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善意 good faith英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-28 13:54:33


善意 good faith英语短句 例句大全

善意,good faith

1)good faith善意

1.Analysis on the Good Faith Request of Directors Care Duty in the Limited Liability Company;论股份有限公司董事注意义务的善意要求

2.The phrase"good faith"means honestly believing some false information in one party.善意是对虚假信息传递途径的不知情,它必然与行为相关联,与恶意存在非此即彼的互异关系。

3.Through the review on legislative evolution and judicial practice of the principle of bona fides,this article holds the view that this principle,which has been established widely in the civil law system,should be understood from tow aspects:judicial activity andgood faith.通过考察诚实信用原则的立法演进与司法实践,认为现代大陆法系国家普遍确立的这一原则应当从司法能动与善意两个角度加以理解。


1.benevolent; without malicious intent.善意的,没有恶意的企图。

2.The Standard of "Bonafides" in the Bonafides Acquisition System;善意取得制度中的“善意”评判标准

3.Goodness means inability to do a wrong.善意味着不做错着。

4.Actio bona fidei(=ludicia bonae fidei)善意诉讼,诚信诉讼

5.We"ll tak" a cup o" kindness yet让我们干杯善意的酒,

6.In an unkind manner.以一种没有善意的态度

7.A harmless prank.玩笑指善意的恶作剧

8.spirit of friendly familiarity and goodwill between comrades.同志间的友情和善意。

9.Contractus bonae fidei善意契约,诚信契约

10.Bonae fidei iudicia善意诉讼,诚信之诉

11.He did it with good intent.他出于善意做了那件事。

12.He has a big mouth, but he means well.他说话冒失, 但出于善意。

13.A Study of Goodwill Obtaining of Real Estate;不动产善意取得研究——兼论房屋善意取得

14.On the Essential Condition of Good Will and Non-material Fault in Good Will Gaining;论善意取得构成中的善意且无重大过失要件

15.Hypocrisy is the homage which vice pays to virtue.伪善,是恶向善所表示的敬意。

16."benevolence:an inclination to perform kind, charitable acts."仁慈:表现为有善良、慈善行为的意向。

17.An inclination to perform kind, charitable acts.仁慈表现为有善良、慈善行为的意向

18.The Original Meaning of Goodness--The Nature of Mengzi s Good in Nature Theory;本原意义的善——孟子性善论的理论旨归



1.With the theorists research and discussion, this system is becoming more reasonable and perfect In our country, however, theorists pay more attention to this system s "acquisition" than "goodwill" which is the most essential and most crucial factor.善意取得制度是近代以来民法物权领域的一项重要制度,作为一项利益冲突的协调策略,需要在个人利益与社会利益中做出两难选择。

2.The bona-fide principle is the legalization of the business ethic with the core of "goodwill" and "balance of interest".反不正当竞争法中的诚信原则是商业道德的法律化,核心是"善意"和"利益平衡",因此,诚信原则的具体适用范围应当包括损害经营者利益的行为,以及以欺诈性手段损害消费者、其他市场参与者的利益,而在一定程度上损害竞争秩序的行为。

3.The "goodwill of the best of all places" is the spirit of the national capital and at the same time the special quality of Beijing culture.首都城市的真正现代化,关键在于提升人的现代性,使国内外民众广泛感知"善意",认同"首善"。

3)bona fide善意

1.Thebona fide gains has been accepted and provided in many country s civil law,although the theory hasn t been establisher in our legal system,it has been applied in our country s justice practice.善意取得制度已被众多国家民法所确认,我国立法上未确立该项制度,但其已为我国司法实践所采纳。

2.Firstly,this paper introduces the goodwill of the origin and development,explores the effectiveness origin ofbona fide;What smore,This paper analyses connotation definition of the good faith;Finally,this paper discusses upon the determination ofbona fide from main body,objective,sub.善意取得制度中的"善意"是指对特定物权事实的不知,是一种主观不知的事实判断,而有无过失则是对第三人信赖的合理性判断。

3.Derived from the principle of "hand muss hand wahren" in Germanic law,bona fide gaining has been successfully incorporated into civil laws of all the countries.善意取得制度是一项古老的民法制度,也是民法的基本制度之一,其主旨在于保护交易安全、稳定经济秩序。

4)Good will善意

1.Analysis ofGood will in the System of Positve Prescription;浅析取得时效制度中的善意

5)good intentions善意

1.However, in the common business activities, the acts of the creditor and debtor are likely to be for the normal operation of the enterprise or out of subjectivegood intentions.然而在通常的商事交往中,债务人的有些行为在客观上可能是正当的并且该行为获得了足额的对待履行,还有些行为是出于当事人主观的善意,所以,如果不予辨别而将相应条款所规定的行为都予以撤销,不仅会使某些“无辜”的债权人的利益受到消极的影响,给第三人带来不测的损害,而且立法的规范指引作用就会使交易过程中人人自危,每一个行为人在交易时都无法打消该行为将来可能被撤销的疑虑,而这必将损害破产程序开始之前正常的商事交易的效率及安全。

6)kind will善良意志

1.Thekind will is the core concept and base in Kant′s ethics.善良意志是康德伦理学中的核心概念和基础。

2.Starting with moral motives,Kant s moral philosophy clarified the apriority ofkind will and responsibility and regularity,the conformity of subjective principles and objective laws,and the compulsion,universality and inevitability of categorical imperative.康德道德哲学从道德动机入手,阐明了善良意志、责任、规律的先验性,主观原则和客观规律的符合原则,定言命令的强制性、普遍性和必然性,得出"普遍立法"、"人是目的"、"意志自律"三大道德法则。


善意1.好心;好意。 2.善于推测﹑计虑。 3.佛教指同佛门结下缘分。 4.拉丁文bonafides的意译。"恶意"的对称。指不知存在足以影响法律效力的事实而进行的行为。
