900字范文 > 出口贸易结构 export trade structure英语短句 例句大全

出口贸易结构 export trade structure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-12 09:00:50


出口贸易结构 export trade structure英语短句 例句大全

出口贸易结构,export trade structure

1)export trade structure出口贸易结构

parative analysis on China s aquatic productsexport trade structure;中国水产品出口贸易结构比较分析

2.This thesis focuses on elaborating the strategy to the readjustment of theexport trade structure of china during the process of changing to be a powerful country in export trade.本文主要阐述了我国对外贸易在由出口贸易大国转变为出口贸易强国的过程中,所应进行的调整出口贸易结构方面的战略思考。


1.An Empirical Study on the Evolution of Export Structure in Zhe-jiang Province;浙江省出口贸易结构演进的实证分析

2.FDI and Structure of Foreign Trade: The Empirical Research of China;FDI对中国进出口贸易结构影响的实证研究

3.The Analysis on Foreign Capital Effect in Restructuring of Export-Trading Structure of Our Country;我国出口贸易结构转型中的外资效应分析

4.Trade Structure of Thailand and China in Manufacturing Products;泰国与中国工业制成品出口贸易结构研究

5.Empirical Analysis about the Influence of FDI on Chinese Import-Export Trading Structure;FDI对于我国进出口贸易结构影响的实证分析

6.Correlativity Analysis between FDI and the Structure of Export Trade in China;我国出口贸易结构与外国直接投资的相关分析

7.Analysis of the Impact of the Real Rate of Foreign Exchange on the Structure of Export Trade in Jiangsu Province;实际汇率对江苏省出口贸易结构的影响分析

8.Empirical Study on Export Trade Structure of China"s Wood Forest Product中国木质林产品出口贸易结构的实证研究

9.Impact Mechanism of Export Trade Structure on the Economic Growth出口贸易结构对经济增长的作用机理研究

10.An Empirical Study on the Effect of Energy Constraints on Exporting Trade Structure能源约束对出口贸易结构影响的实证分析

11.Efforts will be made to expand export and optimize foreign trade composition.努力扩大出口规模,优化对外贸易结构。

12.The Scale and Structure of Chinese Consumer Goods Export;中国消费品出口贸易规模与结构分析

13.A Study on Export Region Structure of Chinese Wood Furniture中国木质家具出口贸易区域结构研究

14.The structure of foreign trade was improved by adjusting policies concerning export rebates, tariffs and processing trade.调整出口退税、税和加工贸易政策,优化对外贸易结构。

15.The Influence of the Tax Refund Policy of China on Its Trade Structure Optimization;论我国出口退税政策对贸易结构优化的影响

16.Analysis on export structure and competitiveness for shrimp products in China;我国对虾产品贸易结构与出口竞争力分析

parative Analysis on the Change of Shandong Province s Export Structure;山东省出口贸易及其结构演变情况的比较分析

18.Technology Structures of China s Exports and Their Changes:1980-;中国出口贸易的技术结构及其变迁:1980—


export structure出口贸易结构

1.This paper studies the impact mechanism ofexport structure on economic growth and the influencing factors.中国是劳动力丰裕的国家,一直以劳动密集型、低档制成品作为出口贸易结构的主体,但按照传统的比较优势理论参与国际贸易只能获取短期、静态的贸易利益。

3)import-export trading structure进出口贸易结构

4)settlement in foreign trade进出口贸易结算

5)Import trade structure进口贸易结构

6)export trade出口贸易

1.The technical factors that affect the standing increase ofexport trade and the countermeasures;影响我国出口贸易持续增长的科技因素及其对策

2.An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Food Consumption Changes of the World on China s Food Export Trade;世界食物消费需求变动对我国食物出口贸易影响的实证分析

3.Current situation,problems and countermeasures of agricultural productexport trade of Liaoning;辽宁农产品出口贸易发展的现状、问题及对策


