelligent Algorithm for Vehicle Scheduling in Logistics Distribution;物流配送车辆调度智能优化方法研究

parative Research on Vehicle Routing Problem of Logistics Distribution;物流配送车辆调度优化方法比较研究

9.Study on routing optimization method of logistics distribution based on SOM基于SOM的物流配送路径优化方法研究

10.Carbon Dioxide Storage and Transportation of Dongfang 1-1 Gas Field东方1-1气田CO_2储存与输送方案优化分析

11.Study of Dynamic Optimizing Producing Rate in Low Permeability Reservoir;汪家屯低渗透气田优化配产方案研究

12.Optimal Placement of PMUs in Power System and Assessment of Feasible Schemes电力系统PMU优化配置及可行方案评估

13.Optimized power allocation plan in amplify-and-forward cooperative diversityAF协作分集中的功率优化分配方案

14.Optimization of Routing Arrangement Schemes Based on Fuzzy Programming基于模糊规划的公路线配车方案优化

15.Study on the Scheme of Formula Food Based on Optimized Methods in MATLAB基于MATLAB优化算法的食品配餐方案研究

16.Optimization Discussion of the Steel-Coiling Turnover Conveyor′s Turnover Platform钢卷翻转输送机翻转工作台的方案优化探讨

17.Study on Distribution Optimization Method in the Vendor Managed Inventory System;供应商管理库存系统中配送优化方法研究

18.Research and Realization of Methods on Logistics Delivery Vehicle Scheduling;物流配送车辆优化调度方法的研究与实现


distribution plan optimization配送方案优化

1.In the course of freight distribution in a distribution center, thedistribution plan optimization problem is a fascinating one.在配送中心的货物配送工作中,配送方案优化问题是一个极具魅力的问题,优质的配送方案将产生极其可观的经济效益。

3)Delivery Scheme配送方案

4)rationalization of logistics distribution配送合理化

1.During logistics distribution service, therationalization of logistics distribution plays a more and more important part.在当前的物流配送服务中,越来越强调配送合理化的重要性,但是如何判断配送是否实现了合理化,影响配送合理化的相关因素之间有哪些关系是我们亟需进行探讨的。

5)Cooperative scheme配合方案

6)rational delivery合理配送


