900字范文 > 气力输送系统 pneumatic conveying system英语短句 例句大全

气力输送系统 pneumatic conveying system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-13 06:57:54


气力输送系统 pneumatic conveying system英语短句 例句大全

气力输送系统,pneumatic conveying system

1)pneumatic conveying system气力输送系统

1.The correlated velocity measurement systems are analyzed in a 10mm bore horizontal section of a dense-phasepneumatic conveying system.介绍了静电传感器及相关法速度测量原理,并在内径为10 mm的加压密相气力输送系统上,对相关速度测量系统进行了实验研究。


1.The application of valves in pneumatic conveying阀门在气力输送系统中的应用与选择

2.Cause Analysis of Transport Capacity Decrease of Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying System with Positive Pressure正压浓相气力输送系统输送能力下降的原因分析

3.Research on Gas-solid Two-phase Flow in Pneumatic Conveying System;气力输送系统中出料阀内气固两相流动的研究

4.Selection of the Air Supply Devices and Analysis of Energy-saving in Pneumatic Conveying气力输送系统气源机械选择和节能分析

5.Design and Experimental Research of Carbon Black Dense Phase Pneumatic Conveying System;炭黑密相气力输送系统的设计和试验研究

6.Study of the Settlement of Dust Pollution in Cement Pneumatic Transport System;水泥气力输送系统粉尘污染治理的研究

7.Parameter Optimization and Experiment Analysis of Cut Tobacco Pneumatic Conveying System;梗丝气力输送系统的运行参数优化及试验研究

8.The Flow Mechanism of Solids in Pneumaticconvenging and Experimental Analysis;气力输送系统中粉料流动机理及实验研究

9.Intensity Assessment and Improvement on the Principal Axis of Pneumatic Feeder in Pneumatic Conveying System;气力输送系统落料器主轴的强度校核与改进

10.Design and Experimental Research of Silica Pneumatic Conveying System白炭黑(silica)气力输送系统的设计及实验研究

11.Design Methodology and Equipment Technology of Pneumatic Delivery System for Titanium Dioxide钛白粉气力输送系统设计方法与装备技术

12.Treatment to Anomaly of Positive-pressure Fly Ash Pneumatic Conveying System and its Optimized Operation正压飞灰气力输送系统异常处理与优化运行

13.Flow Characteristics of Polyacrylamide in Pneumatic Conveying System聚丙烯酰胺在气力输送系统中的流动特性

14.Discussion about the major parameters in flour positive-pressure pneumatic conveying system面粉正压气力输送系统主要参数的探讨

15.Domestic Design and Study on Pneumatic Conveying System of Erosion Control Blanket;人工植被生产线中气力输送系统的国产化设计与研究

16.Centralsug Refuse Collection System中央气动垃圾输送系统

17.piped-gas distribution气体燃料导管输送系统

18.Study and Improvement of Pneumatic Conveying Control System;气力输送控制系统及其智能控制方法的研究


pneumatic,conveyer system气动输送系统,气力输送系统

3)Vacuum transport system垃圾气力管道输送系统

4)twin-pipe pneumatic conveying system双管气力输送系统

1.Normal fault analysis and improvement of twin- pipe pneumatic conveying system for carbon blacks;炭黑双管气力输送系统常见故障分析及改进

5)positive-pressure pneumatic conveying system正压气力输送系统

1.Application of single-chip microcontroller inpositive-pressure pneumatic conveying system;单片机在正压气力输送系统中的应用

6)Pressure/suction pneumatic conveying system压气式(吸气式)气力输送系统


