900字范文 > 最大诚信 utmost good faith英语短句 例句大全

最大诚信 utmost good faith英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-23 19:53:38


最大诚信 utmost good faith英语短句 例句大全

最大诚信,utmost good faith

1)utmost good faith最大诚信

1.Making a comprehensive survey of the discussion about ″utmost good faith″ in marine insurance of china,the definition of it s content is either ″narrative but not reasoning″ or ″reasoning but not clear″.纵观有关我国海上保险“最大诚信”之论述,对其内容之界定或“述而不论”,或“论而不清”,本文试从我国现行法之法条出发,力求准确论证海上保险“最大诚信”之内容。

2.The lack of warranty in our insurance law is an institutional default, while discussing it in the view ofutmost good faith misleads our understanding of it.我国保险法没有规定保险保证是重大的制度缺失,而在最大诚信原则之下来加以理解则是认识观念上 的严重偏差。

3.The principle ofutmost good faith is a basic principle of marine insurance law.最大诚信原则是海上保险合同的一项基本原则。


1.New Prope into the Content of "Utmost Good Faith" in Marine Insurance of China;我国海上保险“最大诚信”内容新探

2.Analysis of the Three Major Legal Institutions of the Principle of "Utmost Good Faith";保险人"最大诚信"的三项法律制度探析

3.Discussions upon the relationship between the utmost good faith principle and our maritime insurance law;论最大诚信原则与我国海上保险制度

4.An Analysis of the Maxim Credit Principle in China s Insurance;我国保险最大诚信原则存在的问题及对策分析

5.Application of the Utmost Good Faith to the Forming and Performance of the Insurance Law;最大诚信原则与保险合同的成立与履行

6.Discussion upon the Law Application of Ut Most Good Faith Principle to the Insurance Contract;论最大诚信原则在保险合同中的法律适用

7.An development outline of the doctrine of Umberrimae Fidei under English law;英国海上保险法最大诚信原则的发展概况

8.Bridfly Discussing the Informing Obligation & Carrying Out the Pronise in the Principle of Honesty and Prestige;浅论最大诚信原则中的告知义务及其履行

9.Principles of Utmost Good Faith of Insurance Contract;关于保险合同法中的最大诚信原则问题

10.The Marine Insurer s Obligation to Explain the Exclusion Clause Under the Principle of Utmost Good Faith;论最大诚信原则下海上保险人对除外条款的解释义务

11.On the principle of Utmost Good Faith in Insurance Law: Reviewing the Theoretical Foundation of the Duty of Disclosure;保险“最大诚信”之反思——兼论保险告知义务的理论依据

12.On Probing the Secrets of the Insuner Carrying out the Supreme Honesty Principle Improperly in Personal Insurance Contract in Effect;现行人身保险合同保险人不当履行最大诚信原则探秘

13.Application of Utmost Good Faith in the Performance of Marine Insurance Contract;最大诚信原则在海上保险合同履行过程中的适用

14.On the Evolution of Marine Insurance Orientation by the Study of Utmost Good Faith Doctrine"s Development从最大诚信原则的变化看海上保险法的价值取向

15.Utmost Faith of Insurance should Also Demonstrates the Value of Fairness--Some Consideration on the Weakness and Perfection of the 17~(th) Article of the Insurance Law保险最大诚信应彰显公平价值——对完善保险法第十七条的思考

16.Insurance biggest trust principle is the important factor of the survival and development ability of the insurance enterprise保险最大诚信原则是保险企业生存与发展的重要因素

17.Confucianism Integrity Thoughts and the Educational Research of the Undergraduates Integrity;儒家诚信思想与大学生诚信教育研究

18.Level and viewpoint of integrity in contemporary college students;当代大学生诚信水平与诚信观的调查


the utmost good faith最大诚信

1.Clause 17 of Marine Insurance Act 1906 prescribes, "A contract of marine insurance is a contract based uponthe utmost good faith ,and, ifthe utmost good faith be not observed by either party ,the contract may be avoided by the other party.英国《1906年海上保险法》第17条规定:“海上保险合同是建立在最大诚信基础之上的合同,任何一方不遵守最大诚信,另一方可以解除合同”。

2.The Duty of Disclosure reflects the Utmost Good Faith in Insurance Law.告知义务体现了保险法的最大诚信原则,它是指告知义务人就保险标的的重要情况向保险人所作的如实陈述。

3)maximum honesty最大诚信

1.As a special industry with risky management, insurance industry needs to perform the principle ofmaximum honesty.一切企业和个人都应当履行诚信原则,保险业是经营风险的特殊行业,应当履行最大诚信原则。

4)utmost good faith最诚实;最大诚信原则

5)Utmost Good Faith最大诚信原则

1.Principle ofUtmost Good Faith Reflected in PAN ATLANTIC v.PINE TOP;PAN ATLANTIC诉PINE TOP一案中体现的海上保险法最大诚信原则

2.Application of theUtmost Good Faith to the Forming and Performance of the Insurance Law;最大诚信原则与保险合同的成立与履行

3.The utmost good faith is the foundation and core of the marine insurance law.最大诚信原则构成海上保险制度的基础和核心 ,其实质是诚信原则 ,诚信义务是双向的 ,因此最大诚信义务也是双向的。

6)principle of utmost good faith最大诚信原则

1.Based on the provision of theprinciple of utmost good faith in the "Insurance Law",this text reveals the cause of breaking theprinciple of utmost good faith in the insurance business,and accordingly puts forward the measure.本文根据《保险法》中关于最大诚信原则的规定,揭示了我国保险经营中违反最大诚信原则的成因,并提出了完善措施。

2.Theprinciple of utmost good faith was born in speciality of insurance contract.保险合同的特殊性衍生了最大诚信原则,保险合同对于诚信原则的要求远远大于其他合同,这体现在对投保人与保险人的特殊要求。


