900字范文 > 出口贸易 export trade英语短句 例句大全

出口贸易 export trade英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-25 04:33:23


出口贸易 export trade英语短句 例句大全

出口贸易,export trade

1)export trade出口贸易

1.The technical factors that affect the standing increase ofexport trade and the countermeasures;影响我国出口贸易持续增长的科技因素及其对策

2.An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Food Consumption Changes of the World on China s Food Export Trade;世界食物消费需求变动对我国食物出口贸易影响的实证分析

3.Current situation,problems and countermeasures of agricultural productexport trade of Liaoning;辽宁农产品出口贸易发展的现状、问题及对策


1.On Impacts of Green Barriers to Trade upon Export Trade in Xinjiang;绿色贸易壁垒对新疆出口贸易的影响

2.make a study of the country"s export trade研究该国的出口贸易

3.Exports [Things] are looking up.出口贸易[情况]在好转。

4.1. Continuously expanding import and export trade.1.继续扩大进出口贸易。

5.Import and Export of Chinese Books andPeriodicals中国书刊进出口贸易

6.economic results in import and export trade进出口贸易经济效果

7.import and export trade statistics进出口贸易统计数字

8.equitable share of world export trade世界出口贸易公平比率

9.business routine of export trade出口贸易的日常业务

10.The Strategy of the Export Trade Structure of China During the Process of Changing to be a Powerful Country in Export Trade;出口贸易大国转向出口贸易强国的战略性思考

11.Paying attention to export credit insurance to advance export trade重视出口信用保险促进出口贸易发展

12.Analysis of Export Tax Reimbursement Policy"s Effect on Export Trade出口退税政策对出口贸易的效应分析

13.Foreign Trade System and Petrochemical ProductExport & Import Trade in China;中国外贸体制与石化产品进出口贸易

14.Influence of TBT on Chinese Export Trade国际贸易的技术性壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响

15.The Impact of Green Barrier on Chinese Foreign Trade;绿色贸易壁垒对我国进出口贸易的影响

16.Impact Analysis of Green Measures on China s Exportation;绿色贸易措施对中国出口贸易的影响分析

17.A balance-of-trade deficit, ie when a country"s exports are worth less than its imports贸易赤字(进口多於出口)

18.export data branch贸易部出口数据分部



1.Fish export of Zhejiang provice;浙江水产品出口贸易研究

2.Effect Path Study ofExport on the Economic Growth in China;我国出口贸易影响经济增长的路径研究

3.FDI andExport: An Empirical Comparative Study;对外直接投资与出口贸易:实证比较研究


1.Cointegration and Causality Between Exports and Economic Growth in Xinjiang Region;新疆地区经济增长与出口贸易总额的协整分析

2.This paper analyzes the impact factors ofexports in China,by applying a new method-- - Partial Least-Squares(PLS)Regression and the conclusion can offer beneficial quantitative basis to work out the foreign trade polices in China.本文运用新型的多元统计数据分析方法———偏最小二乘(PLS)回归方法,分析了影响出口贸易的相关因素及其影响程度,为我国对外贸易政策的制订提供了有益的定量依据。

3.With more and more serious technical barriers to trade(TBTS)and China s entry into WTO,China sexports frequently encounter TBTs,which mainly come from USA,EU and Japan.随着技术性贸易壁垒的全球升级和中国加入WTO,我国的出口贸易频繁遭遇TBT,而我国所遭受的TBT大部分来自于美国、欧盟和日本。


1.Considering the practical situation of China s export products,this paper designs a method of "the analysis on the technical barriers to the export products" by using AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process),and analyzes the influential elements on exportation.针对近几年来,我国产品出口受到越来越多技术壁垒限制的问题,结合我国产品在出口贸易中的实际情况,运用层次分析法建立了阻碍我国产品出口的主要技术壁垒因素分析结构图,对影响我国产品出口的技术壁垒因素进行了分析,为生产企业制定防范、跨越技术壁垒的措施提供了参考。

2.The exportation of Anhui agriculture products is facing a more severe circumstances than before.本文分析了入世以来国际农产品市场发展的特点及安徽省农产品出口贸易状况,提出了扩大安徽农产品出口的相应对策和措施。

3.Then it analyzes the impact of European Union s technical barriers to trade on China s exportation.本文介绍了欧盟技术壁垒体系的具体形式,分析了欧盟技术壁垒对我国出口的影响,从政府和企业两个层次上,讨论了跨越技术壁垒,促进对欧出口贸易的对策。

5)exporting trade出口贸易

6)export trade贸易出口

1.On trade collection andexport trade: Authenticity and compatibility;关于贸易收汇和贸易出口真实性与一致性的研究


